Generic Risk Assessment


Electrical Managers, Supervisors, Electricians and Electrical Assistants

Reference No:IMS 131

Date Revised: 10/2015

Revision: 08

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I:SHEQ/IMSDocs/GRAElectricians IMS 131 Rev08 Effective: 10/2015


Letab Projects
IBRA Title
Type of Assessment / Reference Number: / Revision Date / Revision No. 1 / Department / Process Area / Activity / System / Signature
GENERIC / IMS 131 / 10/2015 / 08 / All Sites / Electrical Installations / GENERIC
No. / Name / Designation / Section / Date

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I:SHEQ/IMSDocs/GRAElectricians IMS 131 Rev08 Effective: 10/2015

Event Risk Rating / Priority (1)
Likelihood / 1
Minor / 2
Low / 3
Medium / 4
High / 5
Almost Certain / Medium
(11) / Significant
(16) / Significant
(20) / High
(23) / High
Likely / Medium
(7) / Medium
(12) / Significant
(17) / High
(21) / High
Possible / Low
(4) / Medium
(8) / Significant
(13) / Significant
(18) / High
Unlikely / Low
(2) / Low
(5) / Medium
(9) / Significant
(14) / Significant
Rare / Low
(1) / Low
(3) / Medium
(6) / Medium
(10) / Significant

Likelihood Level Descriptions

Likelihood /


Considering the presence and magnitude of the hazard and the exposure to that hazard (number of people and frequency of the tasks exposing those people), as also the status of existing controls...
Almost Certain / The unwanted event is almost certain to happen within the LOM (Life of Mine). In the case of repetitive/ frequent tasks the unwanted event has or will occur in order of one or more times per year. In terms of major events, as also in the case of long term health, environmental or social impacts, it may happen only once in the LOM.
Likely / There is a high probability that the unwanted event will occur within the LOM. In the case of repetitive/ frequent tasks the unwanted event has occurred or is likely to occur in order of less than once per year. In terms of major events, as also in the case of long term health, environmental or social impacts, it might happen once in the LOM.
Possible / It is possible that the unwanted event can occur within the LOM. In the case of repetitive/ frequent tasks the unwanted event has occurred or is likely to occur in order of once every 5-10 years. In terms of major events, as also in the case of long term health, environmental or social impacts, it may possibly happen once in the LOM.
Unlikely / There is a low probability for the unwanted event to occur within the LOM. In the case of repetitive/ frequent tasks the unwanted event has occurred sometime or is likely to occur not more than once every 10-20 years. In terms of major events, as also in the case of long term health, environmental or social impacts, there is a low probability for the event to happen in the LOM.
Rare / There is a very low probability for the unwanted event to occur within the LOM. In the case of repetitive/ frequent tasks there are no records of the event occurring or it is highly unlikely that it will occur within the next 20 years. In terms of major events, as also in the case of long term health, environmental or social impacts, there is a very low probability for the event to ever happen.

Consequence Level Descriptions

SHE Risk Matrix

/ Consequence Level
(consider the maximum reasonable potential consequence of the event)
Impact Type
(Additional ‘Impact Types’ may exist for an event; identify & rate accordingly) / 1
Minor / 2
/ 3
Medium / 4
High / 5
Harm to People-Safety / First aid / Medical treatment / Lost time / Permanent disability or single fatality / Numerous permanent disabilities or multiple fatalities
Harm to People- Occupational Health / Exposure to health hazard resulting in temporary discomfort / Exposure to health hazard resulting in temporary alterations/ limitations (no lost time) / Exposure to health hazards/ agents (over the OEL) resulting in reversible impact on health (with lost time) / Exposure to health hazards/ agents (significantly over the OEL) resulting in irreversible impact on health with loss of quality of life or single fatality / Exposure to health hazards/ agents (significantly over the OEL) resulting in irreversible impact on health with loss of quality of life of a numerous group/ population or multiple fatalities
Environmental Impact / Lasting days or less; limited to small area (metres); receptor of low significance/ sensitivity (industrial area) / Effect lasts months; reduced area (hundreds of metres); no environmentally sensitive species/ habitat) / Effect last years; impact on an extended area (kilometres); area with some environmental sensitivity (scarce/ valuable environment). / Effect last years; impact on sub-basin; environmentally sensitive environment/ receptor (endangered species/ habitats). / Permanent impact; affects a whole basin or region; highly sensitive environment (endangered species, wetlands, protected habitats)
Social / Community Impact / Minor disturbance of culture/ social structures / Some impacts on local population, mostly repairable. Single stakeholder complaint in reporting period / Ongoing social issues. Isolated complaints from community members/ stakeholders / Significant social impacts. Organized community protests threatening continuity of operations / Major widespread social impacts. Community reaction affecting business continuity. “License to operate” under jeopardy
Legal & Regulatory / Technical non-compliance. No warning received; no regulatory reporting required / Breach of regulatory requirements; report/involvement of authority. Attracts administrative fine / Breach of law; report/investigation by authority. Attracts criminal prosecution of operating Co. but low penalties / Significant breach of the law; individual law suits, criminal prosecution of Co. and of Directors/ Mgrs. Individual licence revoked / Major breach of the law. Class action law suits, criminal prosecution of Co., Directors/ Mgrs. Suits against parent Co.; permit to operate withdrawn
Material Losses/ Damage/ Business Interruption / < 0.01 % of Annual Revenue/ Total Assets / 0.01 - 0.1 % of Annual Revenue/ Total Assets / 0.1 – 1.0 % of Annual Revenue/ Total Assets / 1 - 5 % of Annual Revenue/ Total Assets / > 5 % of Annual Revenue/ Total Assets
Impact on Reputation / Minor impact; awareness/ concern from specific individuals / Limited impact; adverse publicity localised within certain groups/ organizations / Local impact; public concern in neighbouring communities / Suspected reputational damage; local/ regional public concern and reactions / Noticeable reputational damage; national/ international public attention and repercussions

Generic Energy Hazard Definitions

Hazard / Aspect / Definition
Biological / Potential for positive or negative impacts resulting from interaction of activities with biological agents. This could be harm by exposure to biological hazards, flora and fauna including insect stings, bites, bacteria and other disease agents, viruses and natural poisons or environmental harm to biodiversity.
Chemical / Potential for harm by chemicals (includes coal, gases, fuels, lubes, degreasers, solvents, paints, ozone depleting substances etc.)
Climatic/ Natural Events / Potential for harm by exposure to extreme natural , environmental or climatic sources and events (incl. lightening, high winds, flooding)
Dust / Potential for harm by exposure to fine dry particles of matter in the air. (coal dust, silica dust or environmental nuisance/community complaints)
Electrical / Potential for harm to people, equipment/assets or the environment by exposure to electrical sources
Ergonomics / Potential for exposure to physical actions or forces, including poor design, thus presenting the potential for harm associated with exertion, excessive, unnatural or repetitive movement, poor posture or other undesired physical stress on the human body
Explosives / Potential for harm by exposure to explosive materials (e.g. unexploded detonators, tie down lines etc.)
External Threats / Potential for harm resulting from an external event outside of the operations direct control (e.g. legislation, government actions, community lobby groups, etc.)
Fire / Potential for harm by exposure to a burning mass of material (e.g. building fires, spontaneous combustion)
Gravitational (Objects) / Potential for harm by exposure to falling, unexpected movement due to uncontrolled gravitational forces
Gravitational (People) / Potential for harm to people caused by their being subject to falling, unexpected movement or in any other way resulting from their being exposed to uncontrolled gravitational forces (incl. slips, trips, falls)
Land / Potential harm on the naturally occurring environment due to the use or management of land resulting from pollution, clearance or any other degradation
Lighting / Potential for harm resulting from excess light or inadequate lighting in the workplace
Mechanical (Fixed) / Potential for harm by exposure to interaction with sources of fixed mechanical energy (including those powered be electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, combustion etc.)
Mechanical (Mobile) / Potential for harm by exposure to interaction with sources of mobile (self-propelled) mechanical energy (including those powered be electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, combustion etc.)
Magnetic / Potential for harm to people, equipment/assets or the environment by exposure to magnetic sources (incl. handling metal objects in strong magnetic fields)
Noise / Potential for harm by exposure to sudden or prolonged exposure to excessive noise or community complaints
Personal / Behaviour / Potential for harm associated with intentional undesired behavioural actions, stresses or stressors
Pressure / Explosions / Potential for harm by exposure to sudden release of pressure from a specific source (incl. pressure waves from explosions, pressurized systems, cylinders, springs, chains, flying bits, or community complaints associated with air blast overpressure etc.)
Psychological / Potential for harm associated with stressors from situations, conditions or events that could create negative emotional, cognitive or behavioural outcomes
Radiation / Potential for harm by exposure to radiation waves whether natural or manufactured sources (characterized as either ionizing or non-ionizing sources)
Social/ Cultural / Potential for positive or negative impacts resulting from interaction of business' activities with social or cultural expectations includes social license to operate
Thermal / Potential for harm by exposure to or variations in temperature (hot or cold) but excludes anything that is on fire which has a separate category
Vibration / Potential for harm resulting from prolonged exposures to excessive vibration or blast vibration
Waste / Potential for harm caused by the inappropriate use of resources, inadequate management or disposal of waste material (includes pollution and Green House Gases)
Water / Potential for harm caused by the inappropriate use of water resources or inappropriate management or disposal of water
Other / Potential for harm by exposure to other hazard/aspects e.g. friction, bio-chemical

Process Flow

Generic Risk Assessment Electricians

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I:SHEQ/IMSDocs/GRAElectricians IMS 131 Rev08 Effective: 10/2015

Letab Projects
Generic Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment No: / IMS 131 / Project Title: / All sites
Description: / Electrical Managers, Supervisors, Electricians and Assistants / Date: / Date:
Relevant SOP's: / As per column “M”
Approved by: / Team Members: / As per Team Members attendance record. / Recorded By:
No. / A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M
/ Activities / Energies - Hazards / Risk / Current Controls / Likelihood / Consequence / Risk Rating / Possible Improvements or Additional Controls / Likelihood / Consequence / Risk Rating / Legislation and Document Reference / Responsible Person
1. / Drive / Drive to site / Mechanical (Mobile) / / Road accidents / Ensure that the driver has a valid driver’s license.
Ensure Driver is not under the
Influence of any substances.
Ensure safety belts are secured by all occupants and vehicle is roadworthy. / 3 / 3 / 13 / Vehicle Pre-use Inspection / 2 / 3 / 9 / CR Section 21
IMS 274
IMS 300
IMS 303
IMS 360
IMS 361
IMS 362
IMS 363
IMS 364
IMS 366 / Supervisor / Driver
Driving long distances / Ergonomical / / Fatigue
Road Accident
Fatalities / Ensure regular stops are performed. / 2 / 3 / 9 /
For Long distance trips
ensure multiple drivers
are available to rotate. / 2 / 3 / 6 / IMS 303
IMS 360
IMS 361
IMS 363
IMS 364 / Driver
Physical / / Road Accidents
Fatalities / Pre-use vehicle Inspection.
Ensure safety belts are secured by all occupants. / 3 / 3 / 13 / Vehicle Inspection to be done during
stops for any damage
that may have occurred
while travelling. / 2 / 3 / 9 / IMS 303
IMS 360
IMS 361
IMS 363
IMS 364 / Driver
Driving unfamiliar Route / Physical / / Road Accidents
Fatalities / Keep to speed limits.
Ensure safety belts are secured by all occupants / 2 / 3 / 9 / Plan a route prior to
departure to avoid
Passengers should monitor and warn driver of speeding
Passengers should report speeding to supervisor. / 2 / 1 / 6 / IMS 303
IMS 360
IMS 361
IMS 363
IMS 364 / Driver/ Passenger
Driving on unsafe roads
( Potholes , animals, damaged road / Ergonomical / / Road Accidents
Fatalities / Keep to speed limits.
Ensure safety belts are secured by all occupants
Drive slower in areas where warning signs are posted. / 2 / 3 / 9 / Passengers should monitor and warn driver of speeding
Passengers should report speeding to supervisor. Passengers to observe for animals which may cross the road un-expectantly. / 2 / 3 / 6 / IMS 303
IMS 360
IMS 361
IMS 363
IMS 364 / Driver/ Passenger
2. / Loading and offloading of materials
and tools / Pick up materials and tools from store. / Ergonomical / / Back strain caused by incorrect lifting. / Practice correct material lifting
Techniques. / 2 / 2 / 5 / Selection of personnel to meet
physical demands of the task / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 210 / All Employees
Personal / Behaviour / / Nip and pinch points. / Be aware of any potential Nip and
Pinch points, wear proper gloves / 3 / 2 / 8 / PPE - Gloves, Safety boots. / 2 / 2 / 5 / IMS 306
IMS 209 / All Employees
Walking and carrying materials and tools to work area. / Other - / / Trip and fall / Ensure that there are no hanging or protruding items present when w / 2 / 2 / 5 / All tools and equipment to be carried in a tool bag / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 200
IMS 209 / All Employees
Mechanical (Mobile) / / Other moving vehicles / Be aware of moving vehicles. Obey pedestrian traffic rules. / 3 / 3 / 13 / Use dedicated walkways / 2 / 3 / 9 / IMS 359
IMS 366
IMS 367 / All Employees
Loading materials and tools in an underground cage. / Gravitational (Objects) / / Falling material and tools / Employees will fasten equipment in cage / 3 / 2 / 8 / Employees will not be allowed to travel with unsecured equipment. / 2 / 2 / 5 / IMS 306
IMS 318
IMS 319
IMS 209 / All Employees
Walking with materials and toolbox to installation area in underground haulage. / Other - / / Uneven surfaces, Hidden holes, Fall of ground / Carry items in a manner that ensures clear line of sight. Make sure area has been declared safe before entering. / 2 / 4 / 14 / Full PPE to be worn. / 2 / 4 / 14 / IMS 209 / All Employees
Dust and fumes / / Dust and Diesel fumes / Dust masks/Respirator (PPE) / 3 / 2 / 8 / Wetting down working areas and good diesel equipment maintenance can greatly reduce dust and diesel fumes / 2 / 2 / 5 / IMS 203 / All Employees
Mechanical (Mobile) / / Moving vehicles / Always make sure that drivers can see you, always pass on the green light side of moving vehicles. / 3 / 3 / 13 / Cap lamp to be fully charged and reflective PPE to be worn. / 2 / 3 / 8 / IMS 359
IMS 366
IMS 367 / All Employees
3. / Installation of Cable / Unrolling of cable / Gravitational (Objects) / / Back strains / Practice correct material lifting
Techniques. / 2 / 2 / 5 / Selection of personnel to meet physical demands of the task / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 209
IMS 210 / All Employees
Other (Physical) / / Nip and pinch points. / Be aware of any potential Nip and
Pinch points / 2 / 2 / 5 / PPE - Gloves, Safety boots / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 306
IMS 209 / All Employees
Other (Physical) / / Cuts and bruises / Be aware of any potential cut and
bruises / 2 / 2 / 5 / PE - Gloves, Safety boots. / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 306
IMS 337 / All Employees
Working at heights / Gravitational (People) / / Injury associated with Falling from heights / A harness to be worn when working above 1.5 meters it must be inspected and findings noted on pre-use checklist / 4 / 4 / 21 / Only a #23 Spiderweb harness with double lanyards (detachable) and scaffold hooks with a standing trapeze will be used and employee will be trained and certified to work at heights / 2 / 4 / 14 / IMS 269
OHS Act GSR 7 OHS Act Cr 8 / Supervisor
Use ladder to access Cable rack or Straining wire / Gravitational (People) / / Defective ladder breaking and employee falling / Inspect ladder before use / 2 / 3 / 9 / Ladder must be marked and on a register
Do monthly inspections by appointed inspector / 1 / 3 / 6 / GSR Sec13
IMS 87
IMS 187
IMS 317
IMS 333
IMS 343
IMS 198 / Ladder Inspector
Use of a ladder on uneven surfaces / Gravitational (People) / / Falling from ladder / Ensure that the ladder is erected on an even surface and an assistant supports the ladder at all times while another person works on the ladder. / 2 / 3 / 9 / Explain responsibility towards ensuring safety of co-workers / 1 / 3 / 6 / GSR Sec13
IMS 87
IMS 187
IMS 317
IMS 333
IMS 343
IMS 198 / Supervisor
Pulling of cable / Other (Physical) / / Injuries due to any sharp objects including roof bolts inside the hanging wall / PPE - Hard Hats with chin strap, Safety Glasses and Gloves / 2 / 2 / 5 / Supervisor to ensure that all employees who enter the work area wears the correct PPE according to the Mini Risk Assessment / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 306
IMS 138 / Supervisor
Gravitational (Objects) / / Unstable Footing of jacks. / HV cable falling down / 2 / 2 / 5 / Place 2 team members to ensure that the drum stays on jacks whist pulling. / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 209 / Supervisor
Electrical / / Electrical shock / Inspect areas for exposed cables and loose cables before work starts. / 3 / 3 / 13 / As far as reasonable possible avoid areas where electrical cables are not isolated.
Report such areas to supervisor immediately for further investigation. / 2 / 3 / 9 / IMS 85
IMS 188
IMS 305
IMS 321
IMS 334
IMS 209 / Supervisor
Lighting / / Risk of injuries and falling due to bad lighting conditions
No light available in haulage area / Use head lamp / torch that is
fully charged / 2 / 1 / 2 / Team Leader to ensure that team are equipped with cap lamps that are fully charged / 1 / 1 / 1 / IMS 230 / Supervisor
Thermal (Heat) / / Person collapsing and falling due to extreme
temperatures in underground area / Ventilation in the area must be tested by a competent person before work commences and workers must drink lots of fluids / 3 / 4 / 18 / Team Leader need to rotate the team inside the area and evacuate if temperature is more than 27 degrees WB or 32.5 DB / 1 / 4 / 10 / Minerals Act Regulation MR3-1 3.5 IMS 230 / Supervisor
Other (Physical) / / Injuries and falls due to tripping over loose rocks / Do a visual inspection of the safest route to be followed. Clean the route if obstructed. / 2 / 2 / 5 / Contact Site Manager should it be found that there is NO safe route. / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 230 / Supervisor
Biological / / Allergic reaction to dust causing breathing difficulty and respiratory complications when inhaled by employee. / Use a Dust Mask / 3 / 4 / 18 / Team Leader to ensure that all team members’ wears a Dust Mask at all times when working in dusty areas. / 1 / 4 / 10 / IMS 210 / Supervisor
4. / Installation of Panels / Move panels into place / Ergonomics / / Back injuries / Practice correct material lifting
Techniques. / 2 / 2 / 5 / Selection of personnel to meet physical demands of the task / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 209
IMS 210 / All Employees
Gravitational (Objects) / / Panel falling over Property damage and injuries to person or people / Practice correct material lifting
Techniques. / 2 / 3 / 9 / Selection of personnel to meet physical demands of the task / 1 / 3 / 6 / IMS 209
IMS 210 / Supervisor
Assemble panels / Other (Physical) / / Nip and pinch points. / Be aware of any potential Nip and
Pinch points, wear proper gloves / 2 / 2 / 5 / PPE - Gloves, Safety boots. / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 306
IMS 209 / All Employees
5. / Installation of Instruments / Bolting down of instruments / Other (Physical) / / Nip and pinch points. / Be aware of any potential Nip and
Pinch points, wear proper gloves / 2 / 2 / 5 / PPE - Gloves, Safety boots. / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 306
IMS 209 / All Employees
6. / Installation of lights and plugs and other small power / Installation of small power / Other (Physical) / / Cuts and bruises / Be aware of any potential cut and
bruises / 2 / 2 / 5 / PE - Gloves, Safety boots. / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 306
IMS 337 / All Employees
7. / Strapping of Cable. / Strapping of Cable. / Gravitational
. / / Falling of tools. / Use lanyards and secure to wrist or structure / 2 / 2 / 5 / All tools to be inspected prior to use / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 306
IMS 337 / All Employees
Other (Physical) / / . Piercing of hands from sharp edges. / Gloves to be used. / 2 / 1 / 2 / Supervisor to ensure that all employees who enter the work area wears the correct PPE according to the Mini Risk Assessment / 1 / 1 / 1 / IMS 306
IMS 138 / Supervisors
8. / Termination of cable / Terminate cable. / Other (Physical) / / Hand injuries due to using wrong tools for the task. / DSTI to be done. PPE-gloves to be worn. / 2 / 2 / 5 / Supervisor to ensure that all employees who enter the work area wears the correct PPE according to the Mini Risk Assessment / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 138
IMS 85
IMS 306
IMS 321
IMS 323
IMS 328
IMS 195
IMS 196
IMS 188 / Supervisors
Cut Cable with Hacksaw. / Other (Physical) / / Hand injuries(cuts / DSTI to be done. PPE-gloves to be worn. / 2 / 2 / 5 / PTO to be conducted / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 189 / All Employees
Fit Gland. / Other (Physical) / / Pinching hands with wires while using pliers / DSTI to be completed
Only trained personnel to do this task. Using gloves / 2 / 2 / 5 / PTO to be conducted / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 189 / All Employees
Install Cable in Panel. / Other (Physical) / / Hand injuries due to sharp edges / All workers to wear gloves / 2 / 2 / 5 / Supervisor to ensure that all employees who enter the work area wears the correct PPE according to the Mini Risk Assessment / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 138 / All Employees
Prepare cable for Heat shrink using Stanley knife. / Other (Physical) / / Improper cutting method causing hand injury / When working with a cable knife employees will wear glass cut gloves / 2 / 3 / 9 / . Cut away from the body. / 1 / 3 / 6 / IMS 199
IMS 201
Heat shrink crutch and tails / Fire / / Burns, Explosion, fire related injury / Boilermaker PPE (Spats, apron, long welding gloves, full face shield and safety boots).
. Hot work permit and GDI to be obtained and available / 2 / 3 / 9 / Supervisor to ensure that all employees who enter the work area wears the correct PPE according to the Mini Risk Assessment / 1 / 3 / 6 / IMS 199
IMS 201
Clean ends with Stanley knife. / Other (Physical) / / Improper cutting method causing hand injury / When working with a cable knife employees will wear glass cut gloves / 2 / 3 / 9 / . Cut away from the body. / 1 / 3 / 6 / IMS 306
IMS 138
Fit Lugs / Other (Physical) / / Hand injuries due to sharp edges / All workers to wear gloves / 2 / 2 / 5 / Supervisor to ensure that all employees who enter the work area wears the correct PPE according to the Mini Risk Assessment / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 138
IMS 85
IM 306
IMS 321
IMS 323
IMS 328
IMS 195
IMS 196
IMS 188
Secure cable / Other (Physical) / / . Piercing of hands from sharp edges. / Gloves to be used. / 2 / 2 / 5 / Supervisor to ensure that all employees who enter the work area wears the correct PPE according to the Mini Risk Assessment / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 306
IMS 138
9. / Fire proofing of cables / Paint cables with fire proof coating / Chemical / / Hazardous chemical causing breathing difficulty or skin irritation / Gloves and respirators to be used / 2 / 3 / 9 / Constant supervision to be present / 1 / 3 / 6 / IMS 202
IMS 219
OHS Act HCS Reg11 / OHS Act CR 27
10. / Commissioning and testing / Testing / Electrical / / Electrocution / A final check on the installation must be done prior to commissioning / 2 / 3 / 9 / All test records to be available prior to commissioning / 1 / 3 / 6 / IMS 196
11. / Cleaning of work area / Housekeeping duringinstallation. / Waste / / Waste left behind / Ensure all waste is removed once work is completed. / 2 / 1 / 2 / Ensure a final inspection is done before leaving the client's premises. / 1 / 2 / 3 / IMS 355
IMS 356
IMS 357
IMS 358
IMS 368
IMS 369
IMS 370

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