Regional Telecommunications Review - Short Online Submissions

Full name: Jane Connolly

Date received: 15 July 2015

Chapter 1: How does demand for telecommunications services inform the Review?

Please comment on how your reliance on telecommunications in regional Australia differs from urban areas.

I live 2 hours (peak time) drive from my place of work in Brisbane city. My commitment to continuing working for the company would be enhanced by a better work life style balance where I can work from home for some of the time (of a 5 day week).

My work also requires me to sometimes do urgent work outside of office hours and access to work email and documents would be valueable. Plus there is an expectation to attend video conferencing meetings outside of office hours when others (clinicians) are available. My only option here is to sit in the car in a car park in town using a wireless broadband connection (not very safe and no battery power).

In general I was unable to work from home as I could not achieve a suitable network connection. ADSL was not available as the exchange was full and has been for the 6 years I have lived in Beerwah and our property had limited or no mobile phone coverage depending on where you were on the property and no line of sight to a microwave service.

Chapter 2: How are telecommunications services in regional, rural and remote Australia delivered?

Please comment on the delivery of services for example over fixed networks, mobile networks or satellite.

When access to a mobile network is not possible, due to poor signal strength, then priority should be given to that property to received a fixed line connection.

Dispite numerous conversations with Telstra and being put on a waiting list - which ran for over 12mths (just a way of committing you to a contract that they can't deliver on) there seemed to be no way of having our personal circumstances escalated and then actioned.

I have also attended federal government meetings held to discuss the problems experienced on the Sunshine Coast hinterland

I have concerns about our ability to sell our property in the future due to having no mobile network connectivity.

Chapter 3: How are services being used in regional, rural and remote Australia?

Please comment on how telecommunication services are being used for example, interacting with government, education, health or running a business.

Working from home.

Access to education through webinars

Chapter 4: Consumer safeguards

Please provide your views on current consumer safeguards and what should be considered in the future.


Other comments

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