Revision: 8/3/2010 Updated “Inspect” (note 4) to clarify inspection.
NOTES (in support of the flowchart on page 1):
1. Main steps for shear are:
- Confirm material thickness to requirements in work order.
- Set the length in the control panel.
- Verify first piece is per required dimensions.
- Shear remainder of pieces for the order, sign off step electronically in the system and move to the next step.
2. Main steps for punch press are:
- Pull and load tooling per the tool list.
- Load material and process the first blank.
- Check back side of blank to confirm part is correct and does not have burrs or other types of tooling deficiencies.
- Submit first piece for quality review (typically performed by inspection or someone other than the operator, but they can check their own work).
- Run the remainder of the job, visually monitoring completed sheets to confirm tooling is properly punching parts (no excessive burrs or parts showing problems due to a worn or damaged tool (changing out tools and/or adjusting machine parameters as needed).
- Sign off job electronically, note completion on the Punch Room Log, and move to next step.
Maintenance activities are per the manufacturer’s requirements, with those considered to be critical included in punch’s built-in software-controlled maintenance program.
3. Main steps for laser are:
- Warm up laser (only required at the beginning of the shift)
- Load program per set-up sheet.
- Load material and process the first blank.
- Submit first piece for quality review (typically performed by inspection or someone other than the operator, but they can check their own work.)
- Run the remainder of the job, visually monitoring completed sheets (may involve the use of the scanner) to confirm laser continues to produce parts to requirements, working with Programming to overcome problems encountered.
- Sign off job electronically and move to next step.
Maintenance activities are per the manufacturer’s requirements, with those considered to be critical included in laser’s built-in software-controlled maintenance program.
4.Acceptance criteria are based on requirements from customer documents and/or a scan of the part to compare against the flat pattern. Evidence of acceptance and the name of the person authorizing release of the product (record of inspection) are on the inspection log maintained in Quality. When parts are ready for outside processing, the Router is stamped or noted as such. The same stamping or noting that parts are customer ready occurs when parts are ready to ship. Note that 'shear' inspect (a part from an entire 2' x 4' or 4' x8' blank) uses a different sample size than the 'Inspect' or 'Final Inspection' process steps (see text inside blue process boxes in the process flowchart). When the inspection involves multiple parts, the inspector will always check all dimensions and features on 1 part; and, the inspector will check all critical dimensions or features (tightest tolerance or requirement, and/or "boxed" print requirements) on the required sample size of parts for that particular job order. The minimum sample size for the critical dimension inspection is 10% of the parts in an order--but, not more than a total of 15 parts from the whole order. In the event a part is not acceptable, the part is either corrected (as part of fine-tuning the process) or the part is marked as a set-up piece, given back to the person or area it came from (for use as a set-up piece as long as it is needed, then put in a scrap bin) and another part is provided for inspection. These instances are not considered to be making nonconforming product, as they are just part of the setting up of the process. We simply mark the set-up parts so they will not be seen as (or used as) good parts. If the amount of parts not meeting requirements exceeds our set-up quantity for the job order, we deal with those parts per Nonconformance Control (included in this procedure).
5. This nonconforming product procedure ensures product not conforming to requirements is identified (noted as nonconforming on the Router maintained with the product, tagged or labeled as rejected, nonconforming or some other intuitively obvious means noting the product is nonconforming, and/or is placed in a segregated area. Disposition (described throughout the processes) is for the most part left up to the person identifying the nonconformance (unless stated differently in the process shown), with management called upon as needed (large quantity, dollar amount, process says they need to be involved, etc.). Records of the nature of nonconformities (what is wrong) and the actions taken, including any concessions obtained exist in the inspection log maintained by Quality. If it is believed and/or can be proven product was used or shipped before we figured out it was nonconforming (parts at the next step in our process, in stock, already at the customer, etc.), management is notified and facilitates action to deal with the situation (rounds up all suspect product, calls the customer to let them know when they are affected, etc.).
6.File, Deburr and/or Time Save per print, when called out. If no requirements are defined, general rules are to remove the rough edges and anything that would prevent the part from meeting requirements. Additional rules for Time Save are:
- Direction of grain is dependent on the drawing or Router, when specified. When there is no specified requirement, person running time save will determine a direction and make sure all parts produced are consistent. 100 grit sand paper is used unless a different finish is required. When all is said and done the types of surface are scratch free, deburred, and/or a grained surface.
Further detail is included in the part drawing or the Router.
- When going from one type of metal to another, we normally change out the sand paper to prevent contamination.
- Sign off job electronically and move to next step, per Router.
7. Main steps for Press Brake are:
- If a program exists, load the program (number is the same as the part number). If no program exists, it will be developed by the person performing set-up and saved with the part number.
- Select tools and set-up press brake to produce parts per the print and any additional instructions included in the Router.
- First piece check done by quality, area management or another person qualified to perform set-up. This not only confirms that we can build the part, but also confirms the program is the current version. The person inspecting the product completes the Inspection Log, which serves as the record of inspection.
- The operator (may be the set-up person or an operator trained as part of the set-up) runs the remainder of the job, verifying parts are per requirements from the drawing. The sample size for this monitoring activity is:
< 20 pieces – Check at least 1 piece at or near the end of the run.
> 20 pieces – Check 1 piece every 20 to 30 pieces.
- Sign off job electronically and move to next step, per Router
General considerations for the brake press area are:
- Use of 'Tough Brake' or other protective layer material intended to protect the surface from tooling marks when the surface finish must be maintained.
- Adjust the back gage on the equipment using press brake gage blocks when there are questions about the press brake being able to provide product to requirements.
8. See Welding. This procedure covers the controls in place for all of the types of welding (TIG, Spot, MIG, etc.).
9. Main steps for Hardware are:
- Pull material designated for the job from storage area.
- Select insert tooling for type of hardware being installed.
- Install tooling and adjust stop feature so hardware will be flush, but part surface will not be marred.
- Ensure machine is set to conductive, unless the part is painted (making sure the machine is set to non-conductive if so).
- Produce and inspect first piece, adjusting equipment as necessary.
- Run remaining parts checking (process monitoring) for correct fit on each part produced.
10. Typically, the Router calls for outside processing. When this is not the case, management makes the decision to outsource and coordinates sending the job out.
11. Main steps for Assembly are:
- Management reviews customer forecasts and orders received to determine releases for sub-assemblies and top-level assemblies.
- Work order (Routers) are generated and released to Assembly personnel.
- Sub assemblies are produced and either allocated to top-level orders are placed in inventory.
- Assembly personnel produce assemblies per customer requirements, which may be integrated into the Router or may be on the customer’s documentation.
- As part of monitoring and measurement activities, Assembly personnel are checking for scratches, dents, stains, and other such surface imperfections, while also making sure that all of the requirements for the assembly are fulfilled (all of the hardware is installed, hardware is properly torqued (where applicable), etc. All assemblies are 100% inspected in this manner with any minor non-conformances corrected during the assembly process (e.g., missing hardware, etc.). The Record/evidence of this inspection/testing is the completed final inspection step in the Global Shop (business system) software.
Any design/programming change involving Pi-Co production will be conducted perNonconformance Control (included in this procedure). A notation in the Inspection Log &/or the Opportunities and Incidents Log may be made if Quality personnel determine it necessary. Major non-conformances (Big or Bad or potentially Big or Bad) requiring corrective or preventive action will be handled as per the Improvement Systemsprocedure.
- Completed units are wiped down with alcohol to remove finger prints and other such contaminants and the unit is packed according to customer requirements specified in the customer’s documentation and/or the Router. When the customer does not specify packing requirements, Pi-Co packs the item in a manner that will ensure it can survive to the point of use (tied to a pallet, shrink wrapped, boxed so there is room on the sides for packing materials to cushion the item, etc.).
- Sign off job electronically and move to next step, per Router
General considerations for Assembly:
- Washing your hands before beginning a shift and after each break reduces the amount of oil in your skin and from food products is placed on the product.
12.Shipping activities (where to ship the item, method of delivery, packaging considerations) are included in the Router, order, and/or customer documentation (drawing, specification, etc.). Main steps for Shipping are:
To Outside Processing
- Router and/or print describes requirements.
- Purchase order (PO) generated (see Purchasing).
- Deliver or coordinate getting parts picked up.
- Receive parts in (see Purchasing).
- Close the PO.
- If this completes the job, submit the router and parts to Quality for Final Inspection. If the job is not completely finished, sign off the job electronically and move to the next step on the Router.
To Finished Goods
- Review the Due Date report and process from Router or pull from inventory orders needing to be shipped.
- Package per the Router and/or customer drawing/specification, verify each item is scratch free and using bags and stacking methods to prevent scratches. Should the customer require a certificate of conformance (could be noted on the router, drawing, or other customer specification) Quality personnel will produce the document. A certificate of conformance may be any document that contains the customer purchase order #, part #, quantity and/or any other information required by the customer and a statement from Pi-Co certifying that all parts were produced to conform to the customer's requirements. The document may be a hard copy (or copies) included with the shipment/delivery or attached to an email and sent to the customer (based on customer's requirements). Pi-Co retains an electronic copy of all certificates of conformance in case the customer needs additional copies for any reason (this is not considered a record).
- Ship using the designated freight or delivery service or coordinate delivery using Pi-Co or Customer delivery personnel.
- sign off the job electronically.
- Close Router and Turn in to Admin.
13. When the reworked item involves Production, it is re-inspected (evidenced by the signed off entry for the order on the inspection log) using the same methods for the normal inspection. When the reworked item is a purchased item, it is returned to receiving or management so it can be recognized as stock or issued to a job. If a customer return is reworked, it is processed with the aid of a Router or a marked up print or memo describing the rework needed.
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS (Things applicable to everyone)
All machine programs, routers, and drawings go to Quality first for pre-production inspection before being released to production personnel.
Verify the drawing and Router match (part number, revision, etc.) each other and match the tool list (for operations where a tool list is applicable) and the program (where a program is applicable). If any of the documentation does not match up, work with programming and/or management to resolve discrepancies. Verifying the material in use is correct also occurs as part of this “matching” process. (7.5.1a & 7.5.1b)All machine programs, routers, and drawings go to Quality first for pre-production inspection before being released to production personnel.
If the pieces in-process Mnfg/work are longer than the work surface (causing them to ride the edge of the surface and possibly scratching that surface), we need to use stands or get help from others to reduce the possibility of scratches. (7.5.5 handling)
On equipment with an automatic loader, parts where the finish is already per requirements or where there is a chance the surface would be damaged tends to suggest the need for loading and unloading by hand, with paper or cardboard placed between layers as needed to preserve the finish. (7.5.5 protection)
When a surface finish is designated and there is a need to protect this surface, some general considerations involve the use of paper or cardboard between layers to prevent scratches. (7.5.5 handling and protection)
Monitoring and measurement of the process/product) is for the most part done by the operator as part of producing the part (checking 1 approximately every 30 pieces produced to make sure the part is per the customer’s requirements). Problems encountered are corrected as they arise, with corrective action occurring through our Improvement Systems process, when deemed necessary by management or Quality. Evidence of this “inspection” is the electronically signed off entry in our business system software for the step completed. (7.5.1e, 8.2.3 & 8.2.4)
Preventive maintenance activities are controlled through the systems included in the equipment (i.e., laser and punch presses tell you when maintenance is due) and our through a schedule maintained by management. When this is not the case corrective maintenance (just fixing the problem and moving on) is the approach used. (6.3, 6.4, & 7.5.1c)
General Product ID, Status, and Traceability Considerations:
Product Identification (being able to tell what something is) – Markings on material (part number or type) and inventory locations in the system identify purchased items. Product in-process (mnfg/work) is identified by the Router; and, finished goods are labeled with the part number, revision, and quantity.
Status (being able to tell what state of existence something is at) – Maintained electronically (the established record in the business system), and may also be noted on the Router (i.e....completed steps generally initialed with date and count on Router, are always are signed off electronically), and/or by the area it is in.
Traceability (being able to trace back to the source and determine where it went, when applicable) – The only type of traceability in place at Pi-Co involves associating certified material with the job when called for by the order (noted on the Router). The material is purchased for the job. A copy of the cert is maintained with the Router or is given to Quality so they can marry up the cert with the job prior to shipment.
General Preservation (7.5.5) Considerations (those not already addressed):
Identification – Notes or labels on the packaging or Router to point out the need for caution, where necessary
Handling – Typically included in the Router, when needed, methods intended to help the product survive while in our possession include carts and placing paper or cardboard between layers to prevent damage. This coupled with fork lift training, and encouraging personnel to try not to have parts hang over the edge during transport (when feasible) greatly reduces damage.
Storage (places to maintain product and material) – Material is maintained in storage locations established near the Shear, adjacent to the Laser, in Hardware, in Assembly, and in Finished Goods. Finished goods inventory is maintained in our business system software for finished goods and Assembly/Hardware. Product (including the assigned material) is maintained with the job and stored to prevent damage.
Packaging – When not called for by the Router or customer documentation, we typically focus on the method of shipment and packaging accordingly:
-- Layer with paper or cardboard when the finish needs to be maintained.
-- Place in a box with enough room for packing material to be placed on all sides to cushion the parts when using a freight company or delivery service.
-- Trying not to extend any material or units beyond the edges of a pallet when palletizing.
-- Keeping the weight of boxes to less than 35 pounds.
Protection – Other than the methods described above, the only other type of protection involves materials with a limited life (shelf life) These items are labeled accordingly and employees verify they material is within its useful shelf life prior to use.
Selection And Use Of Monitoring And Measurement Devices (7.5.1d & 7.6) – Personnel have been trained to determine the type of device needed to verify product meets requirements (see the applicable Position Guideline). When there is a question as to how a measurement is to be made, Quality and/or management are asked to provide direction.
Set-up Parts – Set-up parts are not nonconforming parts in the traditional sense of the word, but do need to be marked as set-up parts to prevent unintended use or shipment. Once we no longer need these set-up parts, we place them in our scrap containers.