Unit Plan Template

Unit Name: Beginners Gymnastics Year Level: 7 & 8 Time: Week 1 to 10

VELS Level 5 / Unit Outcomes for Students
·  Proficiency to perform complex movements and manipulative skills in gymnastics.
·  Monitor and describe their progress as learners identifying their strengths and weaknesses and taking actions to address their weaknesses.
·  Seek and respond to feedback from peers, teachers and other adults to refine their content knowledge and understanding of gymnastics.
·  Consider both their own, and others’ needs when making decisions about suitable learning processes and the creation of positive learning
·  Maintain regular participation in moderate to vigorous activity.
·  Students take greater responsibility for their own learning.
·  Accept responsibility as a team member and support other members to share information, explore the ideas of others, and work cooperatively to achieve a shared purpose within a realistic timeframe.
·  Initiate and undertake some tasks independently
·  Combine motor skills, strategic thinking and tactical knowledge to improve individual and team performance. / ·  Students to be able develop and perform a basic gymnastics routine.
·  Students to be able to correctly demonstrate basic gymnastics shapes, positions and movements.
·  To be able to identify what muscles and parts of the body they are using for different activities.
·  Students to be able to work effectively and cooperatively in a group.
·  To ensure students are involved and active for majority of each lesson.
·  For students to gain knowledge about the different disciplines in gymnastics.
·  For students to understand and demonstrate safe practice in gymnastics.
Content / Instructional Strategy
Week 1 – Introduction to body management
Week 2 – Supports and Balance
Week 3 – Sports Aerobics and Cheerleading
Week 4 – Physical Conditioning
Week 5 – Locomotion and Rotation
Week 6 – Spring and Landing
Week 7 - Circuit
Week 8 - Apparatus
Week 9 – Assessment Practice and Games
Week 10 – Assessment Routine / Week 1 – Direct Instruction
Week 2 – Direct Instruction
Week 3 – Cooperative Learning & Guided Discovery.
Week 4 – Guided Discovery & Direct Instruction
Week 5 – Direct Instruction
Week 6 – Guided Discovery & Direct Instruction
Week 7 – Task Based Learning& Guided Discovery
Week 8 – Direct Instruction & Guided Discovery
Week 9 – Guided Discovery, Game Sense & Cooperative Learning.
Week 10 – Guided Discovery & Cooperative Learning.
Resources - facilities / Resources - equipment
Gym Hall
Class Room / Floor Mats
Roman Rings
Parallel Bars
Uneven Bars
Even Bars
Beat Board
Mini Trampoline
Balance Beam
High Jump Mats
Wedge Mats
Foam Blocks
Masking Tape
CD Player
Safety Requirements
·  Make sure adequate padding and matting is in place before starting activities
·  Make sure all equipment is set up correctly prior to use
·  Both students and teacher should keep a close eye out for matting or matting that moves too far out of place and correct it as often as necessary.
·  Ensure students can demonstrate safe practice of simple shapes, positions and landings before moving on to more advanced skills and movements.
The theory class will consist of a small test on the gymnastics covered throughout the practical classes and in the fact file. The test will only take 10 minutes and for the rest of the class students will be able to play the gymnastics board game which is described in the lesson plan.
The assessment will require students to form groups of 3 or 4 and perform a simple gymnastics routine on the positions, movements and skills they have learnt throughout the unit. Students are to use a combination of skills from different lessons and include all group members equally. They are to focus on the correct technique throughout the routine. It should include 10 different skills, incorporating at least 4 of the Dominant Movement Patterns. The routine should take between 3 to 4 minutes and students will have 1 week of class time to practice their routines. Students should be aware that extra work out of school hours may be required to complete the routine. The routine will be assessed on the following level 5 VELS;
·  Accept responsibility as a team member and support other members to share information, explore the ideas of others, and work cooperatively to achieve a shared purpose within a realistic timeframe.
·  Students are to combine motor skills and strategic thinking to improve individual and team performance.
·  Proficiently to perform complex movements in gymnastics.

Practical Lesson Plan

Date: Week 1 Lesson # 1 of 10 Year Level: 7 & 8 Lesson Duration: 50 minutes #Students: M F

Lesson Topic: Introduction to Body Management Unit Topic: Gymnastics

VELS Level 5 / Specific Lesson Outcomes for the students
·  Monitor and describe their progress as learners identifying their strengths and weaknesses and taking actions to address their weaknesses / ·  Students to develop an understanding of how to control their own bodies and learn if they might have strengths and weaknesses.
·  Proficiently perform complex movements and manipulative skills. / ·  Students learn how to develop the basic landings and shapes as practiced in the lesson.
·  Seek and respond to feedback from peers, teachers and other adults / ·  Develop knowledge about what Dominant Movement Patterns are.


Only equipment needed is the floor in the gymnasium

Personal Teaching Goals

·  Focus on delivering clear and concise instructions to the class so everyone is clear on what to do.

·  For students to be able to develop an understanding of how to control their own bodies.

·  To be able to see students improve on their body control and movements throughout the lesson.

Post Lesson Reflection of Teaching


Time / Activity/Content / Organisation / Equipment / Safety Considerations / Cues / Questions / Reflections and Recommendations
20-24 mins
25-40 mins
40-48 mins
mins / Introduction
Welcome the class and inform students on what the lesson is about. Mark the roll.
- Talk about Dominant Movement patterns (are the patterns that re-occur in gymnastics. Building blocks for more complex skills
Warm Up - Skipping Tag
All students skip around on the floor. Two taggers try to tag other students. If tagged, students must do 5 star jumps and then they can skip around again. After a minute, swap taggers and students must hop around. If tagged they must do 5 sit ups. Swap taggers again and everyone must jump around, if tagged students must do a balance on one foot.
Basic Landings
Motor Bike Landing
Practice landing several times
Do 180 degrees in air and land, then another 180 and land (try not to move feet after landing)
Try a full 360 and land in same place as beginning.
Everyone starting jogging in anti clockwise direction, when say stop students do a motor bike landing.
Landing on Hands
Students on knees, practice falling forward, catch body with arms and lower body to the ground. Turn head to side.
Practice several times.
If students able to go from knees, advance skill and try from standing position.
Try a Mexican wave.
Basic Shapes
- Long Sit
- Tuck Sit
- V-Sit
- Rocket
- Front Support
- Back Support
- Side Support
Group to pack up mats and gather
together before being dismissed by
the teacher. / ·  Class sitting in a circle on the floor.
·  Students are taught how to control their own bodies
·  Help develop flexibility, strength, muscular endurance, balance, agility and coordination
·  Statics, Rotation, Locomotion, Swing, Spring, and Landings
·  Group play the game within a designated area on the floor.
·  Group sitting in a circle on the gym mats.
·  Hamstrings, quadriceps, arms, groin, back, neck. (refer to stretching exercises)
·  All students in a circle on the floor. Jump in the air and land with both feet apart, bent knees and arms out in front for balance. Looks like you are riding a motor bike.
·  Students on the floor arranged in a circle.
Long Sit: Sitting on ground with legs straight out in front.
Tuck Sit: Sitting on ground with feet tucked up close to their bottoms.
V-Sit: sitting on ground with legs straight and at a 45 degree angle from the floor.
Rocket: Standing up as tall as possible with hands above heads pointing towards the roof.
Front Support: lie on ground and do a push up and hold that position.
Back Support: Lie on back, do similar push up position as front support but facing upwards instead.
Side Support: one hand on ground holding body up, one hand used to balance body, try to keep hips ups as high as possible.
N/A / Gym Floor Mats
Gym Floor Mats
Gym Floor Mats
N/A / N/A
Be mindful of other students and keep out of each others way to avoid collisions.
Students should only fall from a height that they feel comfortable landing on their hands from.
N/A / Does anyone know of some of the disciplines in gymnastics?
Does anyone know what dominant movement patterns are? How many are there?
Bend knees to land to absorb the force.
Arms out straight in front.
Bend arms as soon as your hands hit the floor to absorb the force.
Toes pointed.
Legs and arms straight.
Focus on having the correct posture for each shape.

Practical Lesson Plan

Date: Week 2 Lesson # 2 of 10 Year Level: 7 & 8 Lesson Duration: 50 mins # Students: M F

Lesson Topic: Supports and Handstands Unit Topic: Gymnastics

VELS / Specific Lesson Outcomes for the students
·  Proficiency to perform complex movements and manipulative skills in gymnastics. / ·  Students should be able to explain what safety factors should be taken in account when performing the scorpion stand and the handstand.
·  Monitor and describe their progress as learners identifying their strengths and weaknesses and taking actions to address their weaknesses. / ·  Students should be able to be trusted and trust their peers when practising and performing complex movements, especially when they are spotting or being spotted.
·  Seek and respond to feedback from peers, teachers and other adults to refine their content knowledge and understanding of gymnastics. / ·  Students should be able to name and correctly perform the front, back and side support along with other positions taught in the class such as arabesque and the scoop.


·  Gym Mat/s for the floor (depends on the class size and the mat size to how many you will need)
·  3 or 4 Large Wedge Mats.

Personal Teaching Goals

·  For students to be able to recognise and know the names of the supports.

·  To personally go around to each student in the class and give them feedback and encouragement on their efforts.

·  For students to be able to perform the different supports shown in the lesson.

Post Lesson Reflection of Teaching



Time / Activity/Content / Organisation / Equipment / Safety Considerations / Cues / Questions / Reflections and Recommendations
2mins / Introduction
Welcome the class and inform students on what the lesson is about. Mark the roll.
Warm Up – Tag
For the warm up the group has a game of tag with two people being the taggers.
Basic Supports
Start off by showing, explaining and going through some basic supports in gymnastics.
1. Front Support
2. Back Support
3. Side Support
4. Sad Cat
5. Bowl/Scoop
Simon Says
Play the game Simon Says using the different supports. For example:
"Simon says get in front support position"
"Simon says go into the scoop position"
"Do a long sit"
If students go into a position that Simon didn't say to do they are out. So in this case if they did the long sit they would be out.
Partner Supports
Introduce a few simple partner supports to the students.
1. Back to Back
2. Shoulder to Shoulder
3. Sit Support
4. Leaning Back
(Partner supports shown on attached page)
Scorpion Stand
In partners show them how to do the scorpion stand. In learning this they will be half way to being able to do a handstand.
1. Arms outstretched on top of their heads.
2. Step forward and place hands on the mat out in front of you.
3. Using your forward momentum kick your one of your legs up to about a 45 degree angle with your hips. The other leg should make about a 90 degree angle to the floor.
From the scorpion stand you can build up to being able to do handstands. Remain in pairs for the activity.
1. To start off place long wedge mats along the wall.
2. One partner at a time will do the scorpion stand except this time trying to kick both legs up vertical in the air against the mat to do a handstand.
3. The partner will observe and can assist by helping hold their partner's legs up.
4. Swap over so both partners have several attempts each.
Group comes in and discusses what they found challenging in the class / Students sitting on the ground in a circle.
Use lines on the floor or designate an area for the group to play tag within.
Group arranged in a large circle on the mats. Or so the teacher can see the whole class and the whole class can see and hear them.
Group arranged in a circle on the mats.
Group still in a circle shape but make sure everyone has enough space to do the supports without getting in each others way.
If possible group still in a circle but once again make sure everyone has enough space around them not to be hitting each other.
Partners find a space on a mat against the wall to practice their handstands.
Group arranged in a circle on the floor. / N/A
Gym Mats
Gym Mats
Gym Mats
Gym Mats
-Gym Mats
- 3 or 4 Wedge Mats
N/A / N/A
Be mindful of other students when running around. No running into each other.
Pair up with someone similar in size.
Remind everyone to keep to their space to avoid hitting others.
If students aren't comfortable kicking their legs up to high they can just attempt smaller kicks instead.
Make sure partners have enough space so they don't collide with anyone.
Spotter only holds their partners legs if they are nearly vertical. Don't try and lift their partner's legs up.
N/A / Any questions before starting.
Ask students if they can you feel your muscles working to hold the position.
Can they hold it for very long?
Tell them to remember the supports because they will use them in next week's lesson on cheerleading.
Get partners to check each others stands and give feedback on them.
Partners to give each other feedback.
Ask students what was challenging in the lesson.

Practical Lesson Plan