Conspiracy in Poison
To eat poison or not to eat poison? That is the question. In reality with the facts we have discussed in our family, we know it really should not even be a question. Heavenly Father has given us a higher divine law that we live by called the Word of Wisdom. This guideline is something we can follow that has promises dependent on whether we live it righteously. With the Halloween season comes all of the succulent, sweet, sugar-drenched poison that surrounds us with temptation all the time. We know that facts. Fortunately, we recently have been enlightened, warned and informed of the addictive and deadly nature of the processed white, sweet substance that infuses and laces “treats” (ironically named) which pervade every nook and cranny we befall. Unfortunately we justify the habitual aspect of engorging ourselves with the toxin all in the name of tradition. And of course, it satisfies our cravings and tingles our taste buds as we conveniently forget the tummy aches and sluggish feelings we experience after the fleeting moments of tickled tastebuds.
A beautiful promise is found in the Word of Wisdom stating that as long as we keep our diet within the order and will of God primarily consuming grains, fruits, and wholesome herbs and walk in obedience to the commandments, we shall receive health in the navel and marrow in our bones. We will also find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge. On the other hand, when we don't adhere to the guidelines and commandments the Lord has instructed to know how to stay healthy in the body, soul and mind we suffer great negative consequences. These negative consequences are seen on a daily basis around us in the form of dis-“ease” physically, spiritually, and mentally.
The Word of Wisdom also warns us we will be tempted and be afflicted “ consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days.” These “conspiring men” are those who have succumbed to evil temptation changing and processing our food with harmful chemicals taking them far from their original and “wholesome” state and depleting them of their vitamins, minerals, enzymes and vital nutrients our bodies need in order to function optimally. They adulterate our food for profit, enhancing the flavor with chemicals to make it easy to eat, exerting no effort to prepare it and ending with a dead non digestible substance. In this relatively short life span we have been given many gifts and blessings, but there are only two we have the privilege of taking with us to the other side of the veil namely, knowledge and relationships. In order to enhance and improve these talents we must have a sound and healthy mind and feel well physically. In our healthy physical state we can serve others as Jesus building strong relationships and we can study great knowledge and share it as a gift to others.
Dr. John R Christopher explained this Word of Wisdom promise beautifully, “We cannot be saved in ignorance and we are told by our Father that Knowledge is power. Power for what? Power for salvation. This is the goal that we should seek after. What are the living things of the world when compared with eternal salvation, with knowledge, with the opportunity to become co-equal with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Will we allow ourselves to be blindsided by the machinations of the evil one, by the evils and designs, which do and will exist in the heart of conspiring men in these last days, or will we put the lusts of the flesh in the background and the word of the Lord in the foreground and strive to gain Godhood? Yes, as man is, God once was, and as God is, man may become.”
To keep our family healthy and strong with sound minds I study a little bit of nutrition daily keeping it in line with the scriptures. I practice these principles in the kitchen an grocery store praying that you will see the wisdom and the benefit of good health in your body, soul and mind. Let's practice Hippocrates' wisdom, “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” and keep poison out of the question.