Approved by NDE Engineering Executive Committee

3 June 1996Draft 5/25/96


This Division shall be known as the NDE Engineering Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


A.To promote the exchange and dissemination of technical information relating to the engineering application of NDE.

B.To serve ASME technical divisions and the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Committee as the principal forum for the exchange and debate of NDE-related information.

C.To maintain a strong liaison, including the co-sponsorship of technical activities, with professional groups such as ASNT, ASTM, PVRC, AWS, etc., for the purpose of accomplishing Items A and B.


The NDE Engineering Division shall constitute a technical Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in the field of nondestructive! examination of engineering structures in accordance with the Society's Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules.

The major objectives of the Division are to:

A.Provide a forum for presentation and discussion of technical subjects at meetings, conferences and symposia;

B.Encourage and support the publication of technical information related to NDE engineering as applied to engineering materials and structures;

C.Promote the recognition of outstanding engineering achievement and significant individual contributions to the field of NDE engineering;

D.Encourage and support the continuing education and professional growth of mechanical engineers in the area of NDE engineering; and

E.Promote technical activity related to the establishment and assessment of reliable NDE systems.

Other objectives are to:

F.Provide liaison with other ASME technical divisions, committees, and groups, and collaborate with these segments of the Society in joint meetings, conferences, symposia and other activities;

G.Complement and support NDE engineering interests in other segments of the Society, particularly those related to codes and standards activities;

H.Encourage the exchange of information and the interaction between the ASME and other engineering societies and organizations, including contributions to public information; and

I.Encourage and promote research activities associated with the field of NDE engineering, as applied to engineering structures, both with the ASME and by other professional organizations, such as the Pressure Vessel Research Council and the Materials Properties Council.


A.The Division shall, when desirable, organize, sponsor, and conduct sessions at national meetings of the Society.

B.The Division may organize a divisional conference and/or exhibition upon an invitation from a local section of the Society, subject to the approval of the Materials and Structures Operating Board and the Board on Communications.

C.The Division will, when appropriate, participate in joint sessions with other divisions or committees at meetings of the Society, when such joint sessions are mutually desired by the participating divisions or committees.

D.Subject to the approval of the Materials and Structures Operating Board, the Division will participate in joint sessions with other organizations when desirable.

E.The Division shall be responsible for the technical content pertaining to NDE engineering of the Transactions Journals, the Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, subject to policy established by the Board on Communications.

F.Standing and special committees and task forces shall be maintained for the identification, organization, collection, and review of technical information pertaining to NDE engineering.

G.The Division shall, when deemed appropriate, promote the development and the conduct of continuing education and professional development programs for local, national, and international groups.

H.The Division shall direct attention to outstanding engineering achievement in the field of NDE engineering with emphasis on application to engineering systems and structures, and shall recommend suitable recognition for such achievement.

I.This Division, through its activities, shall attempt to elucidate factors which affect NDE system reliability, methods for identifying and quantifying these factors, and technical developments which improve reliability.

J.The Division will provide that its activities be directed by members of the Society who have attained prominence and prestige in the field and who have shown, by their activity within the Division, the necessary ability and willingness to discharge such responsibilities.


The NDE Engineering Division shall be organized under the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of the Society, and in case of conflict between Division and Society By-Laws and Rules, those of the Society shall govern.


1.The management of Division affairs shall be vested in an Executive Committee of seven members (the Past Chairman{Ex-officio non-voting member}, Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary, and other members usually technical or operating committee chairmen and a Member-at-Large, selected from the membership of the Society as follows: Prior to February 15th of each year, the Executive Committee of- the Division shall nominate to the ASME Council on Engineering all new members of the Executive Committee. The term of one member of the Executive Committee shall expire at the close of each Summer Annual Meeting of the Society. In general, this member will be the senior member of the Executive Committee. The new member(s) of the Executive Committee takes office at this time.

2.The Executive Committee, in making its selection for nomination of the new member of the Executive Committee, shall consider:

a.That each person so suggested has had experience in one of the Technical Committees of the Division, preferably as Chairman;

b.that the nominee has necessary financial resources or support in order to be able to attend all meetings of the Executive Committee, and carry out assignments as required without cost to the Society;

c.that the nominee is willing to serve ten years in the capacities described in paragraph4 below; and

d.that the nominee is a member of ASME in good standing.

3.The nominee shall be ratified by a quorum of the members of the General Committee before submittal to the ASME Council on Engineering.

4.A member of the Executive Committee shall serve as Vice-Chairman .and Secretary of the Division during the fifth and sixth years, and Chairman of the Division during the seventh and eights years, and in such other capacity as designated by the Executive Committee for the first four years.

5.The preferred order of selection of the Vice-Chairman shall be a present or past:(1) Program Chairman and (2) Professional Development Chairman.

6.In case of vacancy by reason of resignation, incapacity, or death, vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Committee, subject to approval of the Materials and Structures Operating Board of the Society.

7.There shall be at least two regular meetings of the Executive Committee during the year. One meeting shall be held during a Meeting of the Society in which the NDE Division is participating. The other meeting may be at any mutually agreeable location or may be conducted via computer communication or a conference call.


1.The General Committee shall consist of the Executive Committee members and the Chairmen of the Operating Committees. Other members of the NDE Division may attend as observers who can comment on actions but have no vote.

2.The General Committee shall meet the same day as the Executive Committee if possible.


1.The Executive Committee of the Division shall establish Technical Committees to guide the several activities representing the particular disciplinary interests of the Division. Each of these Committees shall have a Chairman, and at least one other member. The Chairman of each Technical Committee shall serve a term of two years, and may serve an additional twoyear term upon reappointment by the Executive Committee. Members of a Technical Committee shall be appointed by the Ttechnical Committee Chairman, subject to approval of the Executive Committee of the Division. The terms of officers and members shall be two years.

2.The current technical committees recognized by this Division and their respective scopes are as given below. The overall goal of these committes is to enhance the development of new NDE methods, system designs and applications through the exchange and dissemination of scientific and engineering information relating to NDE research and applications, and the needs of industrial users. These committees will interact with industry, and with research, educational and other professional associations, to provide synergism that will enhance technology transfer. As conditions and areas of interest in NDE are rapidly changing, the Division Chairman at the beginning of each two year term will suggest changes in this list for consideration by the executive committee. Such changes as approved by the executive committee will be documented in meeting minutes of the Division and considered to be in effect without requiring revision of these bylaws.

a.NDE Performance and Planning

Provide a forum for discussion of NDE performance and inspection planning. Performance topics may include procedures, personnel and equipment. Inspection planning may include risk-based inspection, fitness-for-service and life extensions, amongst others. The committee will interaction with other committees as appropriate.

b.NDE for Material Property Determination

Encourage the development and field deployment of NDE methodology for monitoring material physical properties such as strength, toughness,and residual stress and texture. Applications to existing equipment and structures as well as new construction will be emphasized. This committee will respond to needs from other committees for life extensions, extended operation, and the evaluation of damaged or degraded equipment and intelligent process control.

c.Design of NDE Equipment and Systems

Promote the design of advanced NDE systems which perform better, more cost effective inspections of engineering systems and structures. Mechanical design as well as signal interpretation and diagnostics will be emphasized. Interact with other committees to focus on the equipment needs in industry as well as the capabilities of existing equipment.

d.Codes and Standards

Provide a forum for the discussion of NDE Codes, Standards and Regulatory issues and a vehicle of communication between the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committees and government, industry, and standards organizations that are referenced by the Code. Interact with other division committees to identify new trends and developments that might lead to revisions or expansion of the NDE methodology of the Code, particularly introduction of advanced and innovative NDE technology for implementation into the Code.

e.NDE Education

Promote the exchange and dissemination of educational matters dealing with NDE and related subjects through the planning and sponsorship of seminars, panel discussions and sessions at appropriate ASME conferences. Actively encourage implementation of NDE in the curriculum of engineering colleges and universities. Activities will include but not necessarily be limited to: (1) general NDE education programs, (2) personnel qualification and certification, (3) educational materials, and (4) specific method/application educational programs. to make more clear the benefits of NDE.


1.The Executive Committee shall establish Operating Committees as necessary to conduct the Division's operations effectively. Except as otherwise stated herein, the Operating Committee Chairman shall appoint committee members with the approval of the Executive Committee. It is the Operating Committee Chairman's responsibility to maintain an adequate and active committee membership.

2.Operating Committees recognized as necessary by these By-laws for proper conduct of the business of the Division are listed below. The Program, Professional Development, Membership and Honors and Awards Committee Chairmen are members of the Executive Committee. The Publications Chairman may be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee without vote and a member of the General Committee. Other Operating Committees, however, may be appointed by the Chairman, as required, with the approval of the Executive Committee.

a.Program Committee

The Program Committee is responsible for the Program of such meetings assigned to it by the Executive Committee. As required, an incoming member of the Executive Committee may be designated as the Program Chairman to so serve during the first four years of a sixyear term on the Executive Committee. The Program Chairmen of the technical Committees, if applicable, shall be members of the Operating Program Committee. The Technical Conference Program Chairmen shall be members of the Program Committee. The Program Committee Chairman shall be responsible for the representation of the Division at all ASME Program Meetings, at times including meetings of the Board on Communications Meetings Committee. The Program Committee shall be required to monitor the programs of the various Division Ad Hoc Program Committees to ascertain that there are no conflicts or poor programming and that important topics are adequately covered.

b.Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development Committee is charged with developing and coordinating programs for continuing education and professional growth of members of the Division and others, both within and outside the ASME, with an interest in NDE engineering as related to engineering systems and structures. An incoming member of the Executive Committee may be designated as the Chairman of the Professional Development Committee to so serve during the first four years of a six-year term on the Executive Committee. The Professional Development Chairman of each technical Committee, if applicable, shall be a member of the Operating Professional Development Committee. Other members of this Committee may be appointed on an ad hoc basis by the Chairman.

c.Honors and Awards Committee

The Honors and Awards Committee is responsible for accumulating and screening recommendations from Division members concerning persons and papers for honors and awards. The Honors Chairman of each technical Committee, if applicable, shall be a member of the Operating Honors Committee. The terms of appointment shall be two years, with the possibility of reappointment with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Chairman shall be designated as the Division representative to the Honors Committee of the Board of Governors, and shall be responsible for reviewing recommendations, submitting recommendations to the Executive Committee, and forwarding nominations to the ASME Honors Committee. The Honors Committee shall, in the case of Society awards, present recommendations to the Executive Committee and, if so instructed, process the recommendations to the ASME Honors Committee.

d.Membership Committee

The Membership Committee deals with the promotion of membership in ASME among nonmember engineers in the NDE engineering industry. The Chairman of the Committee shall be chosen by the Executive Committee. The term of office shall be three years. The individual shall serve no more than two terms. Additional members, as needed, shall be chosen by the Chairman of the Membership Committee for three-year terms with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Chairman of the Membership Committee shall represent the Division in all ASME membership development activities.

e.Publications Committee

The Publications Committee is responsible for the publication of meeting proceedings when such proceedings are released as a book or books either before or after the meeting where the papers were presented. The term of office shall be three years. The individual shall serve no more than two terms. All Associate Editors for ASME journals appointed by the NDE Engineering Division shall be members of the Publications Committee. The publications member of each technical Committee shall be a member of the Publications Committee. Additional members, as needed, shall be chosen by the Chairman of the Publications Committee for three-year terms with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Chairman of the Publications Committee shall represent the Division in all ASME publications activities. The Publications Committee Chairman may be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee without vote and a member of the General Committee.


A.Annual Report

The Chairman of the Executive Committee is responsible for the Division Annual Report to ASME.

B.Liaison Representatives

Liaison representatives with other Divisions of the Society and with other organizations may be appointed by the Executive Committee for a period of one to three years. Such representatives may be reappointed.

C.Representative to the Materials and Structures Operating Board

The Divisional Representative to the Materials and Structures Operating Board shall be the Chairman of the Executive Committee. If additional representatives are needed, an alternate shall be designated.

D.Maintenance of the NDE Division Home Page

The Member atLarge of the Executive Committee shall be responsible for maintaining the NDE Division Home Page so that it reflects the current division organization, officers and activities.

E.Address List

The Vice-Chairman and Secretary shall maintain the Address list of all the Division committee personnel. Changes shall be submitted with each set of minutes.

F.Custodian Fund

A reserve fund of money arising from program or programs sponsored by the Division shall be kept on deposit in a Custodian and with the Society Treasurer. Use of this money shall be as decided by the Executive Committee, and any payment from the Custodian Fund requires written authorization from both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Division to ASME Headquarters.


Copies of all correspondence on Division affairs shall be sent to ASME Headquarters and the Executive Committee. Suitable Division stationery will be made available by ASME Headquarters for letters on Division affairs.


These By-Laws will stand adopted and may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Committee of the Division, and with approval by the Materials and Structures Operating Board.