This organization shall be known as Divine Savior Catholic School Education Committee, hereinafter referred to as the Education Committee.


The Education Committee is responsible to the Pastor and the Parish Council.


The purpose of the Education Committee is to assist the Principal in fostering the Christian and Educational growth of each student at Divine Savior Catholic School. The Education Committee will develop and implement policies, which shall govern the operation of Divine Savior Catholic School.


  1. Develop and promote the school policies as appropriate for Divine Savior Catholic School and in accordance with the Archdiocesan Board of Education policies.
  2. Determine and monitor tuition.
  3. Receive verbal or written reports from the Principal on the school education program.
  4. Review and recommend teacher/school employee salaries and benefits.
  5. Establish and approve the annual school budget.
  6. Establish committees on a standing and ad hoc basis according to need.
  7. To assist the pastor in the interviewing and hiring of a principal.


  1. Qualifications – Any adult member of Divine Savior or Our Lady of the Lakes (OLL) Parish who has an interest in the school is eligible for membership.
  2. Length of Service – Each elected member will serve on the Education Committee for a three-year term. Any member of the Education committee who has been absent from three consecutive regular meetings without having notified the Chairperson shall be deemed to have resigned. A vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the committee, subject to the pastor’s approval for the unexpired term.
  3. Number – There will be eleven members on the Education Committee (Including the Principal, Pastor, at least one home and school officer). Each member will have one vote.
  4. Election Procedure – Each May the committee will assess outgoing members. Open positions will be posted in the Church bulletins and school newsletter. Volunteers or nominees for the education committee will be appointed prior to the start of the next academic year. If there are more volunteers than open positions a vote will be held according to the Parish Council Procedures.


  1. Officers – The officers of the Education Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary to be selected at the first meeting of the school year.
  2. Responsibilities –
  3. Chairperson of the Education Committee
  4. Shall serve as chairperson and preside at all meetings of the Education committee
  5. Shall prepare the meeting agenda which will include input from the pastor, principal and committee members.
  6. Shall have the authority, with the approval of the Education Committee, to assign additional duties and responsibilities to individual committee members.
  7. Vice-Chairperson
  8. Shall serve as chairperson and preside at all meetings when the Chairperson is absent.
  9. If the Chairperson resigns, the vice Chairperson will assume the duties of the Chairperson until the end of that academic year.
  10. Secretary
  11. Shall maintain a written record of all actions of the Education Committee.
  12. Shall distribute minutes to all members of the Education Committee within two weeks after the meeting.
  13. Education Committee minutes will be posted on the school website in a timely manner.


  1. Meetings – The Education Committee shall meet regularly once a month, September through May, at times and dates to be determined by the Education Committee. Regular meetings will be open to all interested parties. Non-members who wish to include an item on the agenda shall seek approval of the chairperson to be allowed a brief presentation, if approval granted. Any part of a regular meeting may be closed by the chairperson to deal with confidential matters.
  2. Quorum – A simple majority of the full membership of the Education Committee shall constitute a quorum. Education Committee actions will not occur without a quorum. Whenever possible, Education Committee decisions will be arrived at by consensus.
  3. Order of Business
  4. Opening Prayer
  5. Approval of Minutes
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
  8. Committee Reports
  9. Pastor’s Report
  10. Principal’s Report
  11. Closing Prayer


  1. Standing committees of the Education Committee will be 1) Technology 2) Recruitment and Retention 3) Building and Grounds 4) Community/Staff Relations. At the first meeting of the school year each member shall express his/her preference for membership on at least one (1) standing committee. A representative from each of these committees will give a regular verbal or written report at each Education Committee.
  2. Ad Hoc committees shall be appointed from time to time by the chairperson. Membership on ad hoc committees will not be limited to members of the Education Committee. These committees will exist only until their task is completed.


These By-Laws may be amended by consensus or by a two-thirds majority vote of the quorum.

November 1992

Rev. December, 2001

Rev. December, 2014

The Mission of Divine Savior Catholic School is to provide an environment for children to excel personally, academically and spiritually. Together we share in the mission of Divine Savior Parish to foster a faith-filled community where Catholic values are learned through prayer, service and love. Our goal is to use these values to develop lifelong learners and compassionate leaders.