July 22, 1980
7:00 p.m.

CONDUCTING:Mayor James E. Mangum

ELECTED OFFICIALS:Councilmembers Earl Farnworth, Harley Gillman, Gareth Seastrand and Stella Welsh

APPOINTED STAFF: Jack Jones, Interim City Manager; Barry Bartlett, Assistant City Manger; Bryce McEuen, City Attorney, Ed Stout, City Planner: and Chris Moores, Secretary

EXCUSED:Councilman Richard Jackson

INVOCATION:Bryce McEuen, City Attorney

Approval of Minutes

Mr. Farnworth moved to approve the minutes of the July 8, 1980, Council meeting as presented. Mr. Seastrand seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Appointments to BonnevillePark Committee

The Mayor asked that this item be held until next week.

Appointment of City Manager

The Mayor Introduced Mr. Daryl Berlin as the new City Manager for the City of Orem. Mr. Berlin is presently living in Santa Rosa, California and will begin his employment with the City on August 25, 1980. Mr. Seastrand moved to appoint Mr. Daryl Berlin as the City Manager for the City of Orem. Mrs. Welsh seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Acceptance of Recommendation of Neighborhood Study Committee

Mr. John Stahli, chairman of the Neighborhood Study Committee met with the Council to present the committee's final report. The majority of the committee felt that neighborhood study committees would be inadvisable at this time. Mr. Stahli also presented a minority committee report why there should be committees formed at this time. Mr. Gillman moved to accept the report and to commend the committee for their work. Mrs. Welsh seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Farnworth was absent for their item of business and did not vote.

Request to Appear - Variance of UniformBuilding Code - Rav Robinson

Mr. Ray Robinson met with the Council to request a variance from the Uniform Building Code.

Mr. Robinson met with the Board of Appeals on June 24, 1980, to request a variance for Section

3305 (p) of the UniformBuilding Code. This section of the Code requires a 6'6" minimum head

clearance measured vertically from a plane parallel and tangent to the stairway tread nosing to

the soffit above at all points. The Board of Appeals granted a 2" variance which would allow the

head clearance at 6'4". Mr. Robinson requested the Council grant another 2" so he wouldn't have

to redo any of the work since it has been sheetrocked and painted. The Council discussed with

Mr. Robinson that this problem was brought to his attention before he sheetrocked and finished

the home. Mr. Farnworth moved• to accept the Board of Appeal's findings. Mrs. Welsh seconded

the motion which passed unanimously.

Request to Appear - Use Variance Marilee Jollev

The Mayor informed the Council that Mrs. Jolley had changed her plans and didn't need to appear.

PublicHearing - Consider Amendment to Zoning Ordinance to Revise P.R.U.D.Ordinance

A public hearing was held at 7:30 p.m. to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to revise the P.R.U.D. Ordinance. Mr. Baird, Senior Planner, explained that the ordinance included the following major changes:

  1. allows, as an option, for attached units in single family zones if an overall density is achieved,
  1. increases the maximum density in each zone slightly,
  1. allows a density bonus of 20 percent if certain amenities are provided,
  1. requires a minimum area P.R.U.D. developments,
  1. requires fences and windowless wall construction for 0-lot line developments, and fences and front-yard landscaping for twin home developments, and
  1. increaseslandscaping and openarea requirements, and varies those requirements by zone.

Mr. Seastrand moved to amend Section 28-307 of the Orem City Code and establish additional and modified standards for the development of P.R.U.D. projects. Mrs. Welsh seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Public Hearing - Consider Adding High Density zone to ZoningOrdinance

A public hearing was held at 8:00 p.m. to consider adopting a High Density Zone (R-M Zone) to the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Baird, Senior Planner, explained that this would add a new zone to the zoning ordinance and would allow up to 24 units per acre; and the zone would only be allowed in transitional areas. Mrs. Welsh voiced her concern about how the architectural design would blend into neighborhoods, lack of reference to the Uniform Building Code, and specifics in the landscaping requirements. Mr. Whitaker and Bob Kunz voiced their concerns about having that high of density next to single family residences. Dave Yocum, representing Proswood, commended the Council on how this ordinance had been handled. Mrs. Welsh moved to not consider this at this time and direct staff to address the Council's areas of concern and address this as a sensitive area. Mr. Seastrand seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Approval of Warranty Deed to Baum and Magleby, Inc.

This deed has been held as a bond on the Westcreek Subdivision at 1200 West 300 South. The subdivision improvements have been completed and accepted by the City. Mr. Farnworth moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the Warranty Deed from the City to Baum and Magleby, Inc. Mrs. Welsh seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Approve Specifications for Public Works Department Equipment

Mr. Gillman asked who wrote the vehicle specifications and wanted to make sure the specs would not eliminate a vendor from bidding. Mr. Jones responded that the purchasing agent, automotive service division manager and responsible department head wrote the specs and they were not intended to eliminate any vendor's bid. Mr. Gillman moved to approve the specifications for a residential solid waste unit, two compact pickups and a diesel street sweeper. Mr. Farnworth seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Approval of Stop Sign Resolution

Mr. Jones explained that this resolution included the stop signs that have been installed since the last resolution was adopted approximately six months ago. Mr. Gillman moved to adopt and authorize the mayor to sign the stop sign resolution. Mr. Farnworth seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Approval of Dance License - Douglas E. Lyman

Allison Lyman, representing Mr. Lyman, appeared before the Council to answer any questions they had. The Council felt comfortable with the dance license but voiced their concerns about holding it at the recreation center. They asked that the staff carefully monitor the dance on August 1. Mr. Gillman moved to approve a dance license for Mr. Douglas E. Lyman, and have staff and the recreation advisory committee monitor the dance at the recreation center. Mrs. Welsh seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Public Hearing - Consider Amendment to the HS-1 Zone

A public hearing was held at 8:30 p.m. to consider an amendment to the Highway Service Zone to allow office and business uses. Mr. Baird, Senior Planner, presented the proposed changes and explained that the changes would expand potential uses in the zone and at the same time give the Planning Commission and City Council the discretion of disapproving conditional uses. Mr. Gillman voiced his concerns about making the HS-1 zone a regular commercial zone. It was explained that the uses are still more restrictive than any of the commercial zones. Mr. Farnworth suggested that the reference to signs also include a reference to the sign ordinance. Mrs. Welsh moved to amend the HS-1 Zone as presented by staff with the above addition. Mr. Farnworth seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Final Plat - Victoria Lanes

Mr. Seastrand moved to approve a final plat for Victoria Lanes, Plat G. 1 lot at 1260 South 200 West. Mrs. Welsh seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Rezone Request - Bales Construction

Mr. Tom Molen, representing Bales Construction met with the Council to present their development at 1400 NorthState which consists of a dental office fronting on State Street and a condominium project in the rear. The Planning Commission recommends that 1400 North be extended to intersect with State Street. Mr. Farnworth moved to set a public hearing for August 12, 1980, at 7:30 p.m. to consider a rezone request from C-3 and R-1-8 to R-1-6 at 1400 NorthState. Mrs. Welsh seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Rezone Request - Ted Sorensen

Mr. Farnworth moved to set a public hearing for August 21, 1980, at 8:00 p.m. to consider a rezone request from R-1-7.5 to PC-1 at 850 West 400 North. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Harry Heathman Final Site Plan

Mr. Farnworth moved to continue this item until a future date when Mr. Heathman asks to appear. Mr. Seastrand seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Revised Site Plan - Grant Holdaway,400South Geneva Road

Grant Holdaway met with the City Council and told them he was willing to meet the requirements the Planning Commission recommended and inquired as to when he paid the development fee. The Council informed him it was to be paid according to what the ordinance stated. Mr. Holdaway was unable to acquire the adjoining property to the north which was rezoned with this parcel and the question arose if the zoning would revert back to the prior zone since it wouldn't be used by Mr. Holdaway. Mr. McEuen, city attorney responded that it would revert back to the original one. Mr. Seastrand moved to approve the Grant Holdaway C-M revised final site plan subject to the final plan showing the following: 1. access off Geneva Road being moved to the north property boundary, 2, sidewalk being installed along Geneva Road, and 3. curb, gutter and cross gutters meeting State specifications; to approve the temporary drainage system and require Mr. Holdaway to pay the required development fee per ordinance. Mr. Farnworth seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Pearson Tire Company Gas Pump Request

Pearson Tire Company requested that the City Council allow them to revise their final site plan to install gas pumps at the KomboShopping Center at 1600 North State Street. The Council voiced their concerns over the parking stalls that would be eliminated and the delineations from the final site plan approved for the shopping center. The Mayor felt that when a final site plan is approved that it be adhered to. Mr. Gillman moved to deny this request. Mrs. Welshseconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Marvel Inc.,Revised Sign Request - Carillon East

Jerry Brown, representing Marveon, Inc., met with the Council to ask for approval of a 39 to 41' sign above the Carillon Square theatre sign. A sign was previously approved above the Sizzler Steak sign but a lease gave Sizzler exclusive rights there. The Council discusse 3 the height of the sign and Mr. Brown referred to the signs in the area that were higher than the proposed sign for Carillon East. Mr. Stout, City Planner indicated that a new sign ordinance that would include sign specifications for this particular zone was forthcoming after a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce. After considerable discussion, Mr. Gillman moved to approve a 39 to 41' sign as presented. Mr. Farnworth seconded the motion. The voting was as follows: Mr. Farnworth and Mr. Gillman, aye. Mr Seastrand and Mrs. Welsh, nay. The Mayor broke the tie vote by casting a nay vote. The motion failed to carry. The Mayor commented that he felt they should come back for approval of the sign after the new sign ordinance was passed when there were specifications for the PC zone.

Conditional use – LDSChurch, 1660 South 200 East

Mr. Farnworth moved to approve a conditional use for the LDSChurch to construct a new building at 1660 South 200 East. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Gillman moved that the meeting adjourn. Mr. Farnworth seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.