Contour Buffer Strips

Conservation Practice Job Sheet Maine 332

ME NRCS, May 2015 585 Page 1

Photo: NRCS


Narrow strips of permanent, herbaceous vegetative cover established around the hill slope, and alternated down the slope with wider cropped strips that are farmed on the contour.

General Criteria

Buffer strips are not a part of the normal crop rotation (however, they may be harvested or grazed), and will remain in place until they need to be renovated or re-established. The lifespan of this practice is 5 years.

Do not use buffer strips as travel lanes for livestock or equipment.

Surface flow from contoured crop rows must be delivered to a stable outlet.

Design the width of the cropped strip to accommodate some multiple of full equipment width.

Contour farming is most effective on slopes between 2 and 10 percent, and is most effective on slope lengths between 100 and 400 feet. As slopes lengthen, the volume and velocity of overland flow are more likely to overwhelm the capacity of contour ridges and narrow buffer strips to contain them.

The buffer strips will have at least 95% ground cover during periods when erosion is expected to occur on the cropped strips.

The stem density for grasses and grass-legume/forb mixtures will be at least 50 stems per square foot, and for pure legume/forb stands at least 30 stems per square foot.

Operation and Maintenance

Conduct all farming operations parallel to the strip boundaries except on headlands or end rows.

Mow or harvest sod turn strips and waterways at least once a year. Time mowing or harvest of buffer strips to maintain appropriate vegetative density and height for optimum trapping of sediment from the upslope cropped strip during the critical erosion period(s).

Fertilize buffer strips as needed to maintain stand density. Spot seed or totally renovate buffer strip systems damaged by herbicide application after residual action of the herbicide is complete. Renovate vegetated headlands or end row area as needed to keep ground cover above 65 percent.

Redistribute sediment that accumulates along the upslope edge of the buffer strip/crop strip interface as needed. This sediment shall be spread evenly upslope over the cultivated strip when needed to maintain uniform sheet flow along the buffer/cropped strip boundary.

If sediment accumulates just below the upslope edge of the buffer strip to a depth of 6 inches or more, or stem density falls below specified amounts in the buffer strip, relocate the buffer/cropped strip interface location.

Cultivated strips and buffer strips shall be rotated so that a mature stand of protective cover is achieved in a newly established buffer strip immediately below or above the old buffer strip before removing the old buffer.

ME NRCS, May 2015 585 Page 1

Landowner: Tract/field: Acres:

Designed By: Date:

Approved By: Date:

Purpose :

Reduce sheet and rill erosion


Water Quality - Excess sediment and contaminants

Water Quality – Excess nutrients / Increase water infiltration
% Slope / Min. / Max. Allowable Row Grade / Planned Avg. Row Grade / Slope Length
(ft) / Equip-ment Width
(ft) / Field Length
(ft) / Number of Strips / Buffer Strip Width
(ft.) / Crop Strip Width

NRCS must mark the location and orientation of Contour Buffer Strips in the field prior to establishment. The attached drawing/map shows the planned locations.

Planned supporting practices:

Stable outlets already exist. Describe:

Stable outlets are needed and planned, and will be installed prior to installation of stripcropping system. Describe:

Additional Specifications:


FERTILITY: Apply lime and fertilizer as needed, according to Soils Test recommendations.

PLANTING: Prepare a firm seedbed. Plant seed ¼ to ½ inch deep. If needed, refer to Forage and Biomass Planting (Code 512).

Inoculant is needed for legumes – treat legume seed with appropriate strain of fresh Rhizobia inoculant shortly before planting

SEEDING DATES: Perform seeding of grasses and legumes only during the following time periods, in accordance with Maine NRCS guidelines:

Spring - seed from to
Fall - seed from to


Seed with the following mixture. Rates are based on Pure Live Seed (pls) basis indicated on seed bag tag.1

Species Amount (lb/ac)
Total Seeding Rate for this mixture: lbs/ac
Seeding Rate lbs/ac X acres = Total pounds of seed mix needed: lbs
Inoculant is needed for legumes – treat legume seed with appropriate strain of fresh Rhizobia inoculant shortly before planting.

1To calculate actual pounds of seed needed on Pure Live Seed Basis:

EXAMPLE: From seed tag: 93% Purity and 95 % Germination

% Purity 93 X % Germination 95 /100 = 88.35% Pure Live Seed

Recommended Total Seed Needed 125 lbs. / 0.8835 PLS = 141.5 Actual pounds of seed mix needed

Practice Certification and Checkout for Contour Buffer Strips
Strip 1: / Strip 2: / Strip 3:
Date Practice Completed
Extent Completed
Remarks (include as-built info if differ from design):
I have Job Approval Authority and I certify that this practice as applied meets NRCS Standards & Specs:
Approved By:
Approved Date:

ME NRCS, May 2015 585 Page 1