Minutes of the SGM–November 17th, 2012
Board Members In Attendance: Ed Matteo Chairman, Bill Bishop VP, Bob Ehlers, Mark Stepsis
Clubs in Attendance: Amity, Cheshire, Fairfield Prep, Fairfield, Darien, Greenwich, Aspectuck, Staples, Simsbury, New London, Madison, Southington, West Hartford, Stamford
Also in attendance- Marc Colebrook of Nerrs, Bob Huscher of Durham, Jason Smith of Glastonbury
The VP called the meeting to order at 09:15am and took roll call.
The Chairman reported on the new board structure of CTRU and the new name of Rugby Connecticut, and the changes in the By Laws. Chairman stated that there were two open positions- events and communications. He reported on accomplishments of 2012 and initiatives for 2013. Coaching requirements by USARUGBY were discussed and it was stated that at least one head coach from each program must be Level 200 certified. A concern was brought up about having a class in CT to get certified if it is required. Chairman responded that a course has been planned for first week in March and needs to be confirmed. Chairman also stated that he would get more information to coaches.
The Resolution:
“That Rugby Connecticut proposed By Laws ascirculated be adopted”
Having been moved and seconded was passed unanimously.
The Resolution:
“That the slate of offices, including Ed Matteo as President, Bill Bishop as Treasurer and Vice President and Gary Mazut as Secretary, be elected”
Having been moved and seconded was passed unanimously.
Erin Kennedy of USA RUGBY addressed the group and covered the National Development Conference in January in California. She also discussed AIG sponsorship of rookie rugby, pathways to Age Grade teams, and 7’s initiatives.
Norbert Desauliers, Referee and Discipline Liaison presented to the group. He discussed coaching behavior sidelines; roping off sideline and keeping players behind it; discipline committee consisting of himself, Shannon Heap and Doctor Spada. He announced an appeal process for any red card and created an appeal process board consisting of referees in other unions. A red card is an automatic one game suspension or 8 days, whichever is longer. Norbert asked that all referees for RugbyConnecticut be scheduled through NERRS and not the RR of NY.
Bob Ehlers, Youth Development Committee Chair discussed the creation of Regional Champions and the development of Middle contact programs as a development pathway.
Jay Rubino discussed fundraising and sponsorship activities for both Rugby Connecticut and individual programs. John Broker briefly covered the Sweatx fundraiser.
Mark Stepsis, competition committee chair, discussed spring schedule for D1 and D2 boys, along with State Playoff format. Items that were discussed include: 12th graders playing B side, Fairfield Prep having a second team in D2, promotion possibilities, sportsmanship rules, issues of school teams playing community teams and school rules prohibiting such, and emerging teams playing 7’s. Mark asked that all programs give him game dates by 12/31/12 based on proposed schedule.
There being no further business, the Chairman thank those present for their attendance and input and declared the meeting closed at 12:35 PM.