Information Technology.

Miranda Documention Project.

Task Summary : Your task is to install Miranda IM Client and create user documentation for the application for use by staff members at MuirfieldHigh School.

Competencies Assessed :

ICAD3218A : Create user documentation

2.1Conduct a review of the subject system, program, network or application in order to understand its functionality
2.2Gather existing technical, design or user specifications and supporting documentation
2.3Create user documentation based on template to record the operation of the subject system, program, network or application
3.1Submit user documentation to target audience for review
3.2Gather and analyse feedback
3.3Make changes to user documentation
3.4Submit user documentation to appropriate person for approval

Install Miranda

  1. You will find Miranda under \\alderaan\shared\vetit\miranda
  2. Run the install program. The third screen along will ask you to install components
  3. The only protocol that will work at school is Jabber. You should untick all of the others
  4. Leave everything else alone (unless you want to muck around with it).
  5. Click ok to install.

Configure Miranda Messenger.

  1. Start Miranda
  2. When asked to set up a new profile, call it SCHOOL.
  3. When asked to import, choose CANCEL to close the dialog.
  4. Miranda should now be open. Click on the CROWN icon to open the menu and choose Options.
  5. From options, choose Network -> Jabber in the tree.
  6. Setup the Username and Password (Have staff type this)
  7. Set logon server to
  8. Set Manually specify connection host to :
  9. Close the options dialog
  10. Choose the status menu choose Online.

Create User Documentation.

Miranda is to be installed on all Staff Desktops at Muirfield, allowing staff to communicate. Your task is to now create user documentation for the Miranda Product.

Keep in mind the audience is diverse, though most have relatively poor technical skills. Therefore, your documentation must cater to both the experienced user as well as those who need more help. You may consider having two sections to your document – a quick tutorial and a longer one.

One of the main issues is creating groups of friends and adding new people to your contact list. To add someone new you need to know their correct login name. For example, John Smith, with a login name like john.smith will be found as john.smith@school . Once someone is added, they person needs to confirm this contact (ie allow the person to communicate). You need to explain this carefully.

Assess Documentation

Submit the documentation to your supervisor. Recommendations for changes will be made. Please complete all recommendations and re-submit.

When you install your system (see Workstation Install Project), give a copy of your documentation to your client. Have them assess the document and provide feedback. Make any recommended changes to your document.