Welcome to Saint Margaret Youth Ministry

Confirmation Requirements

2017-2018 Parent/Student Guide

Due to the nature and importance of the sacrament, we have a number of requirements in place to ensure your student understands what Confirmation is and to help them get the most from this important milestone in her/his life.

Preparation for Confirmation is a two-year process that can begin your student’s, Freshmen, Sophomore, or Junior year of high school. The Confirmation requirements differ depending on if your student is in their first or second year of preparation.

**Since St Margaret’s has not been doing the 2 year preparation- attendance in Lifeteen and the Chosen Program is MANDATORY**

This program is being developed so that your student can take responsibility for completing the necessary requirements. Despite the emphasis on your student taking charge of completing all of the necessary tasks, there are certain aspects to the process where you can assist in or facilitate the process to complete the requirement. Below is an overview of when the requirements are due.

Student MUST:

  • attend Mass every Sunday
  • attend Faith Formation sessions every Sunday and Wednesday night- see attendance policy**
  • choose a Sponsor who will participate in their Confirmation preparation
  • Sponsor will submit a Sponsor Covenant form
  • turn in a copy of Baptismal record with notations recording First Holy Communion or a separate First Communion record
  • Complete SERVICE HOURS- see service hours form

Confirmation specific preparation will not take place during Wednesday eveningsat 7:30 in the parish Hall. Other Confirmation prep will take place through Sunday Lifeteen &Confirmation Retreats.

Student MUST:

  • be willing of own accord to be Confirmed
  • attend Mass every Sunday
  • attend Faith Formation sessions every Sunday and Wednesday night- see attendance policy**
  • choose a Saint as a Patron Saint and Confirmation name
  • Student will write a Saint essay on chosen Saint- see Who’s Your Saint**
  • complete an exit interview- more information will be provided at the beginning of the Spring semester.
  • complete SERVICE HOURS and write essay on service-see service hours form
  • attend a Confirmation retreat- January 5-7(mark your calendar now)- payment of $150 due by 12/01/2017
  • attend a day retreat that will also serve as a rehearsal for the Confirmation Mass
  • Sponsors are expected to attend this day retreat as well, if Sponsor is unavailable, a parent may attend in the Sponsor’s place. Date TBA


If a student misses one class, they must complete a make-up assignment to remain eligible for Confirmation. Students who miss more than 3 classes mayhave to delay their Confirmation for a year.

Students must attend a Confirmation Retreat prior to receiving Confirmation.

Tardiness: Students who arrive after 7:30 pm, while still welcome, will be counted as absent and will need to complete a make-up assignment

*** We are aware that there are always extenuating circumstances, these will be reviewed on a case by case basis, but it is the student’s responsibility to communicate with the directors so that arrangements can be made.


You will receive emails following our sessions informing you about what we covered during our lesson and will be given prompts to help begin a conversation about the material covered. These emails are packed with information and we do hope you’ll take the time to review them each week. If you do not have an email address, please let us know so that we can make other arrangements to get information to you.

  • Email to be added to the email list. Be sure to include: your name, your student’s name, and their grade.

You can always contact Mary Molloy with any questions or concerns:

Mary Molloy



The Church defines a Sponsor: “The sponsor’s function is to take care that the person confirmed behaves as a true witness of Christ and faithfully fulfills the duties inherent in this sacrament.”

A sponsor is:

  1. A role model; a person who fully embraces and lives their faith fully.
  2. A mentor, someone to help guide and encourage the Candidate. Walking side by side as the Candidate seeks to respond to God’s call.
  3. A trusted adult, who is willing to stand with the Candidate not only during a ceremony, but throughout life’s journey.

Code of Canon Law # 893 states:

“… that a person who would undertake the office of sponsor must fulfill the conditions mentioned in Can. 874 and that it is desirable that the sponsor chosen be the one who undertook this role at baptism.”

Code of Canon Law #874 states:

“To be admitted to undertake the office of sponsor, a person must:

  1. Be appointed by the candidate for baptism, or by the parents or whoever stands in their place, or failing these, by the parish priest or minister. To be appointed the person must be suitable for this role and have the intention of fulfilling it;
  2. Not be less than 16 years of age;
  3. Be a Catholic who has been confirmed and has received the blessed Eucharist, and who lives a life of faith which befits the role to be undertaken; (Must attend Sunday liturgy every week, valid marriage if married.) Not labor under a canonical penalty, whether imposed or declared; (Must be in a state of Grace.)
  4. Not be either the father or mother of the person to be confirmed.”

Each Candidate may only have ONE sponsor for Confirmation


PRAY FOR and WITH the candidate!

Actively participate in the process, helping and discussing the Sponsor Manual activities, while sharing their faith with their Candidate.

Attend the Confirmation Day Retreat and Rehearsal before Confirmation, and Attend the Confirmation Ceremony

Be an active member within their local Catholic community.

Attending Sunday Mass every week.

Complete the Diocese of Austin Sponsor Covenant form



As a Confirmation sponsor, your role is to encourage the faith of your candidate and be an “example” to your Confirmation candidate and to reflect with the candidate on the meaning of a life of Catholic discipleship.

The Code of Canon Law (Church Law) specifies the requirements for serving as a sponsor at Confirmation (Canon 893) are the same as those for godparents at Baptism (Canon 874): You may not be the parent of the person being confirmed; you must be at least 16 years old; you must be fully initiated (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist); if married, be in valid Catholic marriage; and live a life of active faith in the Catholic Church.

I understand the requirements of being a Confirmation sponsor and I state that I was

Baptized: at______Church

in______(City and State)

Confirmed: at ______Catholic Church

in ______(City and State)

If Sponsor is Married

Married in the Catholic Church: at______Church

in ______(City and State)

Name of parish and city where Confirmation is to take place:

Saint Margaret Mary Catholic Church, Cedar Park, Texas

I am active in the Catholic Church, regularly attend Mass on Sunday and strive to live my faith.

I participate at ______Church

in ______(City and State)

Please print your Name: ______

Phone #: ______Email: ______

Signature: ______




Candidate’s Full Name:______


Candidate Mailing Address: ______



City, StateZip

Candidate’s Age on September 1, 2018: ______

Name and Mailing Address of Candidate’s Church of Baptism:

Parish Name: ______

Street Mailing Address: ______

City, State, Zip Code: ______

Country (if outside of the USA): ______

Parent(s) Name:Father:______

Mother: ______


Sponsor Info: Sponsor’s Full Name: ______


The Sponsor is a registered member of ______Parish,

Name of Church

Located in ______

City and State

Sponsors must be in good standing with the Church

Sponsors must have received: Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Confirmation

They must be a registered, active member of their Parish.

Name of Candidate’s Confirmation Saint: ______

Please ensure that the complete parish of Baptism mailing address if filled out. If the Parish ofBaptism is St. Margaret Catholic Church, then you can just write St Margaret’s Giddings.

Confirmation Service Hour Report 2017-2018


Student Name

Service Hours

  1. The Service must be done in a “Christ-Like” manner, with a prayerful and loving spirit.
  2. Service Hour Report and Essay must be completed and turned in to Melanie Owens.
  3. Twenty Five (25) service hours are required: Family Service (immediate and/or extended family), Church service (a Catholic parish), and Community service.
  4. Candidate must not be paid for service.
  5. Service must be performed within the 2 years of formation prior to Confirmation.
  6. Students must write a one page essay about his/her experience in doing service and how he/she feels that the service has formed them in their Catholic faith.
  7. Parents must read essay and sign this form affirming the hours and that they have read the essay before turning in the form.


Record each service hour performed in the appropriate space. When all hours are complete, write an essay describing your experience with service and how service relates to your Confirmation. Have your parent sign the box below.

Spiritual Experience Hours (5 or More Required)
DCYC, Godstock, Pro-Life Rally, Adoration, Daily Mass
Description of Work Hours
Description of Work Hours
Description of Work Hours
Description of Work Hours
Description of Work Hours / Church Service Hours (10 or More Required)
Liturgical Ministry, Springfest, Church events, VBS
Description of Work Hours
Description of Work Hours
Description of Work Hours
Description of Work Hours
Description of Work Hours
Service Hours (5 or More Required)
Community Service, Family Service, School Service
Description of Work Hours
Description of Work Hours
Description of Work Hours
Description of Work Hours
Description of Work Hours / I affirm that the Confirmation Candidate has completed all service hours and that they have received no payment for work.
Additionally, I have read the essay written by the student attached to this form.
Parent Signature
Phone # Date

Parental Consent Form

Catholic Diocese of Austin

St. Margaret Catholic Church

Youth Ministry- Middle School and High School

September 10, 2017- September 10, 2018

I/We, the parent(s)/guardian(s) of (teen’s name)______do hereby give my/our approval for my/our son/daughter/guardianship to participate in Youth Ministry activities that occur on Sunday afternoon/evening during the Faith Formation year of 2017/2018.

I/We do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless any and all adults who chaperone, other participants, staff, volunteers, St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church, the Catholic Diocese of Austin, the Bishop, the Diocese of Austin Office Youth Ministry.

I/We also give permission to seek any emergency care should my child be involved in any accident or be injured in any way. I/We understand that in any such instance, all attempts will be made to contact the parent/guardian. In the event that I/we cannot be contacted, I/we hereby give permission to the attending physician to hospitalize, secure treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia, and/or surgery for my child as deemed medically necessary. Unless otherwise instructed, it is permissible that my/our son/daughter/guardianship be given aspirin/pain medication/cold medicine by either medical personnel or other adults responsible during this event.

I/We also agree that I/We am/are legally responsible for all/any personal actions taken by my/our child/guardianship during this event, and agree to be financially responsible for any/all damages, legal fees, and other costs incurred as a result of the actions/behavior of my child/guardianship.


Parent/Guardian signatureDate

Behavior Release: I/We agree that if the above named student’s behavior is inappropriate, unsafe and/or detrimental to the group, I/we will be contacted immediately to secure means of removing my/our child/guardianship from the event premises. Rules for Youth Ministry include, but are not limited to, items listed in the Youth Participation Agreement. I/we understand that any financial costs incurred as a result of my/our child/guardianship being sent home are my/our responsibility.

Promotional Release:I/we give consent to the use of any video, photographs, slides, audiotapes, or any other visual or audio reproduction for my/our son/daughter/guardianship during event(s)/activities associated with St. Margaret Mary Youth Ministry. I/we understand that said photos/videos may be used for future publicity for St. Margaret Mary, the Diocese of Austin, St. Margaret Mary Youth Ministry and or Catholic Church in print, audio, social and other media forms.

Social Media Release:I/we give permission for St. Margaret Mary Youth Ministry and adult volunteers involved in Youth Ministry to communicate with my son/daughter/guardianship using Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. I understand that I may request access to the social media sites and any other communication at any time.

Communication Release: I/we give permission for St. Margaret Mary Youth Ministry and adult volunteers involved in Youth Ministry to communicate with my son/daughter/guardianship using text, Group Me, Remind 101, or email. I understand that I may request access to any of this communication at any time.

Youth Participant Agreement:In singing the line below, I agree to abide by any/all policies and rules established for these events/activities, including, but not limited to the specific rules set forth by St. Margaret Mary Youth Ministry. Should I not be able to maintain the guidelines and expectations of the adults and my peers, I understand that there will be consequences for my actions, including being removed from the event/activity, being sent home at my parent’s/guardian’s expense and/or having my parent/guardian be required to be a chaperone.

Basic rules/exceptions include, but are not limited to, the following:

Respect for all adult leaders, peers, and all property

NO use of cell phones, iPod or other electronic devices unless given specific permission

NO illegal drugs, alcohol, smoothing, firearms, explosives, or other illegal substances

NO inappropriate physical/sexual activity

Appropriate attire is to be worn at all times

Other guidelines may be set forth accordingly by adult chaperones present for the event(s).


Student SignatureDate


Student Cell Phone #


Parent SignatureDate


Printed Name of ParentCell Phone #

Who’s Your Saint?

Picking The Name Of A Saint

Saints are our brothers and sisters in Christ. They intercede for us before God. We cannot refer to the saints without acknowledging the Communion of Saints and our connection in Christ to each other. Youth will be asked to pick a Saint name for Confirmation and write an essay explaining their choice.

Essay on Saint should include:

Name of the Saint chosen, a brief synopsis of the life of the Saint and “Why” they choose this saint.

This should reflect an understanding of the Saint. The student may also be asked why they chose this Saint in their confirmation interview.

Essay’s must be a minimum 2 paragraphs and a maximum of 1 page.

Here are some websites to help in your research:

If you have a QUESTION about if someone qualifies as a Saint-


St Margaret Catholic Church Confirmation Retreat 2018 ReleaseForm

Parental Consent for Youth to Participate inActivity Emergency Medical Information, and ReleaseForm



for themselves, heirs, executors, andadministrators.

SMMYM Confirmation Retreat through St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church in Cedar Park TX, a Texas non-profit corporation, including its faculty, employees, contractors, clergy, agents, facilitators, andvolunteers

Transportation Provided by Volunteers of Saint Margaret Mary CatholicChurch.

A.The undersigned represent that they are the parents or legal guardians of Participant and have full authority under law to sign this document.

B.Parents grant their permission for Participant to enroll and participate in Confirmation Retreat 2018, January 5th- January 7th in Burnet, TX.

C.Parents acknowledge and agreethat:

(1)Participant and Parents voluntarily seek to participate in the Event; (2) the Event may involve physical activity that involves risk of injury; (3) Participant and Parents will abide by all policies and rules established for Event and instructions of those persons facilitating, organizing, or overseeing the Event; (4) Parents and Participant are responsible for Participant’s conduct during the Event and are responsible for any damages, claims, or other costs caused by Participant or incurred as a result Participant’s conduct; and (5) if Participant’s conduct is inappropriate, unsafe or detrimental to the Event, other participants or otherpersons,ParishortheDiocese maybesuspend orexpelParticipantfromthe EventandfutureEvents.

D.Unless this paragraph is struck and initialed by the undersigned, Parents authorize Parish, Eagles Wing’s Retreat Center and the Diocese to provide over- the-counter aspirin, pain relievers, cold medicine, and other over-the-counter medications to Participant at Participant’s request if the Parish, Eagles Wings Retreat Center or Diocese deem it reasonable to do so. The Parish will make reasonable attempts to notify parents prior to authorizing any such over-the-countermedication.