Connecticut FFA Alumni Association Meeting Minutes

May 3, 2012

Suffield High School, Suffield, CT


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President, Sherry Harmon, at 7:01 pm.

Members in Attendance: The members in attendance were Sherry Harmon, Martin Baker, Mary Baker, Richard St. John, Dustyn Nelson, Nancy Srubas, Chris Steele, Sally Masse,

Rosa M. Perez, Beth D’Agata, Lisa Contacos, George Contacos, Amy Olsen, Linda Sheridan

Robert Borg, Stephanie Stephens, Rebecca Mockoles, Ann Willard, Laura LaFlamme,

Heather Logee, Wendy Dastous, Cathy Verbridge, Denise O’Kaae, Beth Royer

Approval of Minutes: Mary Baker read the previous minutes from the meeting held on March19, 2012.There was one correction the spelling of Bozeman, MT Motion passed with a majority vote.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer, Richard St. John, reported as of May 3, 2012. The checking Account has $13,350.00. Motion passed with a majority vote.

State FFA Association Report: Dustyn Nelson, Vice President of the CT FFA Association,

Talked about preparing for State Convention, Delegates, support and involvement

CAAE Report: Emily Picard has stepped down and Ann Willard will be taking over. Ann talked about the meeting she went to and State Convention by Laws Revision, and elections will be coming up soon.

Chapter Reports: Northwest Regional #7, Glastonbury, Storrs, Killingly, and Suffield all gave chapter reports.

Old Business: State Convention update: Sherry Harmon talked about the Career Show we have 10 Vendors and Beth D’Agata talked about the Silent Auction there is about 40 Items worth $1700.00. The College Scholarship will have 6 people for the review committee. There is 8 people for the WLC Scholarship, the people on this committee need to get there result to Sherry Harmon ASAP.

New Business: Open Floor: Website Jackets incentive Every person that comes to a meeting from your Chapter you get a point for each meeting they come to. Beth D’Agata added a maximum of 2 jackets per chapter. Motion passes with a Majority vote.

Upcoming Meeting Dates: 5/18 setup for State Convention at Suffield High School State Convention is 5/19 at Suffield High School.

Adjournment: Sherry Harmon adjourned meeting at 8:30pm with a majority vote.