State of Connecticut
Core-CT Project / Configuration Approach
Leave Plans

Item Overview:

The Leave Plan Table is used to define details for each benefit plan. The Leave Plan work unit consists of four tables that support leave accrual processing. The Leave Service Year Table, Leave Rate Table and the Leave Additional Table roll up to the Leave Plan Table for each Leave Plan type. The additional tables includethe details that are unique to the individual leave plans assigned to the plan types.

Menu Path:

Define Business Rules / DefineBase Benefits / Setup / Leave Plan Table





Record Information:

LEAVE_PLAN_TBL / Leave plan table / The Leave Plan Tables are used to define details for each of the leave benefit plans.
LEAVE_RATE_TBL / Leave plan hrs/svr rates
LEAVE_SRVYR_TBL / Leave plan service year rates
LEAVE_ADDL_TBL / Leave plan additional hrs/svc


The State of Connecticut will use the Leave Plan Tables to establish how employees will be awarded leave accruals. The leave tables specify, for each leave plan, how the accrual will be processed based upon bargaining unit rules as well as business rules. Leave Plans will be established after the bargaining unit rules have been analyzed. Upon completion of this review the bargaining units having the same requirements will be grouped to the same leave plan. The Time and Labor Team estimates there will be approximately fifty (50) leave plans.

The State of Connecticut will use leave plan types ‘50’ = sick, ‘51’ = vacation and ‘52’= personal leave. There will be a multitude of bargaining unit and business rules that will require numerous leave plans to be established for each of the three leave plan types. For example, bargaining unit rules vary in all of the following categories: length of service, maximum leave accruals amounts, leave accrual carryover rules and reporting requirements of hours verses days. All of these factors will increase the number of leave plans required for the State of Connecticut

Information Source:

Leave Plans are driven by bargaining unit rules and State regulations. Agency Subject Matter Experts will determine the valid values for this work unit.

Data Entry Method:

______On-Line Pages

_____X_____ Excel Spreadsheet

Fields on Record:

PLAN_TYPE [R] / Plan type / This field is essential in benefit programs it groups individual plans or options that an employee can elect for a particular type of benefit i.e. vacation leave, sick leave, etc. This field is an Alphanumeric, 2 character,required field. Prompts from XLATTABLEand PSOPTIONS. The State Of Connecticut will use this field for the benefit administration of Sick, Vacation, and Personal leave time. Holiday and Comp time plans are not related to this functionality and therefore will be set up in Time and Labor. The State of Connecticut will use plan types 50, 51 and 52 for sick, vacation and personal leave time plans.
BENEFIT_PLAN [R] / Benefit plan / The Benefit Plan identifies the specific sick, vacation or personal leave plan into which an employee can be enrolled. This field is an uppercase six character field. It is a required key field with a prompt table of BENEF_PLAN_TBL. The Benefits Plan associated with the leave plan has to be established before the leave plan can be created.
EFFDT [R] / Effective date / Date field with length of 10. This is a required field with a default of %date. The date the row in the table becomes effective. The effective date should be set to ‘1/1/1901’
ACCRUAL_PROC_DT / Accrual process date / This date field has a length of 10. Automatically displays the date on which the leave accrual calculation process was last run. This field should be set to match the go-live date to ensure accurate processing.
SERVICE_INTERVAL [R] / Service units / Character field length of 1, uppercase, required field. This field has translate values, ‘H’= hours, ‘M’= months etc. with a default of ‘M’. Used to select a unit by which length of service is calculated.
(M) Months - Select month and the system uses the service date on the employee employment record as the basis for accrued service.
(H) Hours - Select hours and the system uses the actual hours from the appropriate earnings code maintained by PeopleSoft Payroll.
(P) Pay Period - The system will use the pay period as the basis for accrued service.
(W) Weeks - The system will use weeks as the basis for accrued service.
(Y) Years - The system will use years as the basis for accrued service. This field will be used to designate when an employee is eligible for an increase in their accrual rate.
The State of Connecticut will use month as the service rate unit. Field should be set to ‘M’.
ACCRUAL_FREQUENCY [R] / Accrual rate units / This Character field has a length of 1, uppercase, required field. The translate table has values of ‘H’ = hours per hour, ‘M’ = hours per month, ‘P’ = hours per pay period, ‘W’ = hours per week, ‘Y’ = hours per year. Determines how often the leave accrual award is given to employees. This field is determined by the accrual rate unit…i.e. (H) Hours per Hour award frequency is every run.
(M) Hours per Month award frequency is the first run of the month.
(P) Hours Per Pay Period award frequency is the first run of every Pay Period.(Y) Hours per Year award frequency is the first run of the year.
The default is ‘M’. The State of Connecticut will use ‘M’(hours per month) as the accrual rate unit. The Personal Leave Plans as well as some sick leave plans will use ‘Y’ Hours per Year as the Accrual Frequency.
SPECIAL_CALCULATN [R] / Special calculation routine / Available if the State has a custom calculation method. This is an uppercase character field with a length of 1. This required field has an edit option Y/N that defaults to ‘N’. The State of Connecticut will accept the default of ‘N’ as there is no need for the special calculation run. That State of Connecticut will not use the Special Calculation field at this time. Custom processes have been designed to accommodate any special calculations needed.
YEAR_BEGIN_CALC [R] / Service calc at year begin / Required, uppercase, character field with length of 1. Y/N table edit that defaults to ‘N’. The system calculates leave hours according to length of service as of January 1st of the current year. If the leave hours should be calculated according to the length of service as of the leave accrual process date, the service calculation at year begin should be set to ‘Y’. When performing this calculation the system then uses the service date in the employee’s employment record. The State of Connecticut does not intend to use this option and will accept the default of ‘N’.
MAXIMUM_LEAVE_BAL [R] / Max leave balance / Required number field of length 5.3 that defaults to 99999. Defines the maximum leave hours an employee can accrue. The State of Connecticut use a maximum leave balance for vacation leave plans based on hire date.
MAXIMUM_CARRYOVER / Max leave carryover / Number field of length 5.3. Defines the maximum number of hours an employee can carry over from one calc year to the next. Peoplesoft only allows one max balance in a plan. The State of Connecticut will set this field equal to the maximum leave balance value. The max carryover can not be less than the max leave balance. The maximum carryover rules will not be configured in the leave plans because they are not strictly enforced.
PAY_VS_LEAVE [R] / Pay in lieu of time off / Required, uppercase, character field with length of 1. Y/N edit table defaults to ‘N’. Set to ‘Y’ if employees are paid for accrued leave time in lieu of using the time. The State of CT will accept the default of ‘N’.
PAY_AT_TERMINATION [R] / Pay at termination / Required, uppercase, character field with length of 1. Y/N edit tablethat defaults to ‘N’. Used to specify the earnings for which employees in an accrual class are eligible when converting accruals to pay. Only used if policy says to convert leave to pay at a percentage of the rate represented by the earnings code. The State of Connecticut will default to ‘N’ as Payroll will not be using final check functionality.
PAY_TERM_PCT / Pay at termination percent / Pay Term Percent is a number field with a length of 3.2. The State of Connecticut will not be using final check functionality and therefore will not use this field.
HRS_GO_NEGATIVE [R] / Allow negative balance / Required, uppercase, character field with length of 1. Y/N edit tablethat defaults to ‘N’. Time and labor does not update benefits table with balance information but uses the leave plan table and leave accrual table of the benefits system to validate time reported against TRC’s of leave for available leave. The State will not allow any balances to go negative therefore; the State will accept the default of ‘N’.
MAX_NEG_HRS / Max negative hours allowed / Maximum Negative Hours is a number field with a length of 4. The Maximum Negative Hours field becomes available for data entry once the Allow Negative Balance check box is checked. Once the field is active you can specify the maximum negative hours allowed under the leave plan. The field remains hidden if not selected in the install table. The State of Connecticut will not activate this field.
GVT_RLV_INTERVAL / Month until expiration / Number field with length of 3. This field applies to federal government release only. The State will accept the default of ‘N’.
GVT_RLV_EOY_FLAG [R] / Extend expiration to year end / Required, uppercase, character field with length of 1. Y/N edit tablethat defaults to ‘N’. Applies to federal government release only. The state will accept the default of ‘N’.
BALANCE_VISIBLE / Balance Visible to EE / Required, uppercase, character field with length of 1. Y/N edit tablethat defaults to ‘Y’. Allows employees to view their leave balances on the self service transaction view paycheck. The State of Connecticut will not be using self service until Phase II. The State of Connecticut will use the default value of ‘Y’ however employees will not have security access to view this information as Self Service is not part of Phase I.
PLAN_TYPE / Plan type / Alphanumeric character field with a length of 2. Required key field with many translate values. The only values that will be used are ‘50’, ‘51’ and ‘52’. Depending on the specific leave plan being defined the appropriate plan type will be selected.
BENEFIT_PLAN / Benefit plan / The Benefit Plan identifies the specific sick, vacation or personal leave plan into which an employee can be enrolled. This field is an uppercase 6 character field. It is a required key field with a prompt table of BENEF_PLAN_TBL.
EFFDT / Effective date / Required date field with length of 10. Field defaults to %date. Configure this value to ‘01/01/1901’ for “go live”.
EMPLOYMENT_MONTH [R] / Employment month / Required number field with a length of 2. The month at which the new accrual rate takes effect within the first year of service. Will vary depending on the leave plan being defined.
HOURS_EARNED [R] / Hours earned / Required sign field with a length of 4.6. The hour’s value that reflects the accrual rate unit from the leave plan table.
MONTH_ELIGIBLE [R] / Month eligible / Required number field with a length of 2. Specifies the month the employee becomes eligible to take leave in the first year of service.
PLAN_TYPE / Plan type / Alphanumeric character field with a length of 2. Required key field with many translate values. The only values that will be used are ‘50’, ‘51’ and ‘52’. Depending on the specific leave plan being defined the appropriate plan type will be selected.
BENEFIT_PLAN / Benefit plan / The Benefit Plan identifies the specific sick, vacation or personal leave plan into which an employee can be enrolled. This field is an uppercase 6 character field. It is a required key field with a prompt table of BENEF_PLAN_TBL.
EFFDT / Effective date / Required date field with length of 10. Field defaults to %date. Configure this value to ‘01/01/1901’ for “go live”.
SERVICE_INTERVALS / After service interval / Number field with length of 5. Used to enter the beginning value at which employees will accrue time for the leave plan. The time interval used here is based on the Service Units value as defined in the leave plan table. The Service Interval for the majority of Leave plans will be 1 month. Service Intervals at the State of Connecticut will be months.
HOURS_EARNED [R] / Accrue Hours At / Required sign field with length of 4.6. This rate is quoted at the accrual rate unit in the leave plan table. This is the accrual rate for the service interval specified in the leave plan table.
GVT_SUPPL_HRS / Hours in last pay period / Number field with length 4.6. Applies to federal government releases only therefore; the State of Connecticut will not use this field.
PLAN_TYPE / Plan type / Alphanumeric character field with a length of 2. Required key field with many translate values. The only values that will be used are ‘50’, ‘51’ and ‘52’. Depending on the specific leave plan being defined the appropriate plan type will be selected.
BENEFIT_PLAN / Benefit plan / The Benefit Plan identifies the specific sick, vacation or personal leave plan into which an employee can be enrolled. This field is an uppercase 6 character field. It is a required key field with a prompt table of BENEF_PLAN_TBL.
EFFDT / Effective date / Required date field with length of 10. Field defaults to %date. Configure this value to ‘01/01/1901’ for “go live”.
SERVICE_INTERVALS / After service intervals / Number field with length of 5. The beginning value at which employees will earn special bonus hours. The time interval is based on the service unit’s value in the leave plan table. The State of Connecticutwill not use this bonus option for managers vacation bonus credited January 1st of each calendar year because the bonus leave days would be accrued in the month the employee reaches the threshold and not on Jan 1st..
HOURS_EARNED [R] / Award bonus hours / Required sign field with length of 4.6. . Same as the accrual rate for the bonus service interval entered above. Quoted from the accrual service rate unit.

Dependencies and Timing:

  • PLAN_TYPE requires the Prompt table LEAVE_PLAN_VW which uses XLATTABLE and PSOPTIONS
  • BENEFIT _PLAN requires the Prompt Table BENEF _PLAN_TBL. The Benefits Plan associated with the leave plan has to be created prior to the creation of the leave plan.
  • The Tableset Control work unit must be completed first.
  • Earnings codes that affect Leave Plans must be properly defined In PeopleSoft Payroll.
  • Plan types and benefit plans must be clearly defined in PeopleSoft Benefit Administration.

Testing Considerations:

  • These tables should be tested by running the leave accrual process.
  • Test that leave plans are correctly assigned when an employee has multiple positions.
  • Verify that PeopleSoft calculates months of service by calendar days i.e. if an employee is hired on 6/15/01 they will not be able to take vacation until 1/1/02 which is six while months of service from the hire date based on calendar days.
  • Test that vacation accrual that is set to a maximum of 60 or 120 days does not exceed the amount specified.
  • Ensure that Eligibility Rules assign employees to the correct Leave Plans.


  • The Central Time and Labor Team will be responsible for researching and defining what the specific bargaining unit rules and business rules are for Leave Plan Processing in the current environment and establishing these rules in the PeopleSoft environment.
  • None of the leave plans will be capable of having negative leave balances
  • The State will use Service Months to determine employee accrual rates.


Changes Needed:

Input Provided By:

Name / Title, Department
Diane Anzellotti / CoreCT Time and Labor Team
Lee Stolzman / CORE-CT Time and Labor Team Lead
Ryan Gaetz / Accenture, Configuration Team
Maureen Barrett / Accenture, Configuration Team
Judd Nielsen / Accenture, Design Lead


Configuration Team



Configuration Team Leads


Ryan OakesRon Kuehner

Module Team Leads


Team Leads


Rajeev SharmaAnne North


Sue Martin


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