Conservation Tillage Conference
March 2-3, 2016 (Wed.-Thur.)
(General Session, 9:30-10:45)
Wednesday 11:00 to ~5:30
Room ACorn University
Room BPrecision Fertility
Room CPolicy… Soil health; and Water Control and Filtering
ChapelCover Crops and Manure (8:00 to 5:55)
Thursday 8:00 or 8:30 to ~4:30
Room ASoybean School
Room B Nutrient Management
Room CTechnology and Equipment
ChapelCover Crops, Advanced
- Fertilizer application certification: Tuesday, 1:00-4:00
Mark Badertsher, OSU Extension, Hardin County
Conservation Tillage & Technology Conf.
March 2-3, 2016
(Note: Cover Crops concurrent session in Chapel, starting at 8:00)
Room A General Session Sponsored byFarm Science Review
(video link to Room B and Chapel)
Randall Reeder, OSU Ext. Ag. Engineer (retired)
9:45Importance of Building Soil Health for all Farmers
Barry Fisher, Central Team Leader and Soil Health Specialist, USDA-NRCS
10:30 Ohio CCA Award presentation (Cecelia Lokai-Minnich, Ohio CCA Chair)
Ohio Master Farmer Awards (Jennifer Kiel, Editor, Ohio Farmer magazine)
10:45 Move to Concurrent sessions
Room A Corn University
11:00Corn Yield Forecasting
Roger Elmore,University of Nebraska
12:00 Lunch
1:15No more Bt? New molecular methods for insect control
Andy Michel, OSU Entomologist
2:15N, P and K Management Highlights for Corn
Greg Stewart, Maizex Seeds Inc., Tilbury, Ontario
3:15 Break
3:35 Taking a second look at hybrid performance and technology
Peter Thomison, OSU Extension Specialist
4:05Crop-Effective and Environment-Responsible Nutrient Placement in Strip-till and No-till Corn
Tony Vyn, Purdue University
5:05 Q&A Discussion with the speakers
5:35 Adjourn
11:00 Policy, Principles and Practices for the future of Conservation Agricultureand Soil Health
Jim Moseley, former Deputy Secretary of Agriculture,and no-till farmer
Barry Fisher, NRCS, Central Team Leader and Soil Health Specialist
Mark A. Rose, NRCS, Director of Financial Assistance Programs Div.
Bill Richards, former Chief, NRCS, and no-till farmer
(Moderators: Randall Reeder,and Dave Russell, Brownfield Network)
12:15 LUNCH
Water Control and Filtering
1:30 Why the focus on Ag effects on Water Quality in the Western Lake Erie Basin?
Greg LaBarge, OSU Extension
2:00 Using Nutrient Management Plans to Identify High Contributing fields for targeted conservation.
Greg LaBarge
2:30 Programs and Financial Assistance Available
Megan Burgess, NRCS
Jocelyn Henderson and Kip Studer, ODA-DSWC
3:50Popular Conservation Practices to improve water quality (including Drainage Water Management, Blind Inlets)
Justin McBride, ODA-DSWC, Engineer
4:20Ditch modifications -2-stage and overwide channels
Jon Witter, OSU Ag Engineer
4:50Saturated buffers and Wood Chip Bioreactors
Larry Brown, OSU Ag. Engineer, and Rick Wilson, Ohio EPA
Room: Chapel Cover CropsManureSponsored by Ag Credit
Moderators: Jim Hoorman, Alan Sundermeier,
8:00 Understanding the Legal Aspects of Manure Application to Improve Water Quality
Peggy Kirk Hall, OSUAg Law
9:00 Ohio'sNewNutrientApplication Restrictions in theWestern Lake Erie Basin Watershed
to Improve Water Quality
Matt Lane, Soils Inventory Section and Ag Pollution Abatement Program, Div. of S&W Conservation, Ohio Dep’t of Ag.
9:30(General Session; telecast from Room A) Barry Fisher
10:30How to Keep Manure Nutrients out of Lake Erie/Surface Water
Kevin Elder, Ohio Dept of Agriculture
12:45Using Liquid Manure Applications with Cover Crops to Improve Water Quality
Tim Harrigan, Ag. Engineer, Michigan State U.
1:45On-farm Experiences with Cover Crops and Manure (Panel discussion)
Sarah Noggle, OSU Extension, Leon Klopfenstein, and Jeff & Gordon Smiley
3:05In-Season Manure Application to Improve Water Quality
Glen Arnold, OSU Extension
3:35Using cover crops and manure to prevent manure runoff
Jim Hoorman, OSU Extension
4:35Managing nitrogen availability from manure and cover crops to protect water quality.
Alan Sundermeier, OSU Extension
5:05Sustainable Agriculture to Improve Water Quality
Dan Sonke, Campbell’s Soup; and Alan Sundermeier, OSU Extension
Room B Precision Fertility
Moderators: John Fulton
11:00Crop sensors for precision fertility application
Ryan Oehler, Ag Leader
11:30 Economics of fertility decisions
Brian Watkins, CropZilla
12:00App for Precision On-farm research trials
Kaylee Port, OSU, FABE Dep’t
1:45 Site specific management of P and N
Jeremy Wilson, No-tillFarmer,Illinois
2:15Encirca (Precision N Tool)
Matt Miller, Pioneer
2:45How much N was really lost in 2015? On-farm trial results
Steve Culman, OSU Soil Fertility Specialist
3:15 Break
3:35Soil Nitrate Testing Results
Clint and Joe Nester, Nester Ag, Bryan, Ohio
4:35 Soil Nitrate Testing and Y-Drops for N application
Jim Swartz, 360Yield Center
5:05Why Phosphorus is leaving the farm and what to do about it
Joe Nester
5:35 Adjourn
Thursday, MARCH 3 (four concurrent sessions)
Room A Soybean School Sponsored bySeed Consultants
Moderator: Harold Watters.
8:30 Ohio Soybean Limitation Survey Results
Aaron Brooker, OSU Hort & Crop Science
9:30Managing Weeds in Soybeans
Christy Sprague, Michigan State University Weed Scientist
10:30 Break
10:45 Soybean Fertility Management
Kurt Steinke, Michigan State University Soil Fertility Specialist
11:45 Lunch
1:00 Managing Soybean Insects
Andy Michel, OSU
2:00 The Future of Soybean Breeding
Reid Rice, Pioneer
3:00 Break
3:20 Top 10 ways to improve yield, without breaking the bank
Harold Watters, OSU Extension
4:20 Adjourn
Room B THURSDAY Nutrient Management
Moderators: Glen Arnold,
8:00Do V15 Nitrogen applications increase N efficiency in Corn?
Greg LaBarge, OSU Extension
8:30Update on Drag-Hose Manure Application to Corn
Glen Arnold, OSU Extension
9:00Ohio Senate Bill 1 Rules for Manure and Fertilizer
Kevin Elder, Ohio Department of Agriculture
9:30Edge of Field Results from a Very Wet Season
Kevin King, USDA-ARS
10:30Movement of Phosphorus and Nitrogen from Farm Fields
Matt Williams, USDA-ARS
11:00Nitrogen Fertilizer, Economics and Efficiencies
Brian Arnall, Extension Agronomist, Oklahoma State University
1:15Drainage Management – Keeping Nutrients in the Root Zone with Best Management Practices
Shelby Burlew, Michigan State University Extension, Hillsdale, MI
1:45What 4R Information Dealers Need From Farmers
Steve Prochaska, OSU Extension (retired)
2:15Yield Results for Premium Starter Fertilizers in Corn
Ed Lentz, OSU Extension
2:45New Manure App for Your Smart Phone
John Barker, OSU Extension
3:35Two years of on-farm fertilizer strip-trials
Anthony Fulford, OSU-OARDC, Soil Fertility
4:05Release of Phosphorus from Soils through the Application of Glyphosate
Christopher Spiese, Chemistry professor, Ohio Northern University
Room CHAPEL THURS.Advanced Cover CropsSponsored by Ag Credit
Moderators: Jim Hoorman,
8:00Cropping Diversity Improves No-till Soil Quality, Crop Productivity, and Water Quality
Rafiq Islam, OSU, Soil Scientist
8:30Advanced Cover Crops for Corn and Soybeans to Improve Water Quality
Barry Fisher, USDA-NRCS
9:00Current Cover Crops for Improving Water Quality
Steve Groff, Cover Crop Solutions, Holtwood, PA
9:50Future Cover Crops for Improving Water Quality
Steve Groff, Cover Crop Solutions, Holtwood, PA
10:20Penn State U. Inter-seeder to Improve Water Quality
Greg Roth, Penn State University, Agronomist
12:45Integrated Soil Health Testing: Making Sense of Nitrogen to Improve Water Quality
Will Brinton, President of Woods End Laboratories, Inc. / Solvita
1:45Enhancing Soil Mycorrhizal Fungus to retain nutrients and improve water quality
Wendy Taheri, Research Microbiologist, USDA-ARS (previously)
3:05Cover crop, panel discussion
Jim Hoorman, OSU Extension; David Brandt and Steve Groff, no-till farmers
4:05Utilizing and Improving Soil Carbon to Improve Water Quality
Will Brinton, President of Woods End Laboratories, Inc. / Solvita
4:35Selecting the Best Cover Crops to Improve Water Quality
Sarah Noggle, OSU Extension
Room C Thurs. Technology and EquipmentSponsored byJohn Deere
Moderator: Scott Shearer, Chair, Food, Ag. and Biological Engineering, OSU. (Assistants: John Fulton and Vinayak Shedekar)
8:30 Site specific Crop Residue removal to maintain Soil Health
Ajay Shah, OSU Ag. Engineer
9:00New (and old) Technologies for N Decisions
Brian Arnall, Extension Agronomist, Oklahoma State U.
9:30Improving Planter Performance
Bill Lehmkuhl, Precision Agri-Services
10:30 Break
10:50Big machinery getting bigger: concerns for Soil Health
Scott Shearer, Chair, OSU Food, Ag., and Biological Engineering Dept.
1:15 Soil Compaction: Tracks vs. Tires on 1000+ bu. Grain Carts
Andrew Klopfenstein, OSU Ag. Engineer
2:15Getting on Track
Jay Witkop and Nathan Jenkins, John Deere
2:45 Break
3:00New, improved tire designs
Brad Harris, Ag. Engineer,Firestone
3:50 Variable Inflation for optimum field and highway performance
Sally Brodbeck, Precision Inflation, Des Moines, Iowa
4:20 Adjourn