
WELCOME to IT WORKS Marketing!

CONGRATULATIONS in taking the first step to a healthier lifestyle!!!!

I want to thank you for becoming a customer under our Customer Loyalty Program where you can take advantage of purchasing our products at wholesale. You have chosen our Ultimate Body Challenge Package (Retail Value - $169) for only $99 plus S&H and tax. I know I am as excited as you are to receive your product and start using it and sharing your success story with everyone you know!!!

Your ID# is and your password is: . All you need to do to access your personal e-office is to go to and type in your ID# at the bottom of the page together with your password. Here you can review and/or make changes to your auto ship and your shipping address if you need to. View the specials and testimonials, and read about the other products they offer or place an order. You can also read more about the business opportunity that IT WORKS MARKETING offers should you wish to become a Distributor. There are several benefits to becoming a Distributor besides earning a great income! You at any time can become a Distributor!

Please review the information under your auto ship and make sure that all of the information is correct. Also make sure you review the date of when your next auto ship will be sent.


  1. Orders ship to Canada every Tuesday and Friday. If you are in need of more products before your auto ship date, you must have your orders into the system by midnight on Monday and Thursday before it ships out on Tuesday and Friday. You will also be sent a tracking no. when your product has been shipped. Please note that this tracking no. is for Canada Post so you can track it through their website.
  1. You will receive an email from IT WORKS a couple of days in advance of your auto ship. You can change your product choice if you so choose at this time. There are no minimums to what you can order! Also please note: if you should break your auto ship before your 3 months is up, IT WORKS MARKETING will charge you $50.
  1. Because you have chosen one of the applicators (body, facial or neck & chin) as one of your products please make sure that when you use any of our wraps that you drink at least 8 – 16 oz. of water while wearing the wrap. The package instructions and the downloadable instructions do not state this and it is very important that you drink the water as this helps with the detoxifying process to break down the toxins in your body!!!
  1. Be sure to measure yourself before you wrap! Measure in a couple of places and use a black fine point permanent marker. For your stomach I measure in 3 areas….1/2 way between my belly button and the bottom of your bra line then at your waist which should be your belly button area and the top part of your hips. This is to ensure that when you measure again after your wrap that you are placing the measuring tape in the same place! Not placing it back in the same spot could result in inch gain instead of inch loss!
  1. Be sure to really rub the lotion residue into your skin after you remove the wrap! This is important! The more you massage it in, the better the results that will follow in the next 3 days!!!
  1. Focus on the area that you want to lose inches on first. Continue wrapping this area until you achieve the results that you want. Then move to the next area that you want to lose inches from. They recommend that you NOT switch from one area to another so if it is your stomach that you want to tone, tighten and firm then start there and once you have achieved the results that you want then move to your arms, legs or back. DO NOT WRAP YOUR STOMACH AND BACK AT THE SAME TIME. Only one body part at a time! Both arms, legs, breasts and buttocks are considered one body part! For your arms, I cut one applicator in half instead of using 2 applicators. This will save you $$$$$ and will work just as well.
  1. Don’t wrap your stomach if you are pre-menstrual or while in your cycle as you have the tendency to hold water which dilutes the effectiveness of ingredients and you will not get the results you desire. Wait until your cycle finishes before you wrap! You can choose to do another area or continue to use the Defining Gel.
  1. Do not wrap if you arebreast feeding!
  1. Some medications may have an effect on your inch loss. If you are a diet pop drinker, this could also affect your results. Carla’s motto……remove anything packaged, canned or white in your life and get rid of anything that has artificial sweetners!!! Use only natural sweetners like raw sugar, honey, stevia or agave syrup.
  1. Buy good saran or cling wrap! You want to wrap yourself fairly snug with saran wrap after you have applied the applicator. This is what drives the lotion into your body. Try and get someone to wrap you so that it is snug!
  1. Make sure that you wait 72 hours before applying another wrap. If you use it everyday you are wasting product and $$$$. Use the Defining Gel in between your wraps and really massage it in. You will continue to lose inches over the next 72 hours and the Defining Gel will enhance the inch loss. The more you massage it into your skin the better the results. You can use the Defining Gel all over your body as it will help with other areas that you want to work on later!
  1. Be sure that the area you are applying the wrap to is clean and dry and lotion free.
  1. If you are a male that has a hairy stomach, please make sure that you apply a hot towel first to your stomach for a few minutes so that the lotion from the applicator will adhere when you apply the wrap.
  1. Take a picture of yourself before you start the wrap program and record your start date. Swimsuit would be great or shorts and a tank top! Keep a journal recording your start weight and inches! As you progress keep measuring your inch loss and weight loss! Once you have achieved the results you are looking for, take another picture! You have now written YOUR SUCCESS STORY!!! Be sure to share it with everyone you know!!!! I will be checking in with you to see how your SUCCESS STORY is progressing and I want you to be featured in my BRAG BOOK!!!
  1. If you are someone who needs to lose quite a bit of weight, I strongly suggest signing up for the FITWORKS program. It is $29.95 for the first month and $9.95 every month thereafter. Carla Burns, the creator of FITWORKS has put together an excellent program using THERMOGENIC food choices to speed up your metabolism. These are simple foods that you can buy at any grocery store and she also provides some yummy recipes that you can download and print off. She also has a FITSTART program where you can lose 10 pounds in 12 days just by following her meal plan. Carla has also created an exercise program that is very simple! It would cost you 10 times this much if you had to hire a personal fitness trainer for all of this information!!! She has also created a FITWORKS program for kids!
  1. Get started as soon as you receive your product!!!!
  1. Please print this off and keep it in a binder for easy access!

I look forward to hearing from you about your inch and/or weight loss! Should you have any questions, please call me at (xxx) xxx-xxxx or email me at
