Budget Justification Instructions and Form
for Host Country Institutions
1. Personnel, Benefits and US Cost Share
Notes• Grant funds cannot be used to pay for clerical or support services at US institutions. HC institutions may charge indirect costs to cover clerical and administrative support (see indirect costs below).
• Salary support for US principal investigators is not encouraged and, if funded, will not exceed 0.16 FTE (@ 2 months) total for all US PIs from a single institutional project. US PIs charging any portion of salary to the award must also be serving in the capacity of major advisor to a graduate student working under an approved CRSP work plan. Salary support for HC PIs and HC research personnel is allowable.
• Proponents should target a 50% matching contribution for this project of which at least 35% is from US non-federal sources. The remainder can come from HC and non-federal sources.
1a. Salary Information
All fields in this table—name, title, annual salary, institutional benefits rate, proposed FTE requested on project funds and committed on cost share —are required. Transfer the dollar totals from the Salary Information Table to the Salary and Benefits line of the Budget Form, as per the Sample provided.
1b. Student Information
Fill out the Student Information by providing the gender and nationality of each student identified in the Salary Information table.
2. Services and Supplies
Notes• Funds that will be passed through under subcontract to another US institution or HC institution will appear as a line item under Supplies and Services; append the subcontracting institution’s (whether US or HC) budget as a supporting document. It is highly unusual for a HC institution to subcontract further; the Lead can make this determination if the need arises.
Provide unit cost with as much detail and specificity as possible and the total cost of all services and supplies. The Sample Budget Justification includes an example of the required detail. Equipment (defined as items having a unit cost of at least $5,000) is not allowed on this award, unless previous approvals are granted from the Agency.
3. Travel
For each trip provide: traveller’s name; place of departure and place of arrival, and approximate dates of trip (and length); estimate of airline ticket price; international per diem rates (available through the US State Department web site at <http://www.state.gov/www/perdiems/>) and US domestic per diem rates (use CONUS); registration fees for meetings, if applicable. See the Sample Budget Justification for detailed domestic and international travel examples. Transfer totals for domestic and international travel to the Budget Form. Please include travel to the annual meeting each year: May 2007 Washington DC for pre-synthesis workshop and orientation meeting; May 2008, Busan, Korea in conjunction with World Aquaculture Society (WAS) meeting; February 2009 Seattle, Washington in conjunction with WAS.
4. Tuition
Notes• Tuition costs are typically exempt from institutional indirect charges (see item 5, below). Tuition costs are allowed on this budget for students on approved research investigations.
For each graduate student provide: the student’s name, the cost of tuition as charged by your university per semester or quarter, and the total tuition cost for the year. Transfer total for tuition to the Budget Form. Include an attachment showing your University’s tuition rates.
5. Indirect Costs
Notes• Tuition costs are generally exempt from institutional indirect charges; therefore, tuition is subtracted from the total direct cost before indirect charges are computed. Respondents are encouraged to consult with their institutional sponsored projects offices for guidance early on in the budget development process.
• Institutional indirect on subcontracts (that is, funding that will be passed through via a subcontract to a US or HC institution) is generally calculated at a lower rate than for other funds. Respondents are encouraged to consult with their institutional sponsored projects offices for guidance early on in the budget development process. Again, most HC budgets will not have this line item.
Regular Indirect
Fill in the table provided in the Budget Justification Form to specify: the indirect cost rate for the institution in accordance with the institutional rate with the HC government, or in the absence of such, an official rate agreement set by the Institution and authorized by an outside group; whether the rate is on-campus or off-campus; and what the total amount is.
Indirect on Subcontracts
Indirect costs on funding that will be subcontracted to other institutions should be shown here (and should be excluded from the total for Regular Indirect).
6. INFORMATIONAL ONLY: For HC/Regional Costs that are included in the Lead Budget
Notes• Whether expended directly or via subcontract, 50% of funds must be expended in or on behalf of the HC or region. Expenses “in or on behalf of the HC” are those used for:
• HC personnel services
• HC Supplies
• HC Equipment (defined as having a unit value of $5,000 or more; all equipment purchases require special approval from USAID)
• Commodity purchases by a participating US institution for use by a HC entity or by the US institution in a HC
• Costs for training of participants from USAID-eligible countries
• Travel and conference attendance for HC personnel
US costs are all costs associated with the performance of employees of participating US institutions working in the US or in the developing countries on both short and long-term assignments. Travel of US personnel to Host Countries is not counted as HC costs. Degree training at a US University of a student from a USAID-eligible country different from the project-identified Host Country may count towards HC costs, provided the HC PI agrees. Please contact the CRSP Director if you have specific questions about what to include under HC expenses: .
Use the Budget column titled HC/Regional Cost to show the total amount of funds that are for use “in or on behalf of the HC” in accordance with the above definition. The HC/Regional Cost must be 50% or more than the US Budget Total Direct Cost amount on the Lead budget.
Budget Justification Form for Host Country Institutions
Specify Year 1 (6 months), Year 2, or Year 3
1. Personnel, Benefits, and Cost Share
1a. Salary Information
Name / Title / Annual Salary / Benefits Rate / Project Funds / Cost Share FundsFTE / Salary / Benefits / FTE / Salary / Benefits
1b. Student Information (you will be asked to complete a student profile form upon award)
Name / Gender / Nationality / Degree Sought1c. Matching Contributions
Describe matching support not outlined above under Salary Information. Be as detailed as possible.
2. Services and Supplies
3. Travel
Domestic Travel
· Date Name Reason for travel:
· Departure: Arrival:
· Meals and Lodging @ $ /day for days $
· Airfare and ground transportation $
· Registration $
International Travel
· Date Name Reason for travel:
· Departure: Arrival:
· Meals and Lodging @ $ /day for days $
· Airfare $
· Airport transport, parking, etc. $
· Miscellaneous (departure tax, etc.) $
4. Tuition
5. Indirect Costs
Rate of Regular Indirect / On-/Off-campus / Amount6. HC/Regional Cost
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