2191 East 6550 South – Uintah, Utah 84405 / (801) 479-4130 Fax: (801) 476-7269 / Office Hours M-W 9:00-5:00 Th-Fri 9:00-1:00
Mayor Lawrence Flitton
Council Members:
Don Pearson Gordon Cutler
Jerry Smith Greg Johnson / Planning – Zeke Swander
Building Inspector-Jeff Monroe
Treasurer – Mike Ulrich
Sheriff – Lt. Jason Talbot
Fire Chief – William Pope


2015 Burn Periods are: March 30 - May 30, 2015


Applicants statewide are required to complete the open burn permit application and receive an open burn permit prior to igniting an open burn. After the application is completed and submitted, a copy is sent electronically to the municipal fire authority having jurisdiction in the area where the open burning will take place.

All open burning operations shall be subject to inspection by the director or county or municipal fire authority.The permittee shall maintain at the burn site the original or a copy of the permit that shall be made availablewithout unreasonable delay to the inspector. (R307-202-7(F))

General Requirements

The DAQ rules governing open burning can be found in the Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R307-202. This rule allows open burning of: clippings, bushes, plants and pruning's from trees incident to property and residential clean-up activities, provided that the following conditions have been met:

The clearing index is 500 or greater. The clearing index is a measure of the atmospheric mixing and wind speed (technical term is Ventilation Index). A clearing index of 500 or less is considered poor atmospheric ventilation. The clearing index can be foundNational Weather Servicewebsite. (Look for "Airshed 5" to find the index for our area)

The open burn permit application must be completed and a valid permit issued prior to burning.

The open burn permit application must be completed and a valid permit issued prior to burning. Please see below for instructions and a link to the open burn permit application.

Permits may be issued between March 30 - May 30, 2015

Materials to be burned are thoroughly dry and no trash, rubbish, tires, or oil are included in the material to be burned, used to start fires, or used to keep fires burning.


Minimal Wind (LESS than 10 MPH)


Burn Agricultural Type products only (no large trees, stumps, trash, garbage, lumber, tires or oil based products)

Burning is prohibited within 50 feetof any structure

A water source must be available

One burn permit is good for up to three (3) days

The permit will only be valid for the land specified on the permit

Open burns shall be supervised by a responsible person who shall notify the local fire department and have available...on-site...the means to suppress the burn if the fire does not comply with the terms and conditions of the permit.

If at any time the director or the county or municipal fire authority granting the permit determines that the permittee has not complied with any term or condition of the permit, the permit is subject to partial or complete suspension, revocation or imposition of additional conditions. All burning activity subject to the permit shall be terminated immediately upon notice of suspension or revocation. In addition to suspension or revocation of the permit, the director or county or municipal fire authority may take any other enforcement action authorized under state or local law. (R307-202-7(G))

The online open burn permit application program is tied to two things - first it checks to see if there is an active open burn window and second it checks theclearing indexto see if it is forecast to be above 500. If there is not an open burn window or if the clearing index is forecast to be below 500, the program will not allow a person to complete the application. The clearing index is only forecast for a 3 day period so a person will not be allowed to complete an application more than 3 days in advance.REMEMBER TO CHECK FOR AIRSHED 5 TO FIND THE INDEX FOR OUR AREA.

To begin the application process, click on the "BURN PERMIT APPLICATION" button below and you will be taken to the DAQ website. Once there, follow the instructions on their website by first selecting "Uintah City" from the pick list, then provide all information requested on the application. The permit is valid only at the address specified in the permit and is required to be on site at the time of the burn. All materials to be burned must be clearly described and quantified in the application. Applicants must be aware of any and all local (listed above), state and federal rules and regulations applicable to their area.

Open burning is authorized by the issuance of a permit, as stipulated within rule R307-202-7(10). These permits can only be issued when not prohibited by other local, state, or federal laws and regulations and when anuisance as defined inSection 76-10-803is not createdand does not impact the health and welfare of the public.
For any questions on the burn permit process contact the Fire Chief William Pope at (801) 425-2802

By clicking on the button below, you agree to all the conditions laws and Utah Administrative Rules pertaining to the Open Burn Permit. You also understand that you are personally liable for any damage caused by your burning activities.

Website for obtaining your open burn permit
