City of Bloomfield Council Meeting

Regular Session

April 17, 2017 at 6:30pm

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-tem Donna Deardorff. Those present were: Frank Sifford, Pat Wilson, and Bonnie Blue. Bill Aslin and Robin Northern were absent. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.

Public Comments: County Commissioner Greg Mathis and Sheriff Carl Hefner discussed the plumbing bill from Advanced Plumbing. They were under the impression this bill had been taken care of, but was not. After some discussion on the events involved with this bill, Greg decided that the County would send it to Smith & Co. for payment and go from there.

Guest: Shane Headrick, AFLAC representative, requested permission from council to meet with city employees and discuss possible supplemental plans the employees could purchase on their own. Ald. Blue moved to allow Shane Headrick to meet with city employees at City Hall. Ald. Wilson second the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Mr. Headrick will contact the City Clerk and set up a date and time.

Consent Agenda: Ald. Sifford made a motion that was second by Ald. Blue to approve the consent agenda. Motion passed 3-0 vote.

Unfinished Bus: Mayor Pro-tem Deardorff stated she had been in contact with the city attorney about the building regulations. The city attorney will be forwarding the necessary information to the City Clerk.

At this time, the oath of office was administered by the City Clerk to the following elected officials: Bonnie Blue, Alderman; Frank Sifford, Alderman; Ruth Ann Wilson, City Tax Collector. Bill Aslin was not present and will be sworn in as mayor at a later time.

New Bus: Ald. Sifford moved to accept the results from the April 4, 2017 General Election. Ald. Blue second the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Ald. Sifford opened the discussion on separating the water/sewer checking account from the general fund account as per the recommendation of the City’s recent audit. Comment was made that the auditor had recommended that, but with small cities such as Bloomfield, it is acceptable to keep all accounts in one bank account. Ald. Blue stated she is not in favor of separating the bank accounts. Mayor Pro-tem commented that she was not in favor of the separation, and neither was Mayor Aslin, as was relayed to her earlier via phone.

Advanced Plumbing bill was discussed briefly and agreed that County Commissioner Greg Mathis is handling this matter.

Ald. Sifford moved to start advertising for City Waste Disposal bids. Ald. Blue second, motion passed 3-0.


Other Matters Library roof is coming along and looking good.

Property owner at 808 Stoddard Road has requested that the new fire hydrant at the edge of her driveway be moved to an alternate location. After some discussion, and Justin Bell explaining why the new hydrant was placed in that particular spot, at the end of the new water line, Ald. Sifford moved that the fire hydrant at 808 Stoddard Road not be moved from its current location. Ald. Wilson second this motion. Motion passed 3-0.

DPS Administrator Dew stated he is still working on getting quotes on fire engines for the insurance company before coming to a settlement agreement. Chief Dew also stated that he is waiting to hear from City of Cape Girardeau as to when the newly purchased fire engine can be picked up, hopefully this week.

With no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ald. Wilson and second by Ald. Blue. Motion passed 3-0.

Minutes recorded by: ______

Kari Standley, City Clerk