Family Based Treatment
14 families across GGC have received or are currently receiving FBT. We are currently carrying out a service evaluation of the effectiveness of FBT. The FBT Peer Supervision Group continues to run on the last Thursday of every month from 9.30-11 at Templeton On The Green and is well attended. For more info contact Karen on 0141 277 7502 or
Training and Events
Connect-EDis providing training this month.'Eating Disorders - early identification andways in whichschool staff canassist the young person'. The training is for staff and will be held on the 11th February in MearnsCastleSchool. For further information, please contact Lindsay at
A free event will take place for WoS CAMHS Network: Eating Disorders: Evidence into Practice,3rd March 2011 at South Lanarkshire Council Headquarters.
This is a 1-day event for CAMHS clinicians to update knowledge about EB interventions in eating disorders and reflect on regional and local service development. Charlotte Oakley and Karen McMahon will share their learning from Developing Evidence-Based Services for Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders, a 2-day event held at the Institute of Psychiatry in Dec 2010 and will look at how to deliver services across the region.
The morning will be the conference feedback session and will be valuable to attend; it is possible to attend for the morning only. For more info and/or the slides from the conference please contact Charlotte: 0141 277 7504 or
An Event held on 9th February on ‘Eating Disorder Examination’ (EDE and Child EDE) Assessment of Eating disorders was well attended. This was an opportunity to explore assessment and share in case discussions. Further information:
Eating Disorders Care Pathway
The first draft of the Care Pathway has been completed. We have also submitted the first draft of the Care Pathway for consultation in January. We are now in the process of completing a second draft which will consider feedback received from the consultation. A second draft will be made available.
Carers Groups
The current Carers Group sessions will end on 8th February. Staff and patients will be notified when the Carers Group is restarted. Further updates will be made available on the website and in the next Eating Disorders newsletter. More information on the Carers Group, contact Karen Johnston on 0141 277 7502 or
Multi Family Therapy
The most recent MFT group ran on 3rd and 4th of November. Feedback from the groups by young people and families has been very good. Families told us that their understanding of Anorexia, their ability to tackle feelings of isolation and attitude to meal times have all improved. The young people and families also gave suggestions on what else should be included as part of the MFT days. For more information or to see the full feedback report, please contact Charlotte Oakley on 0141 277 7504 or Karen Johnston on 0141 277 7502.
SCS Internet – Eating Disorders
Following the design and upload of the website, Connect-ED has been carrying out a feedback consultation. We have received feedback from families via the website and where suggestions have been made, we have made an effort to improve the site. To view the webpage go to
and click on ‘Eating Disorders’ where our pages are available.
We continually maintain and develop the site to improve communication and information sharing with all our stakeholders, particularly the public. Please check the site regularly for updates.
Young People & Family Involvement
Connect-ED has contributed to the latest publication (25th March) of the Grid Magazine produced for Glasgow Young Scot Card holders by Glasgow Life. A young person from the magazine has written a short piece and Connect-ED has added information for young people about eating disorders. See link
0141 277 7504 S:\Eating Disorder