Conference Administration Subcommittee

Winter 2011Agenda

Members –

______Matt Berry(2012)

______Angela Bowes (2012)

______Felix Hoots (extended to 2011)

______Don Mackison (2014)

______Daniele Mortari (2011)

______Anil Rao (2011)

______Ryan Russell (2012)

______Tom Starchville (2014)

______Aaron Trask (2010)

______Matt Wilkins (2011)

______Ken Williams (2012)

Extended –







  1. Product status – any updates or modifications

Product / POC / Status / On Wiki
Administrative Documents
Charter / Hoots / Done / Yes
Agenda, Minutes / Hoots / Ongoing / Yes
Task tracking / Hoots / Ongoing / Yes
General Planning Data
Site rotation / Policastri / Need history prior to 1977 / Yes
Selection schedule / Hoots / Ongoing / Yes
Fee history / Hoots / Ongoing / Yes
Conference statistics / Wilkins / In process
Detailed planning aids
Planning schedule / Coverstone / Done / Yes
Planning manual / Luu / Done / Yes
Summer requirements / Trask / Done / Yes
Winter requirements / Trask / Done / Yes
  1. Conferences completed or in planning –

Summer 2010 Conference, AIAA lead (Toronto, Canada) – Vicki Coverstone

Winter 2011Conference(New Orleans, LA) – Angela Bowes

  • Mentor: Matt Wilkins
  • Lead interface: Ryan Russell

Summer 2011 Conference (Girdwood, AK) – Ryan Russell

  • Mentor: Aaron Trask
  • Lead interface: Tom Starchville

Winter 2012 Conference (Charleston, SC) – Matt Berry

  • Mentor: Angela Bowes
  • Lead Interface: Anil Rao

Summer 2012 Conference, AIAA lead (Minneapolis, MN) – Anil Rao

  1. Winter 2013 conference – AAS lead (western US) – Tom Starchville
  • Mentor: Ryan Russell?
  • Lead Interface: Ken Williams? Don Mackison?
  1. Suggestions for sites (eastern US) for the Summer 2013 conference will be collected by Felix Hoots at the AIAA and AAS committee meetings.
  • General Chair: TBD
  • Mentor: TBD
  • Lead Interface: TBD
  1. Need an alternate chair for this subcommittee – TBD
  1. Other business –
  • Conference Fixed Costs – Felix Hoots

Discuss a proposed approach to level the fixed (according to bylaws) costs of running a conference. Items such as page charges, student travel, web site costs, etc would be averaged over time to provide a fixed cost per conference. This will avoid each GC figuring which are taxed to which conference.

  • Early Registration Policy – Aaron Trask

Our subcommittee has been requested to draft some guidance concerning early registration discounts, refund policy, late fees, etc.

  • 2017 Solar Eclipse – Ken Williams

It was pointed out to the committee that there will be a total solar eclipse on 21 Aug, 2017. The path of eclipse goes through Oregon, southern Idaho, and central Wyoming. Our conference rotation will have us in the west for that year, but 21 Aug is later than normal for our conferences. Salem (Oregon), Jackson (Wyoming), and Caspar (Wyoming) are all cities in the path of the total eclipse. There appear to be viable hotels in Salem and Jackson.

  • Short Course and Honorary Symposia – Felix Hoots

At the request of the SFMC chair, our committee drafted a policy dealing with Short Course offerings in conjunction with conferences and Special Honorary Symposia. The consensus of the subcommittee was provided to the SFMC for consideration by the membership. The membership approved the policy changes. There were some good suggestions offered during the voting. (They could not be incorporated since we already had a version in the process of being voted on) These should be considered as possible future modifications to the policy. Our committee has not been asked by the chair to do anything further at this time.