Wardour Catholic Primary School EYFS Topic 2014/15 ‘Our Changing World’

Autumn Topic – Babies and Toys

The first half-term is about settling in, getting to know one another, becoming more independent, school routines and expectations.
Prime Area: Communication and Language / Listening and Attention
Listens with enjoyment to stories, rhymes and poems.
Starts to demonstrate attentive listening and responds with relevant questions or actions. / Speaking
To initiate conversations with peers.
Talks freely about own experiences. / Understanding
Start to follow simple instructions.
Answer ‘why and how’ questions about own experiences.
Prime Area: Physical Development / Gross Motor Skills
Use outdoor area equipment and trim trail safely.
Negotiate space when walking, running, skipping, jumping, throwing and climbing in PE and playtimes.
To travel around, under, over and through balancing and climbing equipment.
To develop large and small body movements and crossing the midline to support reading and writing. / Fine Motor Skills
Using tools and mark making equipment safely and correctly.
Strengthening pincer grip movements through threading, pinching, molding.
To hold a pencil correctly.
To start forming letters correctly.
Increased independence with buttons, coats, shoes and jumpers. / Health and self-care
Start to understand how to stay healthy and safe –
using toilet, washing hands, eating lunch, drinking water, washing and keeping clean.
Eat healthy foods at break and lunch.
Prime Area: Personal, Social, Emotional Development / Making relationships
To initiate play activities with other children.
To play co-operatively with friends. / Self confidence and Self-awareness
To select and use activities with help.
To show confidence in asking an adult for help.
To be more confident in new social situations. / Managing feelings and behaviour
To understand how own actions affect other people, e.g. to know if they have upset someone.
To be aware of classroom and school boundaries and behaviour expectations.
Specific Area - Literacy / Phonics
Read Write Inc – Set 1 sounds.
Continues a rhyming string.
Hear and says initial sound in words.
With support start to blend/decode to read cvc words. / Reading
Handles books carefully.
Begin to know print carries meaning and in English, it is read from left to right.
Holds a book the correct way up and turns pages. / Writing
Write own name.
Begin to represent some sounds correctly in writing.
Begin to choose mark making and writing activities.
Gives meaning to marks made.
Specific Area- Mathematics / Number
Count objects 1-10.
Begin to match correct numeral to represent 1-5 then 1-10.
Begin to use language more/less/fewer.
Find 1 more/1 less of a group to 10.
In practical activities begin to use vocabulary of adding.
Begin to understand adding as combining of two groups.
Record using marks and interpret and explain marks. / Shape, Space and Measure
Measure of time – years, months, weeks, days
2D Shapes and patterns
Measure of me and language of measure – shortest/longest/tallest/smallest
Understanding the World / The World
How have I changed from a baby?
Identifying feature, similarities and change.
Likes and dislikes.
Seasons – Autumn.
Autumn changes.
Autumn weather.
Who has a birthday in Autumn? / Technology
Using a mouse and the keyboard to select programmes.
Digital media – using the camera. Selecting, saving and deleting images.
Music technology - using the CD player to listen to listening books or music. / People & Communities
My family / My history.
Exploring the local environment.
Identifying significant personal events.
Expressive Arts and Design / Exploring and Using Media and Materials
Simple representations of events and people.
Mark making, painting, self-portraits.
Explore - Warm and cool colours.
Explore collage and paper techniques.
Construct with boxes, paper and recycling materials.
Explore natural and man-made materials.
Explore textiles and learn a simple running stitch.
Use scissors (straight edged and curvy), paper stamps, glue, hole punch, wool and string, cellotape, ink stamps, stickers. / Being Imaginative
Baby Clinic then Toy Shop – inside.
Home corner – outside.
Replicate mini worlds and experiences in the ‘Our World’.
Explore sounds, rhythm and beat with the Beat Babies.
Explore musical instruments.
RE - Come & See:
Families, Harvest, Judiasm – stories, Belonging, Waiting / PHSE
Seal – New Beginnings

Wardour Catholic Primary School

Spring EYFS Topic ‘Food & Farming’

Prime Area: Communication and Language / Listening and Attention
Listen to stories and often know what happens next.
Retell stories and work as a group.
Listen closely in different places and situations – assembly, chapel, visiting speakers. / Speaking
Start to connect ideas and events to help create stories and explanations. / Understanding
Start to follow instructions which have lots of different ideas or actions.
Answer ‘why and how’ questions about stories.
Prime Area: Personal, Social, Emotional Development / Making relationships
To form good relationships with adults and children
To play co-operatively and take turns with friends.
To take steps to resolve conflicts with others. / Self confidence and Self-awareness
To try new activities confidently and say what likes/dislikes.
To speak in a group about my ideas, needs, interests and opinions.
To choose resources needed confidently and independently. / Managing feelings and behaviour
To work as part of a group by understanding and following rules.
To talk about their own and others behaviour and its consequences, and know that some behvaiour is unacceptable.
Prime Area: Physical Development / Gross Motor Skills
Demonstrate increased control over an object, pushing, bouncing, throwing, catching or kicking it.
To travel with confidence around, under, over and through balancing and climbing equipment.
Gymnastics and Dance. / Fine Motor Skills
To handle tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control.
Show a preference for a dominant hand.
To hold a pencil correctly and use it effectively to form recognizable letters, most of which are correctly formed. / Health and self-care
Healthy eating - fruit and vegetables.
To show understand of how to transport and store equipment safely.
Specific Area - Literacy / Phonics
Read Write Inc – Set 1 & 2 sounds.
Red words
Segment sounds in words to blend/decode to read simple words.
With support start to encode to spell cvc words. / Reading
Begin to read words and simple sentences.
To enjoy an increasing range of books.
To know that information can be retrieved from books and computers. / Writing
Write own name and other such things as labels and captions.
Attempt to write short sentences in meaningful contexts.
Specific Area- Mathematics / Number
Teen numbers.
Number lines 1-20
Count objects to 20.
Count to 100
Problem solving & Money.
In practical activities use vocabulary of addition and subtraction and difference.
Begin to understand how to share out equally a group of objects to 12. / Shape, Space and Measure
Measure of time – years, months, weeks, days
3D Shapes and size
Length and weight.
Positional language
Understanding the World / The World
Farming, growing, cooking
Our bodies and eating healthy.
Seasons – Winter/Spring.
Winter weather.
Changes we see in Spring.
Who has a birthday in Winter/Spring? / Technology
Typing names and labels.
Music technology - using the CD player to listen to listening books or music. / People & Communities
Discussing people from long age – Christopher Columbus and discovery the Americas’ and New World Foods.
Local farms.
Expressive Arts and Design / Exploring and Using Media and Materials
Inspiration from Famous Artists.
Painting, printing, collage, texture.
Explore natural and man-made materials.
Explore clay and malleable materials.
Use scissors (straight edged and curvy), paper stamps, glue, hole punch, wool and string, cellotape, ink stamps, stickers.
Cooking, construction and junk modeling. / Being Imaginative
Farm shop – inside.
Construction site – outside.
Replicate mini worlds and experiences in the ‘Our World’.
Music Express – explore duration and pitch.
RE - Come & See:
Special People
Islam – Muhammad
Change - Easter / PHSE
Seal – Going for Goals

Wardour Catholic Primary School

Summer EYFS Topic ‘Carnival of Animals’

Prime Area: Communication and Language / Listening and Attention
To respond to what they hear with meaningful comments, questions or actions.
To pay attention to what others say and can reply whilst doing another activity. / Speaking
To correctly use yesterday, today, tomorrow when talking about events.
Use language to explore own thinking and express ideas and thoughts.
To be able to express confidently and be aware of my listeners’ needs. / Understanding
To follow instructions with lots of different ideas and actions.
Answer ‘how, why, what, when, who’ questions about stories and personal events.
Prime Area: Personal, Social, Emotional Development / Making relationships
To play co-operatively and take turns with friends.
To take steps to resolve conflicts with others.
To show sensitivity to others needs and feelings. / Self confidence and Self-awareness
To be confident to try new activities and say why they like some activities more than others.
To be confident to speak in a familiar group, to talk about ideas.
To choose resources needed confidently and independently. / Managing feelings and behaviour
To work as part of a group/class and understand and follow the rules.
To adjust behaviour in different situations and to cope with change.
Prime Area: Physical Development / Gross Motor Skills
Athletics, Swimming and Dance.
To move confidently in many different ways and to move safely.
Show control in big and small movements. / Fine Motor Skills
Use equipment and tools appropriately and confidently.
To hold a pencil correctly and use it effectively to form recognizable letters, most of which a correctly formed.
Handwriting. / Health and self-care
To know that exercise and healthy food keeps us healthy.
Specific Area - Literacy / Phonics
Read Write Inc – Set 1 & 2 sounds.
Red words
Reading and spelling a wide range of cvc words using all letters including consonant diagraphs and double letters:
ch, sh, th, ll, ck, ng, nk,
Using some long vowel phonemes:
ay, ee, oo, ow, ir, ou, ar, igh, air. / Reading
Begin to read and understand simple sentences.
Read some common irregular words.
Share feelings and ideas about what I have read with others. / Writing
Write own name and other such things as labels and captions.
Attempt to write short sentences in meaningful contexts.
Write some common irregular words.
Write words that are phonetically correct.
Specific Area- Mathematics / Number
Teen numbers and beyond.
Count to 100
Count in 2’s and tens.
Place numbers 1-20 in the correct order.
Problem solving & calculations using addition, subtraction and difference.
Count on when adding two single digit numbers.
Count back when subtracting two single digit numbers.
Share out equally a group of objects to 12. / Shape, Space and Measure
Measure of time – years, months, weeks, days, hours.
Pattern and Symmetry
2D and 3D shapes
Understanding the World / The World
Exploring and observing skills.
Living things: asking questions, making observations, noticing change.
Seasons – Summer.
Summer weather.
Who has a birthday in Summer? / Technology
Keyboard and mouse skills.
Programming robotic toys.
Music technology - using the CD player to listen to listening books or music. / People & Communities
Life cycles.
Natural environment.
Living by the Seaside
Local farms.
Expressive Arts and Design / Exploring and Using Media and Materials
Inspiration from Artists.
Printing, texture and pattern.
Explore clay and sculpture.
Construction and junk modeling. / Being Imaginative
Vet – inside
Zoo/safari - outside.
Replicate mini worlds and experiences in the ‘Our World’.
Music Express – explore instruments, timbre, tempo and dynamics.
RE - Come & See:
Holiday & Holidays (Pentecost)
Being Sorry
Neighbours – Universal
Church - World / PHSE
Seal – Good to be me