Theda Rose
School of Social Work
University of Maryland Baltimore
525 W. Redwood Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: (410)706-4127; Fax: (410)706-3085
2010 PhD The Catholic University of America, National Catholic School of Social Service
Dissertation: Social Integration and Mental Health Promotion: A Study of Black Adolescents
1994 MSW State University of New York at Stony Brook
1990 BA The Johns Hopkins University; Degree: Psychology
2015-Present Assistant Professor, University of Maryland at Baltimore, School of Social Work
Research Activities and Support: Funded
Principal Investigator, Exploring measurement of mental health among adolescents through systematic review and adolescent perspectives. University of Maryland School of Social Work Competitive Innovative Research (CIR) Award.
The primary goal of the study is to develop a conceptual framework for measuring multiple domains of mental health among adolescents, using systematic review and focus group methodology.
Funding Period: July 2014 – December 2015
Budget: $22,605.35
Principal Investigator, Through the Looking Glass: Benjamin Franklin High School Photovoice Project. University of Maryland, Center for Community Based Engagement and Learning.
The purpose of the study is to explore and better understand the perceptions and experiences of urban adolescents in a resource poor environment, with a focus on coping, agency, and well-being, key attributes of adolescent development and resilience among this group. To understand these experiences through adolescent perspectives, this project will use photovoice (a participatory action research method involving photography by research participants) and focus groups.
Funding Period: July 2014 – October 2015
Budget: $17,920.20
Principal Investigator, Evaluation, Maryland’s Launching Individual Futures Together (LIFT). SAMHSA, Implementation Cooperative Agreements for Expansion of the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and their Families Program.
Funding Period: 2012 – 2016
Evaluation Budget: $ 47,428/year
2012-2015 Research Assistant Professor, University of Maryland at Baltimore, School of Social Work
Research Activities and Support: Funded
Principal Investigator, Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Evaluation Project. University of Maryland School of Social Work Teaching Grant.
The goal of the study is to use a quasi-experimental research design to conduct a two part-mixed methods evaluation study of the U.S. version of YMHFA with field instructors and MSW students. The first part of the study examines if field instructors exhibit increased mastery and competence of YMHFA knowledge principles and self-efficacy to deliver an 8-hour training after receiving a 5-day intensive YMHFA instructor training. The second part of the study uses a matched group comparison design to examine if MSW students who receive the YMHFA training exhibit greater mental health knowledge, improvement in skills and confidence to assist youth with a mental health problem, and reduction in stigmatizing attitudes compared to students who did not receive the training from pre-test to 6-month follow-up.
Funding Period: June 2014 – May 2015
Budget: $48,066.00
Principal Investigator, Evaluation (2013 – present), Data Manager, Evaluation (2012 – 2013); Rural Maryland Crisis and At Risk for Escalation diversion Services for children (Rural CARES). SAMHSA, Cooperative Agreements for Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and their Families Program.
Funding Period: 2009 – 2015
Evaluation Budget: $1,200,000 over 6 years
Principal Investigator, Evaluation (2013 – 2014), Data Manager, Evaluation (2012 – 2013); Maryland Crisis and At Risk for Escalation diversion Services for children (MD CARES). SAMHSA, Cooperative Agreements for Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and their Families Program.
Funding Period: 2008 – 2014
Evaluation Budget: $1,200,000 over 6 years
Principal Investigator, The Open Table Model Evaluation Planning, Research, and Technical Assistance Project (Co- Principal Investigator: Kantahyanee Murray)
The goal of the project is to 1) develop an overall organization as well as specific population level logic models for Open Table; 2) conduct qualitative analyses on existing program data for closed tables; 3) develop a boiler plate evaluation plan for use with future funding opportunities
Co-Investigator (2012), Maryland State Council on Child Abuse and Neglect Environmental Scan. Maryland Department of Human Resources (DHR)
(Principal Investigator: Terry Shaw)
Research Activities and Support: Grants Submitted
Principal Investigator (Submitted February 2015, Not Funded). Psychosocial Problems, Developmental Assets, and Black Youth Educational Outcomes. National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
Budget Request: $100,000 over 2 years (Direct Costs)
Co-Investigator (Submitted August 2014, Not Funded). PI: Michael Lindsey. Improving Mental Health and Educational Outcomes among Urban, Ethnic Minority Adolescents in Middle Schools. Institute for Education Sciences, Education Research Grant Programs, Social and Behavioral Context for Academic Learning.
Budget: $1,600,000 total for 4 years ($400,000/yr)
Co- Investigator (Submitted June 2014, Not Funded). PI: Kantahyanee Murray. Testing the Efficacy of the Open Table Model for Older Youth in Foster Care. Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children’s Bureau.
Budget: $711,900 over 3 years
Courses Taught
SOWK 670, Social Work Research
SOWK 645, Human Behavior in the Social Environment
2011–Present Adjunct Professor, MSW Program, The Catholic University of America, National Catholic School of Social Service (NCSSS)
Course Taught: Social Work Research Methods
2010 – 2012 Research Assistant Professor, The Catholic University of America, NCSSS
Appointment at Center for Behavioral Health, Statistics, and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (FTE: 100%)
2007 - 2010 Research Associate, Center for the Advancement of Children, Youth, and Families, The Catholic University of America, NCSSS
2008 - 2010 Instructor, BA Program, The Catholic University of America, NCSSS
Course Taught: Human Behavior & the Social Environment II
2008 - 2010 Research Assistant, Center for Spirituality and Social Work, The Catholic University of America, NCSSS
Study: “Investigation of the Effects and Mechanisms of Religious Involvement on the Physical and Mental Health of African American Caregivers”
2006-Present Principal Investigator, Evaluation (2011-present), Research Associate (2007-2010); Beacon House After-School Program Evaluation, U.S. Department of Education, 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant, Office of Superintendent of Special Education, D.C. Public Schools.
2010-2012 Visiting Scientist, Center for Behavioral Health, Statistics, and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Rockville, MD
2007 Summer Position: Management/Program Analyst, National Center for Education Research, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC
2006 Summer Position: Coordinator, 1199 Summer Youth Mentoring Program, 1199 SEIU Benefit and Pension Fund, New York, NY
2003-2006 Program Officer, New Century High Schools Initiative, New Visions for Public Schools, New York, NY
2002-2010 Program Development and Evaluation Consultant (P/T), S.A.V.Y (Successful and Victorious Youth), Brooklyn, NY
2002-2003 Adolescent Program Education Assistant (P/T), Brooklyn Children’s Museum, Brooklyn, NY
2002, 2003 Summer Position: Teacher, 1199 Summer Youth Mentoring Program, 1199 SEIU Benefit and Pension Fund, New York, NY
1996-2003 Social Worker, Institute for Student Achievement, Brooklyn, NY
1997-2001 Social Service Specialist/Counselor (P/T), Jackie Robinson Center for Physical Culture, Brooklyn, NY
1991-1996 Social Work Counselor/Family Worker, Children’s House, Garden City, NY
2010 Doctoral Student Commencement Speaker, The Catholic University of America, National Catholic School of Social Service
2007-2010 Minority Pre-Doctoral Fellowship in Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Council on Social Work Education, Alexandria, VA
2008 Ebony Magazine and the makers of Pine-Sol “Women Making a Powerful Difference” award, Subscriber Issue, March 2008
2007, August Dr. Deloris R. Freeman Continuing Education Scholarship 1st Place Award, Spirit of Faith Christian Center, Temple Hills, MD
Articles in Refereed Journals
Washington, T., Rose, T., Hong, J., & Colombo, G. (accepted). Family-level factors and African American children’s behavioral health outcomes: A systematic review. Child & Youth Care Forum
Rose, T., Joe, S., Shields, J. & Caldwell, C. H. (2014) Social integration and the mental health of Black adolescents. Child Development, 85(3), 1013-1018. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12182
Rose, T., Shields, J., Tueller, S., & Larson, S. (online, January 2014). Religiosity and behavioral health outcomes for adolescents living in disaster prone areas. Journal of Religion and Health. DOI 10.1007/s10943-014-9828-0
Sheridan, M. J., Burley, J., Hendricks, D., & Rose, T. (2014). Caring for one’s own: Variation in the lived experiences of African American caregivers. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 23(1), 1-19.
Rose, T., Joe, S., & Lindsey, M. (2010). Perceived stigma and depression among Black adolescents in outpatient treatment. Children and Youth Services Review, 33(1), 161-166.
Book Chapters
Rose, T., Lindsey, M.A. & Nebbitt, V.E. (2015). Implications to practice and service. In V.E. Nebbitt (Ed.), Adolescents in Public Housing: Addressing Psychological and Behavioral Health. Columbia University Press: New York, NY.
Sabatino, C., Mayer, L.M, & Timberlake, E.M., & Rose, T. (2009). Evidence for the effectiveness of school social work practice. In C.R. Massat, R. Constable, S. McDonald, & J.P. Flynn (Eds.), School social work: Practice, policy, and research (7th ed., pp. 49-70). Chicago: Lyceum Books Inc.
Final Reports for Grants and Contracts
Shaw, T.V., Lardner, M., Hong, M., Rose, T. & Shanahan R. (2012). Maryland state council
on child abuse and neglect: Environmental scan of child maltreatment prevention.
Funded by Maryland Department of Human Resources, Social Services Administration,
State Council on Child Abuse and Neglect, Baltimore, MD: University of Maryland
Baltimore, School of Social Work, Institute for Innovation and Implementation.
Technical Research Monographs
Rose, T., Sabatino, C. A., & Brintzenhofeszoc, K, M. (2014). Beacon house structured after-school tutoring program evaluation. Washington, DC: Center for the Advancement of Children, Youth, and Families, The Catholic University of America
Rose, T., Sabatino, C. A., & Brintzenhofeszoc, K, M. (2013). Beacon house structured after-school tutoring program evaluation. Washington, DC: Center for the Advancement of Children, Youth, and Families, The Catholic University of America.
Rose, T., Sabatino, C. A., & Brintzenhofeszoc, K, M. (2012). Beacon house structured after-school tutoring program evaluation. Washington, DC: Center for the Advancement of Children, Youth, and Families, The Catholic University of America.
Rose, T., BrintzenhofeSzoc, K. & Sabatino, C. A. (2011). Ferebee-Hope Community School Complex, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, Program Evaluation for Communities-in-Schools of the Nation’s Capital. Washington, DC: Center for the Advancement of Children, Youth, and Families, The Catholic University of America.
Rose, T., Sabatino, C. A., & Brintzenhofeszoc, K, M. (2011). Beacon house structured after-school tutoring program evaluation. Washington, DC: Center for the Advancement of Children, Youth, and Families, The Catholic University of America.
Sabatino, C. A., Rose, T., & Brintzenhofeszoc, K, M. (2010). Beacon house structured after-school tutoring program evaluation. Washington, DC: Center for the Advancement of Children, Youth, and Families, The Catholic University of America.
Sabatino, C. A., Brintzenhofeszoc, K, M., Rose, T., & Moriarity, J. (2010). Ferebee-Hope Community School Complex, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, Program Evaluation for Communities-in-Schools of the Nation’s Capital. Washington, DC: Center for the Advancement of Children, Youth, and Families, The Catholic University of America.
Sabatino, C. A., Rose, T., & Brintzenhofeszoc, K, M. (2009). Beacon house structured after-school tutoring program evaluation. Washington, DC: Center for the Advancement of Children, Youth, and Families, The Catholic University of America.
Sabatino, C. A., Rose, T., & Brintzenhofeszoc, K, M. (2008). Beacon house structured after-school tutoring program evaluation. Washington, DC: Center for the Advancement of Children, Youth, and Families, The Catholic University of America.
Sabatino, C. A., & Rose, T. (2007). Beacon house structured after-school tutoring program evaluation. Washington, DC: Center for the Advancement of Children, Youth, and Families, The Catholic University of America.
Curriculum Manuals
Rose, T., & Cazeau, T. (2001). Counseling Curriculum Manual, Jackie Robinson Center for Physical Culture After-School Programs. Counseling Manual for Jackie Robinson Center for Physical Culture, Brooklyn, NY.
Johnson, K. M.., Rose, T., Bynum, R. M. (1997). Choices and Challenges Drug Prevention Manual, Girls Scouts of Nassau County. Drug Prevention Manual for Girls Scouts of Nassau County, Garden City, NY.
Publications Under Review/Preparation
Sheridan, M., Rose, T., Bennett, Susanne, & Soniat, B. (in progress). Religious involvement and mental and physical health among African-American caregivers of elders: A structural equation modeling analysis. The Gerontologist
Rose, T., Murray, K., Leitch, J., & Katov, J. (in progress). The Open Table movement: Organizing faith-based support networks to provide bridges to opportunity for low-income families. Journal of Community Practice
Rostant, O., Rose, T., & Joe, S. (in progress). Factor structure and invariance of the John Henryism active coping scale among Black adolescents.
Joe, S., & Rose, T. (in progress). Religious coping among Black adolescents
Refereed Presentations
Rose, T., Finigan-Carr, N., & Joe, S. (2015, July). Religion and mental health among Caribbean black adolescents. Paper presented at the 12th Conference of Caribbean & International Social Work Educators, St. Georges, Grenada.
Rose, T., Shaw, T., & Horen, M. J. (2015, January). Strengths, support, and help-seeking: Identifying protective factors for behavioral health and delinquency among youth with SED. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.
Finigan-Carr, N. M, & Rose, T. (2014, May). Prevention research with out of home youth – foster care and juvenile justice system involved youth. Special Interest Group Presentation. Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Horen, M. J., Rose, T., Cosgrove, J., & Lee, B. (March, 2014). Strengths and behavioral health among youth with serious emotional disturbance (SED): Preliminary findings from a state-level system of care. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Children’s Mental Health Research and Policy Conference, Tampa, FL.
Rose, T., Lee, B., & Horen, M. J. (2014, January). Examining strengths among systems of care adolescents: A latent class analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Society for Social Work and Research, San Antonio, TX.
Rose, T., & Joe, S. (2014, January). The impact of religion on the mental health of Black adolescents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Society for Social Work and Research, San Antonio, TX.
Burley, J.T., & Rose, T. (2012, January). Religiosity, coping, and social support among African American caregivers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.
Burley, J.T., & Rose, T. (2011, October). Religiosity, coping, and social support among African American caregivers: Practice implications. Paper presented at the annual conference of North American Association of Christians in Social Work, Pittsburgh, PA.
Rose, T. (2011, January). Social integration and mental health promotion: A study of Black adolescents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Society for Social Work and Research, Tampa, FL.
Rose, T., Joe, S., & Lindsey, M. (2010, January). Perceived stigma and depression among Black adolescents in outpatient treatment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Society for Social Work and Research, San Francisco, CA.