All competitors will shoot the same programme on N.S.R.A. 1989 Series targets for 20 shots to count plus sighters per 20-minute detail will be used throughout.

Cards may be shot at any time while the meeting is in progress but the Association will not refund entry fees to competitors who arrive too late to complete their programme.

N.S.R.A. rules will apply. Ties will be resolved by "count-back". Order of precedence - Competition 2 over Competition 1. In Competitions 1 and 2 targets with stickers “3” over targets with “2” over targets with “1”, bottom diagrams scores over top diagrams scores

Other conditions will be displayed on the range.

Challenges must be lodged before the presentation of prizes. For each challenge a fee of £2.00 will be made which will be returned if the challenge is upheld.

Ammunition is not on sale at the range.

Remember to bring 12 large bulldog clips to secure targets to the frames.

DATA Protection Act Notice

Your details will be retained for a period of seven years after the competition. Results will be retained indefinitely for the purpose of future reference and maintaining historical records, and as such they may be distributed to interested parties.


Prize winners may elect to receive medals in place of cash prizes.

The presentation of the trophies will take place on the range at close of meeting.

When a trophy is presented to the winner a photograph will be taken of the winner with the trophy. The winner will be sent a copy of the photograph, and their name will be added to the list of previous winners. The Association will retain the trophy.

In the event of the winner not being present for the presentation a photograph could be taken, at the meeting, the following year.



Name ………………………………………………………………………………

Address ……………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………POST CODE ………………….

Club ………………………………………………… Ave …………. Class.…….

Please state if a resident in the County of Yorkshire Yes / No

The Club Secretary or Captain must certify average other than for class A.

Certified correct by ………………………………………………………Club Sec/Capt.

Average must be from the best 10 of the last 12 scores on NSRA 1989 seriesindoor cards.

All individual competitions will be in the following classes

Class “A” – average 98.5 and overClass “B” – average 96.0and under 98.5

Class C under 96.0

As Class C&D arenow combined a trophy and gold medal will be awarded to the winner in

Comps 1,2,and 3 for competitors with a certifiedaverage of 93.5 or below

Winners of class B.C or aggregate of either 2017 Open shoots must enter at least the next class above the one they won.

If under 21yrs, half fees for individual Competitions D of B ………………..


Competitions 1,2,3. Combined £12.00 ………

Competition 1 (50m)only £6.00 ……….

Competition 2(100yds) only £6.00 ……….

50m Team name …………………………………………………… £3.00 ……….

100yds Team name ………………………………………………… £3.00 ..………

Confined Team name ……………………………………………… £3.00…………

Cheques/P.O. payable to Y.S.R.& P.A. Total £ …………….

Advance entries will greatly assist with administration.

Enter by e-mail and pay on the range tom

or post to J A Billany 35, Augustus Drive, Brough E Yorks HU15 1DH


Your E-Mail address for results

Competitions open to “ALL COMERS”

In Class A B C in Comp3. Prizes are 1st £15*, 2nd £10, 3rd £5

But if less than 10 entries in a class 1st £8 and 2nd £5 only

Comp. 1 60 shots at 50 metres

Class A B.S.A. Cupholder Dave BinneyStaveley

Class B Lascelles Cup holder Robert Gascoyne Felton

Class C N.S.R.A. Cup holder Peter HaggoYorks S centre

Certified Average 93.5 or under Parker hale Cup N/E

Comp. 2 60 shots at 100 yards

Class A A V Staniforth Cup holder Dave Binney Staveley

Class B Popplewell Cup holder Luke HawkinsRotherham

Class C Ladies Cup holder Peter HaggoYorks S Centre

Certified Average 93.5 or under Anlaby H G Cup N/E

Comp. 3 Aggregate score of Comps 1 and 2

Class A Bergson Cup The Meeting Championship

holder Dave BinneyStaveley

Class B Legarde Cupholder Luke HawkinsRotherham

Class C Sir Hugh Bell Cupholder Peter HaggoYorks S Centre

Certified Average 93.5 or under Hatherley Cup N/E

"Open" Team Competitions

50 metres Teams of three (concurrent with Comp.1)

Winners - The Robson Cup and three medals

holders Staveley

100 yards Teams of three (concurrent with Comp.2)

Winners - The Col. Lawrence Cup and three medals

holders Staveley


(all concurrent with comp 3)

The confined competitions below are open to Y.S.R.&P.A. Affiliated Clubsand their Competitors who are resident within the County of Yorkshire


Winner - The Scarborough Corporation Cup + £15+The Championship Badge

Second – Silver Medal Third – Bronze Medal.

Present HolderSteve BakerEasingwold

Comp. "B"

The South Yorkshire Championship

South Yorkshire Plaque + Medal

holder Luke Hawkins Rotherham

The West Yorkshire Championship

West Yorkshire Championship Cup + Medal

holderNick lockAirborough

The North Yorkshire Championship

Northallerton Cup + Medal

holder Steve Baker Easingwold

The East Yorkshire Championship

East Yorkshire Championship Trophy + Medal

holderJim Taylor Driffield

"Confined" Team Competition

Teams of 3

Winners - The Gleadow Cup + 3 Medals holders Staveley

N.S.R.A. County Medal

Highest score inComp.3 receives the medal if they have not previously won it,otherwise it is awarded to the next highest score.

holderLuke Hawkins Rotherham

The Burnell Range
Knowsthorp Way, Leeds, LS9 0NP





At the

Burnell Range

Knostrop, Leeds LS9 0SW

Sunday 2ndSeptember, 9.30am to 4.30pm

Last detail commences at 4.00pm

Enter by e-mail. Pay on the range

Tea & Coffee will be free all day

Prizes will be presented on the range at close of meeting.