CONFIRMED Revised 8Feb2018


October 23-26, 2017


These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.

MONDAY, 05-Jun-2017 TO THURSDAY, 08-Jun-2017


1.1Call to Order / Quorum Check

The Metallic Materials Manufacturing (MMM) Task Group was called to order at 8:00 a.m., 10-Oct-2017

It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present section was revised to include Chairperson, Secretary and Vice Chairperson designations.

Supplier Members/Participants Present section was revised to include the * indicating Voting Members on all supplier voting members as the * was omitted unintentionally.

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

* / Tom / Ancich / Rolls-Royce
* / Mark / Antonellis / BAE Systems / Chairperson
* / Elaine / Boswell / Rolls-Royce
* / Werner / Buchmann / MTU Aero Engines AG
* / David / Chang / Rolls-Royce
* / Craig / Clasper / Spirit AeroSystems
* / Ben / Evans / UTAS (Goodrich)
* / Greg / Goldhagen / UTC Aerospace (Hamilton Sundstrand) / Secretary
Bob / Koukol / Honeywell Aerospace
Robert / LaFurge / United Technologies Aerospace Systems
* / Hongping / Li / COMAC
* / Raphael / MENTASTI / SAFRAN Group
* / Will / Otaluka / Honeywell Aerospace
Charles / Parker / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Brian / Streich / Honeywell Aerospace / Vice Chairperson
* / Johan / Tholerus / GKN Aerospace Sweden AB
Fredrik / Vikström / GKN Aerospace Sweden AB

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

Israel / Barragan / FRISA FORJADOS
David / Beard / PCC Airfoils LLC
* / Tom / Betz / PCC Airfoils, LLC
* / Ramachandra / Canumalla / Weldaloy Products Co.
Mark / Cavanaugh / Larson Forge
Jeffrey / Cerbie / Charles E. Larson & Sons
Jean-Francois / Chevalier / LISI-AEROSPACE
Edward / Engelhard / Solar Atmospheres, Inc.
Thomas / Garcia / MetalTek Wisconsin Centrigugal Div.
* / Jonathan / Gonzalez / Solar Atmospheres
* / Rudolf / Graf / BöhlerSchmiedetechnik GmbH & Co KG
* / Beth / Lewis / Wyman Gordon
Stefan / Lukas / BöhlerSchmiedetechnik GmbH & Co KG
Giuseppe / Marzano / Magellan Aerospace,Haley
Karina / Pérez / FRISA FORJADOS
* / Louis-Marie / RABBE / Aubert and Duval (ERAMET Group)
* / Brian / Reynolds / Arconic
* / Peter / Rowe / Doncasters Group
John / Scheuermann / Yankee Casting Co.
Jeffrey / Sipf / Haynes International, Inc.
* / Harold / Slaterpryce / PCC Airfoils, LLC
* / Michael / Snyder / Special Metals Corp
Klaus / Sommerauer / BöhlerSchmiedetechnik GmbH & Co KG
Nancy / Ten Eyck / Arconic
Tsunao / Tezuka / IHI Corporation
Russell / Tischer / TECT Power
Junji / Tsuji / IHI Corporation
Natia / Turmanidze / Arconic
Kevin / Vecchiarelli / Yankee Casting
David / Viers / ATI / Cast Products
Kal / Wong / Aluminum Precision Products, Inc.
Brian / Yazumbek / Modern Forge Indiana
Elizabeth / Zumwalt / SIFCO Forge

PRI Staff Present

Jerry / Aston

1.2Safety Information– OPEN

Reviewed fire exits in meeting room.

Inform PRI Staff person of any emergencies.

1.3Review Code of Ethics – OPEN

1.4Present the Anti-Trust Video – OPEN

1.5Review Agenda and RAIL – OPEN

Mark Antonellis (BAE Systems) will be taking the roll of AQS Liaison.

The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL)was reviewed.

For specific details, please see the current MMM Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) posted at under Public Documents.

1.6Acceptance of Previous Meeting Minutes - OPEN

Motion made by Brian Streich and seconded by Greg Goldhagen to accept June 2017 Meeting Minutes as written. Motion Passed.

2.0Review of Procedure Changes – OPEN

Review changes to General Operating Procedures

Changes made to General Operating Procedures since June 2017were reviewed. Those operating procedures included, OP 1103 Definitions, OP 1104 Audit Scheduling, OP 1105 Audit Process, OP 1123 Supplier Support Committee, and OP 1124 Allegation Handling and Resolution.

Review changes to OP 1114 and OP 1116 Appendices

No changes to the OP 1116 Appendix MMM since the June 2017 meeting.Changes to OP 1114 Appendix MMM since the June 2017Meetingwere discussed. The most significant change was to bring the OP 1114 Appendix MMM in line with the new revision of OP 1114.

3.0history status – Forgings and castings - OPEN

E. Boswell gave a brief presentation on the history and status of the MMM Task Group.

4.0supplier support committee (ssc) report out – open

J. Gonzalez gave presentation on current Supplier Support Committee (SSC) activities.


The following requests for additions or changes to voting membership were received and confirmed by the Task Group Chairperson pending verificationof PD 1100 requirements:

  • Subscriber Voting Member: UVM
  • Supplier Voting Member: SVM
  • Alternate: ALT
  • Task Group Chairperson: CHR
  • Vice Chairperson: VCH
  • Secretary: SEC

New Voting Members:

First Name / Surname / Company / Position:
(new / updated role) / Meetings Attended
Harold / Slaterpryce / PCC Airfoils / ALT SVM / Jun-2017 / Oct-2017
Louis-Marie / Rabbe / Aubert & Duval / SVM / Jun-2017 / Oct-2017

Voting Membership Removed: The following people had their voting membership removed due to not meeting requirements

First Name / Surname / Company / Ballot Response Met (Y/N) / Meeting Attendance Met (Y/N)
Alexander / Bourgeois / Bombardier / N / N

Changes to Voting Memberships Since the Last Meeting:

First Name / Surname / Company / Position:
(new / updated role)
Peter / Rowe / DoncastersGroup / Updated to SVM
Richard / Knibb / Doncasters Group / Removed

The compliance to voting requirements per PD 1100 were reviewed.

Bombardier has not met requirements for maintaining voting rights; attendance, missed 5 consecutive meetings.Compliance with membership requirements were removedby the MMM Task Group Chairperson.

Techject Airfoils Ltd.has not met requirements for maintaining voting rights; attendance, missed 3 consecutive meetings. Compliance with membership requirements were waived by the MMM Task Group Chairperson.

6.0october 2017 auditor conference report out – open

E. Boswell gave a debrief on the trainings given to the Forging Auditors at the 2017 Auditor Conference.

The feedback from the auditors was good and the presentations given will be posted on > Resources > Public Documents > Auditor Documents > 2017 Auditor Conference Agendas and Presentations > MMM - 2017.

7.02018 auditor conference preparation – open

The agenda for the October 2018 Auditor Conference to be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA was discussed. This will be finalized at the February 2018 MMM Task Group Meeting. The Task Group made the decision due to low numbers of audits to hold the Auditor Conference in October 2018 only and to not conduct an Auditor Conference in London, UK in June 2018.

8.0Checklist development AC7140 – open

The review of the Forgings checklist AC7140 included feedback from the Forgings Auditors who have now started to perform Forgings audits. There were a number of editorial changes that need to be made and incorporated on the next revision.

A discussion on Test Piece Locationoccurred and it was requested that J. Aston review with Materials Testing Laboratories (MTL) if during MTL Audits Test Piece Location is covered.

ACTION ITEM: J. Aston to determine if MTL checklist coverage of Test Specimen Location Control. (Due Date: 31-Jan-2018)

ACTION ITEM: The MMM Task Group agreed questions on Induction Heating will be added to the AC7140. (Due Date: 31-Jan-2018)

9.0subscriber mandates – open

Airbus, Honeywell mandate in effect by end of 2018

Safran mandate in effect by end 2019

MTU intend to have mandate enforced by end of 2018 at primary suppliers

UTAS presenting to upper management proposed plan to mandate MMM

GKN no mandate yet

Rolls Royce will mandate but still not sure of timing

Spirit no mandate at this present time

10.0review and revise MMM Definitions – open

Forgings Audit Handbook was reviewed, and updates were made where needed.

1.0opening comments – forgings – closed

CALL to Order and Quorum Check.

Verified only Subscriber members are in attendance.

10.0Review delegation status – forgings – closed

The MMM Task Group reviewed the Forgings audit closed. The closing was satisfactory and this audit stats the process of delegation for J. Aston.

11.0auditor performance/feedback –forgings – closed

The MMM Task Group requested that J. Aston inform the Forgings Auditors not to include any proprietary information when writing a NCR. The NCRs should be written as if they are for an ITAR part, i.e. exact values not included only deviation to requirements.

ACTION ITEM: J. Aston to inform auditors to write NCRs as per they would for ITAR. (Due Date: 30-Nov-2018)

12.0audit results – forgings– closed

One (1) audit performed. Audit completion reviewed by the Task Group and no problems were found.

13.0auditor consistency – closed

Due to only one (1) audit being completed no data was available for Auditor Consistency. The Task Group agreed that both auditors will be observed in 2018.

14.0opening comments – forgings – open

Call to Order / Quorum Check

Chairperson Discussion

It was confirmed by the MMM Task Group vote that Brian Streich (Honeywell) will replace Elaine Boswell as Chairperson starting February 2018 Task Group meeting.

A new Vice Chairperson is needed to replace Brian Streich. It was requested of Subscribers that if they wish to be considered for the position they are to contact J. Aston before the February 2018 Task Group meeting.

ACTION ITEM: Any Subscribers that wish to be considered for the Vice Chairperson position to contact J. Aston prior to the February 2018 meeting. (Due Date: 15-Feb-2018)

The Task Group would like to put on the record a Thank you to Elaine Boswell for leading the Task Group from initial to becoming an active Task Group mandating Forgings audits.

15.0planned audits – forgings – open

A summary was given by Jerry Aston on the number of Forging audits planned for 2018. The suppliers were reminded that planning audits for the start of 2018 would help them obtain the best dates for them to have an audit.

16.0auditor recruitment – forgings – open

Forgings have two (2) auditors at present; one (1) in Europe and one (1) in US. Two (2) additional auditor positions are planned to be filled (US and Europe/Asia).

17.0tabled subjects –forgings – open

New Technologies – Forgings

The Task Group was asked if there were any processes that should be considered for checklist development. The following were highlighted as potential checklist processes:

Cold Metal Deformation

Powder Manufacture Control

Flow Forming and Spinning

Include MIM in New Technology

The Task Group Subscribers were asked to determine if there is a need for these processes with their company for the February 2018 Task Group meeting.

ACTION ITEM:Subscribers to determine the need for Cold Metal Deformation, Powder Manufacture Control, and Flow Forming/Spinning.(Due Date: 31-Jan-2018)

Subscribers were also requested to confirm their interest in a Raw Material checklist.

Action Item: Subscribers to confirm interest in a Raw Material checklist. (Due Date: 31-Jan-2018)

18.0February 2018 Agenda –forgings – open

This agenda item was discussed in number 29.0.

19.0Review rail action items – forgings – open

RAIL items for Forgings part of the meeting reviewed and updated.

20.0Opening comments – castings – open

Call to Order / Quorum Check.

Reviewed RAIL Castings actions from the June 2017 MMM Nadcap Meeting.

21.0casting checklist development – Sand casting – open

The Sand Casting Checklist Sub-Team gave the results of its review to the Task Group. The Sub-Team action was to review the Honeywell audit checklist to see if any of these questions had not been covered sufficiently in the Sand Casting Checklist and if extra questions need to be added.

The Task Group completed sections 3 and 4 of the Sand Castings checklist.

It was agreed that the Sand Castings Sub-Team would continue to work on section 5 of the checklist between the meetings and bring proposals back the February 2018 Task Group meeting.

ACTION ITEM: Explanation to be added to the Auditor Handbook for highlighted questions on Sand Castings Checklist. (Due Date: 31-Jan-2018)

ACTION ITEM: Sand Castings Sub-Team to review section 5 of the Castings Checklist. Sub-Team includes: D. Cheng, M. Antonellis, J. Dummont, W. Otaluka, K. Veccarelli, G. Goldhagen, B. LaFurge, and J. Aston. (Due Date: 31-Jan-2018)

22.0The casting checklist development – investment casting – open

The Task Group continued to write the Investment Casting checklist. During the meeting the checklist questions were completed (1st review) and writing of the job audits questions were started.

It was agreed that the Investment Casting Sub Team would continue to review the Job Audit questions and present to the Task Group at the February 2018 meeting.

ACTION ITEM: Investment Castings Sub-Team to review Job Audit questions, Investment Casting Sub-Team includes: W. Otaluka, B. Reynolds, M. Antonellis, P. Rowe, D. Chang, B. LaFurge, and J. Aston. (Due Date: 31-Jan-2018)

23.0opening Comments – casting

Call to Order / Quorum Check

24.0October 2017 auditor conference feedback – open

Elaine Boswell gave a debrief on the trainings given to the Forging Auditors at the 2017 Auditor Conference.

25.0Supplier NMC Feedback – open

B. Reynolds gave overview of Nadcap Management Council (NMC) Steering Committee Meeting.

Feedback was given on the following topics:

OP1124 Allegation procedure

Nadcap holding Technical Symposiums

Supplier Support Committee (SSC) Newsletter

Nadcap flags initiative

Auditor recruitment

Security of auditors in certain areas of the world

Accreditation process for suppliers with no current subscriber work

26.0CASTING audit handbook review – open

It was agreed that the standard information contained within Sections 3 4 of the Forgings Audit Handbook to be transferred to the Casting Audit Handbook.

ACTION ITEM: B. Streich to transfer Sections 3 & 4 of Forging Audit Handbook to Castings Audit Handbook. (Due Date: 31-Jan-2018)

27.0casting checklist development – Investment castings continued – open

It was agreed that the Casting Handbook would be updated where the Task Group had highlighted questions during checklist creation.

ACTION ITEM: Explanation to be added to the auditor handbook for highlighted questions on sand casting checklist.(Due Date: 31-Jan-2018)

There are severalspecial processes that are applied to Castings, these include:Hipping (HIP), NonDestructive Testing (NDT), Heat Treating (HT), and Chemical Processing (CP). These processes are covered by Nadcap accreditations and the proposal is that the Castings audit will not audit these processes. There was discussion that Subscribers have a few suppliers who do not currently have to hold Nadcap accreditations for these processes and the Task Group will review if a limited number of checklist questions will be needed to cover these.

ACTION ITEM: Subscribers to verify if there are any applicable special processes performed at non-Nadcap accredited foundries. (Due Date: 31-Jan-2018)

28.0tabled subjects – open

No tabled subjects to discuss.

29.0Finalize february 2018 agenda – open

Agenda approved for February 2018Nadcap Meetingto be held in Madrid, Spain.

30.0New Business - open

No new business to discuss.

31.0review rail action items – castings – open

RAIL updated and will be posted in eAuditnet > Resources > Documents > Public Documents.

ADJOURNMENT – Thursday,26-Oct-2017 – Meeting was adjourned a3:30 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by:Greg Goldhagen () and Jerry Aston (PRI)

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