The Royal Parks is committed to the fair treatment of its staff, potential staff or users of its services. Recruitment and selection decisions are made purely on merit as the result of fair and open competition. We are committed to equality of opportunity for the advancement of employees including promotion and training and do not discriminate against any person because of gender, race, ethnic or national origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital status or responsibility for dependants, age, physical/mental disability or offending background.

PLEASE NOTE: The Royal Parks (TRP) and the charity The Royal Parks Foundation have agreed they should become a new single organisation to fundraise for and manage the capital's eight Royal Parks. Both organisations plan to join within a new charitable public corporation. A detailed plan has been worked up, and work is ongoing but it is hoped the new organisation will be established from 1 December 2016. The new organisation will be a charitable public corporation with increased freedoms and flexibilities to manage the parks more efficiently.

Staff joining TRP before 1 December 2016 will be civil servants but after that date their status will change as TRP will be moving out of the civil service to a new charitable status. Staff terms and conditions will be protected on transfer

The closing date for this application is Wednesday, 11th May 2016.
You can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move between fields. Once completed, please email your form to with the job title as the subject, we don’t require a hard copy as well.
Position applied for: / Human Resources Officer
Grade: / Grade II
Vacancy reference: / HRO416


Title: / Please select:DrMissMrsMsMrProfRev
Daytime telephone(s):
Email Address:
Do you have a full current driving licence? (If required by the job description) / Please select:YesNo
Are you currently a Civil Servant? / Please select:YesNo
Have you ever been a Civil Servant? / Please select:YesNo
At what stage are you applying? / Please select:Stage 1 - Internal TRPStage 2 - Civil Service (surplus only)Stage 3 - Civil Service (all)Stage 4 - External (not a civil service servant)


A)  Secondary Education

School name/address / From
(MM/YYYY) / To
(MM/YYYY) / Examinations (subject/result, etc.)

(Tip: Tables will automatically expand as you type if extra space is needed)

B)  Further Education and Training

University/college name / From
(MM/YYYY) / To
(MM/YYYY) / Type of Course / Subjects / Qualifications or class of degree

C)  Occupational Qualifications/Institute Membership/Membership of Professional Organisations

or other name / From
(MM/YYYY) / To
(MM/YYYY) / Qualification/level


Please provide details over the last 10 years, including any unpaid or voluntary work, listing present or most recent employer first. Any gaps in employment dates should be explained. If you have any particularly relevant experience dating beyond the last 10 years please include this.

Current salary and benefits or salary when last employed: / £ / Notice required:
Name and address of employer and type of business / From
(MM/YYYY) / To
(MM/YYYY) / Job title and main duties / Reason for leaving

5.  REASON FOR APPLICATION – Skills, Qualities and Experience

In this part we want you to highlight your skills, qualities and experience. The competencies relevant to the post you are applying for are listed in the Person Specification on the job description enclosed below. For those competencies listed below, please give specific examples in no more than 200 words for each heading about a time either at work, volunteering or in your personal life that demonstrates how you meet the essential criteria required to do the job. You must ensure that your answers provide clear evidence of the given competency.

Seeing the Big Picture: Maintains awareness of developments and best practice in the ‘market place’
Changing and Improving: Adept at utilising IT to develop new procedures and systems

Leading and Communicating: Experience of leading on recruitment campaigns

Building Capability for All: Have the ability to manage a varied and changing workload
Managing a Quality Service: Organises and prioritises resources and assigns responsibility to ensure short and long term targets are met
Delivering at Pace: Ideally CIPD qualified, part qualified, with a relevant qualification in HR or possesses the relevant experience


This is your opportunity to tell us why you think we should select you and why you want the job. Here you can demonstrate how your experience meets the other role competencies in the person specification attached. You may also include personal interests which are relevant and meet the requirements of the post. You must use no more than 350 words.


If you wish to comment on any extended absences from the office, please do so here.


If you are part time, please state the number of hours that you are able to work and also please confirm if you would consider job share.


Please provide the contact details of referees from your employment over the past 3 years.

Please note that your present employer and other referees will not be contacted without your prior consent.

Referee 1 / Referee 2
Name: / Name:
Address: / Address:
Postcode: / Postcode:
Occupation: / Occupation:
Email: / Email:
Telephone No: / Telephone No:
Referee 3 / Referee 4
Name: / Name:
Address: / Address:
Postcode: / Postcode:
Occupation: / Occupation:
Email: / Email:
Telephone No: / Telephone No:


By submission of your form, you agree to the following:
I confirm that the information given on this form is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and accurate. I understand that if I have given misleading information on this form, this will be sufficient grounds for terminating my employment. I have personally completed the application form.
Name: Date: Click here to enter a date.
(or Countersigning Officer if Line Manager not available)
If you are currently employed as a Civil Servant you will be required to complete this section in full. Candidates must attach their entire completed application, with section 11 for their line managers to complete. Please also attach your last 2 years' appraisal reports.
External candidates should proceed directly to Section 12.
1)  I consider this applicant to be:
Highly suitable Suitable Unsuitable I am unable to judge
Please comment on your assessment drawing attention to the applicant’s experience/special qualities for the post. If you are unable to judge the applicant’s suitability, please give reasons:
To be completed only if applicant is applying for trawled post on promotion.
2)  Do you consider the applicant to have the skills and experience to perform at the higher grade they have applied for?
Yes No
Please comment on your promotion assessment:
Name: Grade: Date: Click here to enter a date.
Line Manager/Countersigning Officer for Please select:012345678910+ years and Please select:01234567891011 months

12. DIVERSITY FORM (this will be detached from your application by the HR Dept)

Section A: Your Details
Title: Please select:DrMissMrsMsMrProfRev
Date Of Birth:
Male Female
Gender Identity (optional): If you identify as transsexual or transgender (in that you have effected a permanent change of gender identity) or as inter-sex, which group do you identify with?
How did you learn of this vacancy? Please select:Civil Service websiteThe Royal Parks websiteOther internet site (please specify below)Recruitment Agency (please specify below)Internal recommendationOther (please specify below)
If ‘Other internet site’, ‘Recruitment Agency’ or ‘Other’, please specify here:

Section B: Disability

The Royal Parks wish to encourage suitably qualified people with disabilities to apply for jobs. All information will be treated in strictest confidence.
Do you consider that you have a disability? Yes No Prefer not to say
What is the nature of your disability?
Please give details of any special needs or requirements that you may need us to make if you are invited to interview/offered employment:


Section C: Religion or Belief and Sexual Orientation

Which religion or belief do you most associate with? Please tick one box only.
No religion Buddhist Christian Hindu Jewish
Muslim Sikh Any other religion Prefer not to say
Which sexual orientation do you most associate with? Please tick one box only.
Bisexual Gay Man Gay Woman/Lesbian Heterosexual/straight
Other Prefer not to say

Section D: National Identity

Which National Identity do you most identify with? Please tick one box only.

British English Northern Irish Scottish
Welsh Other (please specify if you wish) Prefer not to say


Section E: Ethnic Identity
Which Ethnic Background do you most identify with? Please tick one box only.
Bangladeshi Indian Pakistani
Any Other Asian Background (please specify if you wish)
African Caribbean Any Other Black Background (please specify if you wish)
Any Chinese Background (please specify if you wish)
Mixed White and Asian Mixed White and Black African Mixed White and Black Caribbean
Any Other Mixed Background (please specify if you wish)
Any White Background (please specify if you wish)
Any Other Ethnic Background (please specify if you wish)
Prefer not to say

Thank you for completing these forms, please now email your final application and diversity form to with the job title as the subject

Job Title: Human Resources Officer

Location: The Old Police House, Hyde Park

Grade and Salary: Grade II (£25,090 to £30,547)


Responsible to the Head of HR

Important Functional Relationships:

Staff of all levels within The Royal Parks (TRP) including Consultants employed in an advisory role to the organisation as well as the Trade Union Side (TUS)

Important External Relationships:

External contractors and suppliers and other government department contacts with regard to the delivery of HR operations including recruitment, payroll, pension administration, Disclosure Scotland and security vetting, staff health and welfare and HR database support.

Main Purpose of the Job:

HR is responsible for recruiting, inducting and developing the Human Resources needed to ensure that TRP operates cost effectively and efficiently. Responsibility for day to day HR function including recruitment and induction; pay action; advising staff on training and development; the development of policies; procedures offering advice and guidance to line managers on employee relation matter and ensuring effective communication of HR activities to all staff.

To work with the HR Manager towards achieving the organisation’s commitment to diversity in all staff and recruitment matters.

This is a managerial position so there is a likelihood of line management responsibility at some point.

Main Duties/Responsibilities:

Recruitment and Selection

Act as scheme co-ordinator for all temporary and permanent recruitment campaigns, liaising with line managers and agencies as necessary to ensure TRP follow best practice and are compliant with the Civil Service Recruitment Principles.

Oversee the relevant correspondence to successful and unsuccessful candidates.

Draft the annual Civil Service Commissioners self assessment audit and action any recommendations as required.

Liaise with recruitment agencies for all temporary agency staff as required and ensure that SLA’s with providers are managed appropriately.

Liaise with TRP’s advertising and media advisers to source appropriate advertising solutions for external vacancies ensuring value for money.

Manage the content of TRP’s recruitment webpages ensuring that vacancies are posted online and the information contained in these pages remains up to date and accurate, including updating the intranet database with HR information.

Ensure that all new starters are baseline security cleared and all necessary evidence and documentation is checked and signed off. This includes checking references, passport and eligibility to work, Disclosure Scotland checks where necessary.

Draft references, contracts of employment, staff notices, responses to staff queries, and other varying correspondence.


Produce pay, absence, headcount, appraisal and management information as required for ExCom, DCMS, ONS and Cabinet Office as required.

Pay and Pensions

Maintain the HR Database system to ensure it is kept up to date and accurate, and in accordance with mandate and payroll requirements.

Gather all pay changes and calculations and oversee paperwork sent to payroll administrators.

Monthly pay checks for all amendments and investigate all staff pay queries including over and under payments.

Liaise with the relevant APAC on all pension matters including joiners, leavers and retirements.

Health & Welfare

Promote the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) making staff aware of their services.

Inform occupational health of all staff health issues and draft medical referrals concerned with absence, sickness, health checks, recruitment and medical retirements.

Review staff sick absence records and advise Line Managers in line with the absence policy.

Policy Actions

Assist with drafting new policy, procedures and systems, in line with best practice.

Provide guidance and advice on The Royal Parks’ HR policy to managers and staff, as and when required. Work with the Head of HR to ensure that the ‘Line Managers Guide’ evolves in line with legal requirement and organisational need.

To work with the Head of HR to ensure HR policy reflects the organisation’s commitment to equality and diversity.

Training and Development

Provide advice and guidance to staff on Civil Service Learning.

Advise managers of gateway applications for specialist external training.


Oversee the payment of invoices ensuring they are paid correctly from the correct budgets according to Finance guidelines. Assisting Head of HR with setting the budget and forecasting spend throughout the financial year.

Customer Service Support

Assist and support the Customer Services Manager with cover of the HQ reception including lunchtime rota and ad hoc absences and meetings.

Health and Safety

To be aware of his/her responsibilities as described in the H&S Manual and summarised in the H&S Handbook.

Ensure the health & safety issues receive the same priority as other management tasks.

Person Specification:

(Please refer to the competency framework)