Education for Homeless Children and Youth– FEDERAL PROGRAM
  1. Are there barriers in the district that could:

  1. Deny homeless children and youth the opportunity to enroll in school?
/ Y / N / N/A / Board-approved policies and procedures
Interviews with school/district personnel
  1. Impede attendance and “in school” success of homeless children and youth?
/ Y / N / N/A
  1. Has the district reviewed and revised policies and procedures that could act as barriers to the enrollment, attendance and success of homeless children?
/ Y / N / N/A / Documentation includes local school and district policies that do not exclude students in homeless situations from enrollment and services.
  1. Does the district have a policy of admitting students regardless of residential status?
/ Y / N / N/A / Board-approved policies and procedural guidelines
3.Has the district informed school personnel, local service providers and advocates of the office and duties of the local McKinney-Vento Liaison? / Y / N / N/A / Documentation can include list of staff trainings and attendance; agendas from meeting with local service providers.
4.Does the district have and communicate systematically to appropriate personnel:
a.A system of assigning a student number if an incoming student does not have a social security number? / Y / N / N/A / Written communications and dated documentation of dissemination
b.A mechanism for enrolling student pending receipt of the required records of immunizations? / Y / N / N/A
5.Does the district have procedures in place to identify school-aged homeless children and youth and determine whether or not they are attending and succeeding in school? / Y / N / N/A / Written policies and documentation
6.Does the district maintain a current list of homeless children and youth enrolled in the schools of the district at the preschool, elementary, and secondary levels? / Y / N / N/A / Lists of students
7.Are homeless children and youth automatically provided services under Title I, Part A whether or not they live in a Title I school attendance area or meet other eligibility requirements? (Homeless children and youth may receive Title I educational and/or support services in non-Title I schools, shelters or other facilities.) / Y / N / N/A / Written procedures
Records of identification of homeless children and youth
Documentation of services to homeless children and youth
8.Does the district reserve an appropriate amount of Title I funds for services to homeless children and youth who do not attend Title I schools?
Title I, Part A, Section 1113(c)(3)(A) / Y / N / N/A / Written procedures
Minutes/records of planning meetings for Title I allocation of funds
District consolidated application/plan
9.Does the LEA conduct on annual needs assessment to identify the problems and needs of homeless children and youth? (Needs assessment may be included in a comprehensive needs assessment conducted for the LEA or a school.) / Y / N / N/A / Copy of data collection instruments
Needs assessment compilation of results
10.Does the district conduct or sponsor professional development for school/district personnel to heighten awareness of the unique problems and needs of homeless children and youth? / Y / N / N/A / District Professional Development Plan
Records of professional development activities
  1. Does the district ensure that homeless children and youth are provided educational services needed to allow them to achieve the same challenging state content and student performance standards as all other students?
/ Y / N / N/A / Board-approved policies and procedures
Documentation of planning curriculum and instruction
Disaggregated assessment results for all students
  1. Does the district ensure that homeless children and youth are allowed to participate in available programs on the same basis as other students?
/ Y / N / N/A / Procedural guidelines for selecting students for participation in support programs, i.e., tutoring, before/after school, etc.
Participation lists for support programs
13.Does the district offer programs for homeless preschool children? / Y / N / N/A / Procedural guidelines for selecting students for participation in support programs, i.e., tutoring, before/after school, etc.
Participation lists for support programs
14.Does the district conduct ongoing assessments and an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of programs for homeless children and youth and use evaluation results to modify programs as needed? / Y / N / N/A / Records of monitoring
Results of measurement of indicators of effectiveness
Annual evaluation reports
Minutes/notes of planning for future programs
15.Is there evidence that the districts conducts outreach to parents of homeless children and youth to inform them of their rights related to education of their children? / Y / N / N/A / Procedural guidelines
Documentation of outreach efforts
16.Does the district inform parents of homeless children and youth of educational and other resources that are available to their children, such as:
  1. Referrals of homeless children and youth for medical, dental, mental health, and other support services?
/ Y / N / N/A / Written process for referrals
Documentation or referrals and follow-up
  1. Student services programs related to violence prevention and behavioral counseling?
/ Y / N / N/A / Documentation of dissemination of information
Records of services provided
  1. Programs addressing the unique needs for homeless children and youth that may arise from domestic violence?
/ Y / N / N/A / Documentation of dissemination of information
Records of services provided
17.Does the district pay the excess cost of transportation not otherwise provided through federal, state, or local funds, to enable homeless children and youth to attend schools selected under Section 722(g)(3) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act? / Y / N / N/A / Procedural guidelines
Records of payment for transportation
18.Does the district pay fees and costs associated with tracking, obtaining, and transferring records needed for enrollment of homeless children and youth in school? (Records may include birth certificates, guardianship records, immunization records, academic records, and evaluations of homeless children and youth for determination of eligibility for other programs and services.) / Y / N / N/A / Procedural guidelines
Other applicable documentation
19.Does the district provide school supplies to homeless children and youth at shelters, temporary housing facilities, and other locations as appropriate? / Y / N / N/A / Procedural guidelines
Documentation of acquisition and distribution of supplies
20.Is there evidence that the district provides extraordinary or emergency services to homeless children and youth to enroll and retain such students in school? / Y / N / N/A / Documentation of services provided
21.Does the district ensure that homeless children and youth are not stigmatized and/or alienated due to their homeless status? / Y / N / N/A / Procedural guidelines
Interviews with school
district/shelter provider personnel
22.Does the district collaborate with other agencies to provide and/or improve services for homeless children and youth? / Y / N / N/A / Documentation of collaborative activities/programs
23.Does the district have a formal plan for disseminating information about programs for homeless children and youth? / Y / N / N/A / Written plan
24.Does the district have a process for the resolution of disagreements, including procedures for homeless families and youth to appeal school placement decisions made by the district, including written explanations, dispute resolution processes and provision of services during appeal process? / Y / N / N/A / Review of written policies and sample letter explaining placement decisions.
24.Does the district have on file a copy of the Dispute Resolution provided by the SDE? / Y / N / N/A / Written policies and copy of SDE policy.
24.Has the district requested a technical assistance visit from the SDE? If not is one needed? / Y / N / N/A / Liaison interview.

FY 20051