To: / Norman Jones, Team LeaderDevelopment Management, Planning & Public Protection / Your ref: / 14/P/00637
At: / Eich cyf:
From: / Paul Wheeldon, Group Leader, Highway Development Control
Officer, Neighbourhood Services Dept. / Our ref: / SED/14/00637
Oddi wrth: / Ein cyf:
PROPOSED: Land reclamation & coal recovery scheme
AT: Land at Varteg Hill, Varteg, Pontypool / 15th January 2015
I refer to your memo dated 26thNovember 2014 regarding the above planning application.
The Traffic Assessment carried out by Harmers indicates that the coal lorries would travel north to Blaenavon on route B4246 and then through the industrial estate to join the B4248 to Brynmawr which in turn links with the A465 Heads of the Valleys Road.
A similar proposal was the subject of a Planning Inquiry and the Inspector concluded that one of the relevant issues was the effects of coal lorries on the safety and amenity of the local road network particularly as they pass through Blaenavon. The Inspector’s report stated:- “so far as the current proposal is concerned, I have no reason to disagree with the Council’s highway adviser. The additional lorry traffic would represent a relatively small increase in traffic numbers and a corresponding increase in risk to highway safety, noise levels and congestion over a relatively short period of time. These would not be significant such as to be considered contrary to the criteria in Local Plan Policy G1 and Structure Plan Policy M1.
The proposed Varteg Land Reclamation and coal recovery scheme will increase HGV’s by two per hour in both directions on weekdays 07.00-19.00 hours. My understanding is that Johnson Mine is not currently operating and is unlikely to be in the near future.
The Transport Assessment also indicates a Monday to Friday 5 day average of 3592 vehicles northbound and 4097 vehicles southbound on Church Road. this is below the average of 5000-5500 in 2004.
Therefore the effect of this proposal on the network is now less than it would have been if Johnson Mine were operating.
There have been three personal injury accidents in the period 01/06/09 to 31/05/14 and none of the accidents involved HGV’s. As such the accident statistics do not support the view that conflict between vehicles in themselves and between vehicles and pedestrians are of a serious order.
Norman Jones
15th January 2015
I did not oppose a similar application reference 04/P/09210 and there are no fundamental changes that would lead me to oppose this application.
I would wish to see the following condition attached to any grant of approval:-
1.Wheel washing facilities shall be provided within the site.
2.The surface shall be hard surfaced for a minimum distance of 15 metres into the site.
3.Visibility splays of 2.4 metres x 150 metres tot eh right and 2.4 metres x 200 metres to the left shall be provided at the junction of the access with Varteg Road.
4.No surface water from the site shall drain onto the County Highway.
Paul Wheeldon
Ext. 2434
You are welcome to correspond in Welsh or English / Mae croeso i chi ysgrifennu yn Gymraeg neu Saesneg
\\Client\M$\NS\TS\Highway Development Control\Applications\14 00001 -\14 00637 - Varteg Hill\14 00637 - 15.01.15.doc