Music Boosters Association (MBA)
Monthly Meeting / Monday
22January 2018
Meeting Attendees
MBA President – Kristin Ryan / Present / Chorus Director – Daniel Jackson / Present
MBA Treasurer – Connie Olivera / Present / VP Chorus Fundraising – Kate Brown / Present
MBA Asst Treasurer – Duane Torbert / Absent / VP Chorus – Alice Parkin / Present
MBA Secretary – Sue Fuller / Present / Guitar Director – Jeffrey Tanner / Absent
Band Director –David Keller / Present / VP Guitar – Michelle Lopresti / Absent
VP Band Fundraising – Stacie Tomasello / Present / Orchestra Director – Leah Hawkins / Absent
VP Band – Greg Ogorek / Absent / VP Orchestra – Alexis Adamson / Absent
Discussion Items
6:11 p.m. –Kristin called the meeting to order. Alice made a motion to approve the November minutes. Stacie seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer – Connie Olivera
Connie reported that we have $146,748.67 in the bank account.
We are missing money from choir for concert attire rental. Kate reported that she gave deposits to Duane. Kate reported many of the kids had shoes and tux shirts. There is money for approximately 50 rentals, which is about right. We have three invoices that need to be paid to Chuck Bat (CB Enterprises.) Sanders Corner sent a check for $103, in honor of the Olivera’s playing at the SCES holiday singalong. Diana Carter helped balance the checkbook, so thank you to Diana! Connie also reported that the accountant hasn’t finished our taxes yet. She also remarked that we might want to look for a new accountant for next year.
Charms Discussion
Kristin started a conversation about Charms. Cate remarked that she only uses it for email and no other functions. Mr. Keller offered to show her the functions that are available. Chorus would like to have a planning session to learn more about Charms. Duane offered to hold the training whenever it’s needed. Kristin suggested Feb. 12 meeting, starting at 5pm. Cate will send Duane a list of chorus fees that need to be added. Send questions and requirements in advance of the meeting.
Secretary Report – Sue Fuller
Membership list is nearly complete – all the data is there, just need to group it together. Kristin wants to send some blurbs out to the membership.
Sue reported that it isn’t straightforward to embed the Music Boosters calendar into the music directors’ calendars and vice versa, because the calendars live in separate branches within the publishing tool.
Band Update – Mr. Keller
Thank you to our chaperones who drive equipment and chaperoned Jazz Ensemble going to Dulles in and our volunteers for the Winter Band Concert. Many thanks to all of the students and volunteers who drove vehicles, decorated states, etc. etc. during this very busy time!
The volunteer opportunities were not finished in December! The first half of January has been just as busy as SBHS hosted the District Band auditions on January 6. We had approximately 1200 auditioning students through the building that day. MANY thanks to all members of the army of volunteers we had that day. May directors commented on how well our students and parents always do! Also many thanks to Stacie Tomasello for ORGANIZING this small army of volunteers to carry the day off without a hitch!
Thanks to Anna Clark for a fantastic performance at last week’s music major recital.
Upcoming Band Events:
- Instrument Test Drive Nights – tonight and February 6. Mrs. Robbins can always use more student volunteers to assist with these events.
- All-District Band Rehearsals Concert will be at John Champe High School this year on February 1, 2, and 3. Once again, SBHS is represented in good numbers with 27 students selected to the groups. Thursday, students will rehearse from 6:30-8:30pm. Friday, students will rehearse from 10:00am-6:00pm. Saturday, students will report by 9:30am and the concert begins at 3:00pm. Stay tuned for transportation information. Transportation will not be provided Saturday.
- Jazz Coffeehouse is Feb. 15
- February 23- leave for All VA Auditions. February 24- audition day. Congratulations to the District Band members with asterisk by their name above for receiving the honor to audition.
Choir – Daniel Jackson
- Congratulations to Andrew Burton, Emma Thorn, Hope Detweiler, Katie Bushman, James Good and Bethany Shears for making it to the District Honor Choir!
- Congratulations to Ainsley Steger for making the ACDA Southern Division Honor Choir!
- The Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser made close to $1000. Our fundraising committee is working on planning for another one with more student participation.
- I am proud to announce that we have a solidified Fundraising Committee, committed to creating opportunities to help students meet financial needs future chorus opportunities. We still need to find a Treasurer.
- Our Carnegie Hall trip officially fell through (falling short of the amount of students participants by 9). Tomorrow, I will be able to confirm whether we have suitable numbers for our Plan B, overnight excursion.
- I am considering submitting 3 ensembles for the Alexandria Choral Society Sing-Off. Winning ensembles will earn a $500 grant for their choral department, and be able to sing 3 selections of their own in the ACS Spring Concert on May 5th.
Orchestra – Leah Hawkins
Orchestra update provided through email:
- Students just auditioned for All County Orchestra on Saturday, we do not know results yet but I am hopeful for some to have made it.
- 3rd payment of Nashville money was due last week for students
- Orchestra assessment is on March 10th in the morning for SBHS
- I'm hopeful to have some spirit nights going on soon, but as of right now nothing solid.
- Orchestra is also working to set spirit nights at Squisito's, Urban BBQ, and ChinChin cafe.
President’s Report – Kristin Ryan
Scholarship Committee status - Chairperson: Sue Fuller;members include Kate Brown, Lori Lovejoy and possibly Lisa Posada. Kristin brought up the odd situation that as President, she is supposed to sit on the committee, but as a senior parent, she’s isn’t supposed to be on the committee. Mr. Keller commented that being the MBA President trumps being a senior parent, so Kristin can sit on the committee, but as precedent, we should try to avoid having senior parents involved with the scholarship committee.
Lisa McGrail is leading the Fine Arts Night. She will be in touch soon about the details.
Kristin brought up a potential fundraising partner. It’s a little tricky with the pub aspect.
There was some discussion about Senior Slideshow. We need to start bugging senior parents soon so it isn’t a last minute effort.
Kristin closed the meeting at 7:03pm.
Action Items
- All: Need to find a helper for next year to help balance the checkbook. They need to know QuickBooks.
- Charms people: Anyone who is interested in Charms training should send issues and questions to Duane before the Feb. 12 training session.
- All: Need to put a call out for a new assistant treasurer for next year. QuickBooks experience helpful.
- Stacie: Send senior list to Kristin.
- Kristin: Send us your recipes. :D