Conformance SIG Specification for Message Profile Content Ballot Summary

As of 5/4/00

ID / Vote / Name / Company / Contact Info /
20 / AFFIRM / Lawrence Reis /
(847)677-3090 / Yes
3 / AFFIRM / Keith Mitchell / 3M Health Information Systems /
18 / AFFIRM / Christopher Melo / Agilent Technologies /
17 / AFFIRM / Jack Harrington / Agilent Technologies /
30 / AFFIRM / Laura Sato / Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) / Yes
27 / AFFIRM / Susab Abernathy / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention /
25 / AFFIRM / Robert Moe / Electronic Data Systems Corporation /
9 / AFFIRM / David Hartman / Medic Computer Systems /
13 / AFFIRM / David Wright / Medic Computer Systems /
16 / AFFIRM / Eric Teller / Medic Computer Systems /
11 / AFFIRM / John Cree / Medic Computer Systems /
12 / AFFIRM / John Leschak / Medic Computer Systems /
10 / AFFIRM / Joseph Kathan / Medic Computer Systems /
7 / AFFIRM / Lindsay Winstead / Medic Computer Systems /
21 / AFFIRM / John Churin / Oacis Healthcare Systems, Inc /
1 / AFFIRM / Helen Silacci / Oacis Healthcare Systems, Inc. /
24 / AFFIRM / Mark Shafarman / Oacis Healthcare Systems, Inc. /
(415)482-4400 / Yes
2 / AFFIRM / Naomi Szeto / Oacis Healthcare Systems, Inc. /
28 / AFFIRM / Alfredo Tirado-Ramos / Philips Research /
(914)945-6404 / Yes
29 / AFFIRM / Mark Tucker / Regenstrief Institute for Health Care /
8 / AFFIRM / Beverly Wilson / Shared Medical Systems (SMS) /
(610)219-3967 /


22 / AFFIRM / Doug Pratt / Shared Medical Systems (SMS) /
(610)219-3050 / Yes
15 / AFFIRM / Kathy Blyler / Shared Medical Systems (SMS) /
(610)219-3860 / Yes
26 / AFFIRM / Liora Alschuler / The Word Electric /
(802)785-2623 / Yes
19 / AFFIRM / Peter Rontey / U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs /
14 / AFFIRM / Michael Cabral / United Health Group /
4 / ABST / Daniel Staniec / National Council for Prescription Drug Programs /
5 / ABST / Daniel Staniec / National Council for Prescription Drug Programs /
6 / ABST / Daniel Staniec / National Council for Prescription Drug Programs /
23 / ABST / Gary Dickinson / Per-Se' Technologies, A Medaphis Company /

Ballot Comments

1 / ASUGG / SMS / Title / The current name is difficult to remember. How about HL7 V2.x Message Profiling Specification? / Approved
2 / ASUGG / SMS / New Section / The document needs a section at the end that discusses the work in progress – tool creation project. / Will include in next version of the document.
3 / ASUGG / SMS / 1 / 1 / 2 / Purpose / Couldn’t find the third bullet documented in the specification. / Will remove the bullet. Stated procedure will be added in next release of the document.
4 / AQUER / SMS / 2 / 2.2 / 4 / Components / Are all components required? The document should specify if they are or are not. / Approved
5 / ASUGG / SMS / 2 / 2.3.1 / 5 / Use Case Model / Add a section called Tool. This should discuss that HL7 does not require the use of a case tool and that use cases may be submitted using a Case Tool with a Use Case Diagram or textually. / Approved
6 / AQUER / SMS / 2 / 2.3.2 / 7 / Constraints on HL7 Messages / What is the definition of a segment group? / No action required. Defined within HL7.
7 / ASUGG / SMS / 2 / 2.3.2 / 7 / Figure 2.2 / This figure needs a textual description. The text within the diagram should be removed to the description. / Approved
8 / ASUGG / SMS / 2 / / 9 / Figure 2.3 / The columns that have changed need to be highlighted (or something) to show that they are the columns that contain profile information. / Approved
9 / ASUGG / SMS / 2 / / 12 / Figure 2.4 / The columns that have changed need to be highlighted (or something) to show that they are the columns that contain profile information. / Approved
10 / AQUER / SMS / 3 / 3.1 / 18 / Figures 2.8 & 2.9 / The examples differ. The profile ID created in figure 2.9 does not include the country (US) or organization levels. This is very confusing. / Will be corrected.
11 / AQUER / SMS / 3 / 3.2 / 20 / Figures 2.10 & 2.11 / The examples differ. The profile ID created in figure 2.11 does not include the country (US) or organization levels. This is very confusing. / Will be corrected.
12 / ATYPO / SMS / 21 / Arrows / Missing arrow from 3 to Static Profile example.
The Interaction Model arrow should be from 2. / Approved
13 / ASUGG / Mark Shafarman / Is there any plan to harmonize the definition of conformance given here with that in the 2.4 ballot, chapter 5, for the 2.4-style, conformance statement based queries?
I think this would be a good future project for this SIG. At the least this document needs a disclaimer statement that 'conformance' used herein is NOT the same as that in the 2.4 chapter 5. / This will be a conference call agenda item. We must all read and review prior to that call.
14 / AQUER / Mark Shafarman / (2) Is there a mechanism for HL7 to maintain the 'registering' the conformance identifiers (OID's)? Should HL7 in fact maintain them, and if so should they be available to members from the website? / Tooling is not yet in place. We must talk to HL7 HQ.
15 / ATYPO
ASUGG / Mark Shafarman / In the attached document see the revisions marked by "***", which contain 1 typo, notes about a couple of undefined terms that probably should be defined, and a couple of specific notes about locations in the document where question 2 above needs to be answered (either positively or negatively). / Approved see attached document.
16 / ASUGG / Lawrence Reis / Suggestion that the continuation of this work in the HL7 version 2.x space show collaboration with the work of the Control/Query TC to establish conformance claims for V2.4 queries. / This will be a conference call agenda item. We must all read and review prior to that call.
17 / ASUGG / Liora Alschuler / I would like to see Profiles expressed in XML, following the syntax for v2.3.1 XML. / Profiles should be expressed in tabular format. If XML is used, must follow the recommendation put forth by the XML committee.
18 / ATYPO / Alfredo Tirado-Ramos / 15 Line 9 / Figure 2.7 / Page 15, Line 9: In Figure 2.7, an arrow should be added from the "Clinical Information System" actor to the "ADT System" actor, with the leyend "ACK^A01". According to Line 8, Definition: "The interaction diagrams are to illustrate the sequence of trigger event AND RESULTING MESSAGE FLOWS between the sending and receiving applications". This would be better represented by adding the mentioned acknowledgement arrow. / Approved
19 / ATYPO / Alfredo Tirado-Ramos / 15 Line 8 / Page 15, Line 8: "/ACK^A01" should be added to "Interaction Model Example-ADT^A01". According to Line 8, Definition: "The interaction diagrams are to illustrate the sequence of trigger event AND RESULTING MESSAGE FLOWS between the sending and receiving applications". This would be better represented by writing ADT^A01/ACK^A01 instead of just ADT^A01. / Approved
20 / ASUGG / Alfredo Tirado-Ramos / 5 / Page 5, Requirements: A bullet should be added to state that a NAME should be defined for the Use Case. This is nowhere stated. / Approved
21 / ASUGG / Alfredo Tirado-Ramos / 6 / Figure 2.1 / Page 6, Figure 2.1: A header should be added with the Use Case Name. Although the Use Case bubble is named, a header with the name before the "Description" header is needed. / Approved
22 / ASUGG / HL7 Canada / 3 / 3 / Remove the word "specific message" from the sentence "This document is intended to recommend a specification for defining specific message profiles of HL7 V2.x messages. / Can’t find reference. Think this is an old version of the specification.
23 / ASUGG / HL7 Canada / 3 / 3 / Replace the sentence "HL7 V2.x Message profiling provides a guideline for documenting particular uses of HL7 messages" with the sentence"HL7 V2.x Message profiling is a specification for documenting particular uses of HL7 messages". / Can’t find reference. Think this is an old version of the specification.
24 / ASUGG / HL7 Canada / 4 / 4 / Replace the existing HL7 Compliance section with the following sentence: "A message profile is compliant, in all aspects, with the HL7 defined message it profiles, although it may specify constraints on the standard HL7 message definition." / Approved
25 / ATYPO / HL7 Canada / 4 / 4 / Under Examples, it says "user-define" instead of"user-defined". / Approved
26 / ASUGG / 8 / 4 / Under Segment Cardinality it will be useful if a standard symbol is suggested for unlimited cardinality, as it is implied in the example given later on. Thus, the sentence "Where known, the maximum cardinality shall also be specified, or specified as unlimited." could be modified to read: "Where known, the maximum cardinality shall also be specified, or specified as unlimited by using the asterisk symbol *." / Approved - complete
27 / AQUER / 6 / Line 48 & 49. It is not clear what is meant by the expressions enclosed by brackets, e.g. {awg(1) hl7(1) v2-3(5)static-profile(1)}. / Approved
28 / ASUGG / 14 / 4 / Under User-Defined and Suggested Field Values, it will be very useful to add a Figure with an example of a CM type field, given the complexity of that data type. / Rejected. Will use CE.