Meeting of Council 23 October 2014

Attendance – Councillors Glyn Olive, Martin Foster,John Ranshaw, Richard Johnson, Matthew Mason, Paddy Donnellan, Philip Brown, Councillors Mrs Ruth Sharples,Mrs Marlene Wilson & Mrs Mary Walker

Clerk Kathy Roberts

County Councillor Colin Mair

East Lindsey District Councillor Julia Pears

Members of public – 12

Presentation of awards for 2014 Best kept front garden, “Fred Bailey Shield” winner Mr Royce Sellars, 18 School Lane. Business award “Ranshaw Sheild” winner 2014 “Flowers by Maxine” both awards were well deserved; the winners were delighted to accept them to hold for one year.

Public Forum : Lionel Maxwell & Dick Owen both village flood wardens asked if council would consider nominating a further warden possibly one of the councillors to keep the contact with the village, Chairman replied –thanks for bringing to attention, this is an agenda item.

Wayne Monks & Mick Lindop residents of Milson Way – both very unhappy with Council and suggested that council were dragging their heels with the Neighbourhood Plan, heated conversation regarding other councils joining together protesting against ELDC, Cllr Foster replied with a brief breakdown of the efforts by both Tattershall & Coningsby Councils in 2012 to get a plan started, Cllr Brown expressed his sympathies with the residents but explained once again this is not a quick fix and the job needs doing correctly. Mr Monks & Mr Lindop left the meeting.


77. Welcome from Chairman Cllr Glyn Olive

78. Apology and reason for absence was heard from Cllrs Moorhouse, proposal to accept, all in favour RESOLVED.

79. No declarations of Interest at this point.

80. Notes of meeting held September 25th 2014 previously circulated, proposed Cllr Ruth Sharples, and seconded Cllr Donnellan to accept as true and correct record of meeting, vote taken all in favour, RESOLVED , Minutes signed and dated.

81. Police report – PCSO Ali Evans , unable to attend had provided a report, 3 criminal damage, 2 malicious communications, 3 domestic incidents, 4 abandoned emergency calls, 1 aggravated vehicle taking, break in at Brylaine bus depot. Two males drove a bus around the depot causing damage to other vehicles and fencing. 8 traffic offences, 2 road traffic injuries, 1 fatal on RAF Coningsby.

82. Flood Wardens, Local emergency plan – Chairman asked if anyone would be interested in training as FW; Cllr Mason & Cllr Ranshaw both volunteered, Cllr Donnellan suggested that the whole council be involved at local level, making themselves available for duties should they be required.

83. Neighbourhood Plan – Moving forward, Cllr Brown reported back on the first meeting, very successful, next meeting is provisionally arranged for 5th December, after discussion it was decided this was not suitable and another date would be arranged with Ann Shorland ELDC, invites will go out to Tattershall PC to join in with the making of the plan. Cllr Brown expressed his disappointment that the residents did not stay to hear councils update and plans to move forward. More advertising is required to make wider audience aware of the plans.

84. School Lane Play Area – Visit with the youngsters from St Michaels School went well, a few teething problems are being dealt with by Sutcliffe Play. Official opening will be on Saturday 8th November at 11am – WREN will be invited and local Police.

85. Christmas trees/ tree lighting – proposal to change the date to the 28th November for the tree lighting ceremony and parade, seconded all in favour, Cllr Walker expressed concern that we are changing date after the Churches have been informed, Clerk will contact the Churches to explain reasons.

86. Outside groups – Newsletter, Cllr Ruth Sharples, the group is in need of lots of help, due to illness and members leaving the area the group are struggling. C.A.T.S CCTV will be holding their AGM on 4th November at 7pm in the Lion’s Den

87. Quality Council – New guidelines will be out soon from NALC setting the standards for the QS moving forward there will be 3 levels, foundation, quality & gold; council will need to decide which level if any to aim for once information is out.

88. Planning – S/035/01539/14 The rectory , Full planning permission granted to build a new vicarage and additional vehicular /pedestrian access onto High Street. Council have put in objections to the extra access being built due to poor visibility caused by the bend towards the centre of village.

89. Poppy Appeal – proposal to donate £80 to this years appeal, seconded all voted in favour. RESOLVED

90. Finances – Proposal in retrospect to pay October accounts as listed, seconded all voted in favour RESOLVED.

Talk Talk broadband / DD / 15.31
EON - Allan Barker - monthly saving 4% / DD / 70.41
Salaries / 1,833.92
John Ward - Grass cutting / BACS / 60.00
Malc Firth Landscapes grass cutting / BACS / 1,336.56
CJR Services - Play Area - / BACS / 40.00
Inland Revenue / 341.08
UKWSL - two bins / 82.22
Goodwins - September/October / 423.27
Cooleys fuel for mowers / 60.20
Tyrrell Plant & Supplies / 5,136.00
Tony Tyrrell Limited / 1,100.00
Donation Newsletter / 250.00
LALC AGM - fees / 21.00
Donation Poppy Appeal 2014 / 80.00
JohnstonPublishing / 94.90
Smith Construction - MUGA maintenance / 417.52
EON War memorial / 6.32
EON Allan Barker roadway lights / 12.15
K Roberts travel allowance LALC AGM / 24.00
Coningsby Bookshop - office sundries / 8.98
Broxap bins x 6 Allan Barker / 1,332.00
Bill Stennett - relief Clock winder / 7.50

Coningsby Community Hall 51.00

91. District Councillor Julia Pears – Investigations are going on with regard to the works at Gattinton park a site visit has been arranged for Friday 24th Oct with Councillors attending to discuss concerns. Cllr Mrs Mary Walker asked for a breakdown of fees received and the actual cost of running Coningsby’s Silver Street Car Park, Cllr Pears will put in this request.

County Councillor Colin Mair – Police Crime & Police commissioner attending LCC, - his question to him is concerning internet fraud, the works to Langrick Road B1192 have been delayed due to works at Boston taking longer than expected, LCC have finished one of the repair teams who have not been complying with the standards required.

Proposal to move into closed session to discuss quotes for electrical works for Light up Coningsby 2014

Resolved – Three quotes considered, the chosen contractor after discussion is Jason Parker 9 votes in favour – Cllr Mrs Mary Walker voted against the spend on the Christmas trees, not the contractor the overall spend.

Meeting Closed