USDA Natural ResourceS Conservation Service

Conservation Practice Job Sheet


Riparian Herbaceous Cover



Lifespan: 10 Years

NRCS Field Office Technical Guide, Section IVPage 1 of 3 NRCS, Arizona

June, 2012


Conservation District

Land Unit(s)

Practice Amount

Design Date

Field Office



NRCS Field Office Technical Guide, Section IVPage 1 of 3 NRCS, Arizona

June, 2012

Cooperator Acknowledgement

I acknowledge that:

  1. I have received a copy of these specifications, including any attachments, and that I understand the contents, and the requirements for installation of this practice.
  2. Maintenance of the installed work is necessary for proper performance for the life of the practice. For federally funded practices, this practice must be maintained for the expected life of the practice.

Accepted by ______Date ______

Purpose - Check all that apply:

Provide or improve food and cover for fish, wildlife and/or livestock

Improve and maintain water quality

Establish and maintain habitat corridors

Increase water storage on floodplains

Reduce erosion and improve stability to stream banks and shorelines

Increase net carbon storage in the biomass and soil

Enhance pollen, nectar, and nesting habitat for pollinators

Restore, improve or maintain the desired plant communities.

Dissipate stream energy and trap sediment

Enhance stream bank protection as part of stream bank soil bioengineering practices

Results of Stream Visual Assessment Ratings: (from SVAP2-AZ Scoresheet)


Hydrologic Alteration
Bank Condition
Riparian Area Quantity
Riparian Area Quality
Riffle Embeddedness
Salinity (if applicable)

Existing Dominant Plants: ______

Approximate Date Planned: ______

Location and Layout / Strip 1 / Strip 2 / Strip 3 / Strip 4
Cover strip width (ft)
Rows per strip
Strip length (ft)
Strip area (acres)
Field slope (%)
Seeding Materials: Species and Pure Live Seed (PLS) Seeding Rates
(Pure Live Seed (PLS) = Purity times germination X total of bulk seed. Example: 50% purity X 50% Germination X 100 lbs. bulk seed = 25 lbs. PLS)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 /
/ 6 / 7
Cultivar / Species / Full PLS Rate / % Mix Desired /
(3 x 4) / Acres / Lbs. PLS
(5 x 6)
Plug Planting: Species and Spacing
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 /
/ 6 / 7
Source / Dominant Species / Plug Size / Spacing / Rate/acre / Acres / Sq ft total
(5 x 6)
3” / 1plug/ ft2 / 43,560
12” / 1 plug/3 ft2 / 14,520
Site Preparation
Prepare firm seedbed. Apply lime and fertilizer according to recommendations.
Planting Method(s)
1. Drill seed _____ inches deep uniformly down the row. Establish stand of vegetation according to recommended seeding rate. May seed small grain as a companion crop at the rate of ______pounds per acre, but clip or harvest before it heads out.
2. Broadcast seed at ______x the drill seeding rate.
3. If necessary, mulch newly seeded area with ______tons per acre of mulch material.
Post Treatment
Weed and Pest Control:
Establishment Protection:
Two growing seasons deferment from haying/grazing
Grazing management plan: (Describe or refer to other guidance):

Operation & Maintenance

Vegetative strips must be inspected periodically to assure no voids develop in the protective vegetation. Shape and replant wash-outs and rills as necessary to maintain plant density. Control spreading of herbaceous cover plants into cropped areas. Control weeds and fertilize to maintain plant vigor. Control grazing and equipment traffic as necessary to protect cover strips.

Producer Records

Seed tag or receipt of materials purchased, source location and number of plugs, planting dates, other: ______

NRCS Planner / Certification

Designed by: ______Approval Authority ___ Date: ______

Approval by: ______Approval Authority ___ Date: ______

I certify that this conservation practice was applied according to NRCS standards and this specification:

Certified by: ______Approval Authority ___ Date: ______

Attach Planting Records for Certification

NRCS Field Office Technical Guide, Section IVPage 1 of 3 NRCS, Arizona

June, 2012