Article I Name

The name of this non-profit organization is ―The Society of Air National Guard Medical Service Corps Officers‖.

Article II Objectives of the Society

The purposes of the society are to improve and enhance health care administration in the Air National Guard, to unite and coordinate efforts of the Medical Service Corps Officers, and to elevate the practice of medical administration, and medical readiness planning.

Article III Membership

Membership of this organization shall be composed of members of such categories, qualifications, and rights, as may be set forth in the By-Laws.

Article IV Officers

The Officers of the Society shall consist of: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Immediate Past President will be an officer, ex-officio. Other Officers of the Society will be a Director of Operations, a Director of Communications and a Director of Membership.

All officers shall be nominated from the active membership for a two-year term without succession to other officer positions after the elected two-year term. The nominations shall be made in the fashion deemed best by the President.

The Officer(s) shall be declared elected when each receives a majority of the votes cast.

The elections shall be held and completed during the Annual Meeting, to be held at the venue determined best by the President of the Society.

The search committee will be formed and headed by the VP; composition of said search committee will be determined by the President with consultation from the Vice-President. Candidates need not be present at the meeting to be nominated or elected. If unable to attend the meeting, a complete resume and letter of interest must be submitted to the President at least 30 days prior to the meeting. This will allow ample time to copy and distribute the items on a ballot to voting members.

On the occasion that an Officer cannot fulfill the terms of office, the following shall apply:

The President shall appoint an Acting Officer(s) to fill the remainder of the terms if the vacancy occurs more than 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting.

If the President is unable to fulfill the term of office, the Vice-President shall immediately succeed to become the Acting President and then appoint an Acting Vice-President to Oversee all of the duties of the

Vice-President described herein.

The Acting Officer(s) shall complete the immediate past incumbent‘s term of office.

Article V Meetings

The Annual Meeting of this Society shall be held during the Air National Guard Medical Conference, which may include but not be limited to the ANGMS Readiness Frontiers Conference and the AMSUS Annual Meeting.

Special meetings of the membership may be called at the discretion of the President or upon written petition of more than half of the paid membership. No-tice of the time and location of special meeting will be e-mailed to each individual with a return receipt, as well as posted in the ANG MSC Community of Practice at least 45 days prior to the date of said meeting.

Article VI Funds

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the control of the fiscal affairs, including the collection of dues.

Article VII Quorum

The Annual Meeting will be held and decisions made with the society members present at the Annual Meeting

Article VIII Rules of Order

In questions involving parliamentary procedures, the current edition of Robert‘s Rules of Order, Revised shall be used.

Article IX Amendments

This Constitution and the Society‘s By-Laws will be reviewed immediately after an election year Annual Meeting and may be amended only at the Annual Meeting of the Society.

Motions to amend the Constitution or the By-Laws shall be made at least 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting by any member of the Executive Council.

Three-fourths of the members vote in attendance is necessary for the passage of an amendment to this Constitution. Two-thirds vote of the members in attendance is necessary for the passage of amendment to the By-Laws

Article X The Executive Council

When the organization is not meeting in general session, the business of this Society shall be conducted by an Executive Council composed of the Officers of the Society. Additional members of the Executive Council may be appointed as provided for by the By-Laws to this Society. The Executive Council may conduct such business as it feels proper under this Constitution or the By-Laws of the Society. The Executive Council will work on the business of the ANG Medical Service Corp in conjunction with the ANG MSC Corps Chief appointed leadership.


Article 1 Duty of the Officers

The President shall be the society‘s Chief Executive Officer, directing the activities of the Society and shall preside at all meetings of the Society. He/She will also have a seat and be a voting member of the ANG MSC Council at the invitation of the ANG MSC Corps Chief.

The Vice-President shall be the Society‘s Chief Operations Officer and act in the President‘s place in his/her absence. The Vice-President shall be the Committee Coordinator, with duties to include Organizational Compliance, Project Management, and Volunteer Management.

The Secretary shall be the society‘s administrator, responsible for the recording of the minutes at meetings, generating staffing packages for Society business. He/she shall notify the members, in writing, as to the time and place of meetings. He/she will provide oversight & expertise on the Constitution & By-Laws, maintain the Society‘s documents library and publish and maintain a directory of active, retired and honorary members to be provided to the membership at the Annual Meeting.

The Treasurer will collect dues and make expenditures of monies authorized by the President and the Executive Council. He/she will make an annual financial report to be published in the Newsletter and presented at the Society‘s Annual Meeting. The Treasurer‘s responsibilities will include all financial related activities of the Society, marketing, and the Society‘s store and ensure the long-term organizational financial stability.

The Director of Operations will coordinate all formal Society activities including the Annual Meeting, ANG MSC Socials, and Society supported philanthropic events. He/She will report the status of all activities to the Executive Council at all Council meetings.

The Director of Communications will coordinate all written and spoken communications including publishing all Society Newsletters, maintaining the Society folder on the ANG MSC Community of Practice, and coordinating conference calls.

The Director of Membership will manage all aspects of membership, including recruiting new members, assignment and tracking status of all members, and developing and managing member benefits.

Article II Executive Council

The governing body of the Society shall be the Executive Council and shall consist of the Officers and the Immediate Past President. The President of the Society shall serve as Chairperson of the Council. Other members may be added by the President based on the needs of the society for specialized training in certain areas or representation from special interest groups.

The Council shall meet at least quarterly, meetings conducted either in person, teleconference, videoconference, or other means.

Article III Standing Committees

Ad Hoc and Standing committees may be created by the Executive Council when a need for such a committee is found. The name, membership, and duties of those committees shall be a function of the Executive Council.

Article IV Compensation and Expenses

The Society will make expenditures when approved by the Executive Council. Interim expenditures will be made when approved by the President and authorized by the Treasurer.

Article V Dues

The amount of dues and when payable shall be determined at the Annual Meeting of this Society by means deemed appropriate by the President.

Article VI Membership

There shall be three categories of membership:

Active Members - commissioned officers of the Medical Service Corps of the Air National Guard of the United States, serving in such capacity, who have paid their dues for the current period.

Retired Members - persons who have retired from the Medical Service Corps of the Air National Guard of the United States.

Honorary Members - persons approved for membership as Honorary Members [pay no dues, non-voting].

Article VII Membership Rights

Active Members shall be entitled to one vote each. Retired and Honorary Members shall have the privilege of the floor.

Other than the routine business of this Society, no action may be taken except on a majority of the votes cast by the Active Membership. Issues may be voted on between Annual Meetings by mail.

When voting by mail, all Active Members of record on the date that the ballot is mailed will receive a vote.

To be considered cast, a ballot must have a return-receipt dated not later than 15 days from the date of the ballot.

Unless otherwise requested by the Constitution or these By-Laws, an issue shall be considered passed if it receives a majority of the total votes cast.

MSC Society Information

Mission Statement

- To represent all ANG MSC Officers in furthering the practice of healthcare administration

- To coordinate career field discussion with the ANG MSC Corps Chief and ANG MSC Senior Council

Background of the Society

- Developed in 1979 as a recognized Chapter of AMSUS

- Modeled after The Alliance of ANG Flight Surgeons and The ANG Nurse’s Association

- The Society has historically worked toward the vision set by the ANG MSC Corps Chief and ANG MSC Leadership Team

- Primary Responsibilities have centered around providing an education program at AMSUS and other national gatherings

(Formerly HSM, currently Readiness Frontiers)

- The ANG MSC Society Newsletter is published Annually

- Bylaws were updated in 1996 to reflect changes in the organization

- Societal Leadership consists of 4 Officers elected by the membership

Primary Contributions of the MSC Society

- A focal point on career field issues

- A non-profit organization empowered to represent and to accomplish business on behalf of all due-paying ANG MSC members as

determined during the Annual Meeting

- A “Clearing House” for Best Practices and open dialogue among the ANG MSC field

- Constitution, Bylaws, dues and treasury allows sponsorship of Society Activities