Public Notice
National and international applications are open by “Instituto Superior Técnico” of the University of Lisbon (herewith designated as Institute), for a period of 30 (thirty) working days from the day immediately following the publication of this notice in “Diário da República” (the Portuguese Official Gazette), for 1 (one) position for Research Coordinator in the scientific field of Nuclear Technologies and Radiological Protection, from the Department of Engineering and Nuclear Sciences of Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, to be hired through the celebration of an employment contract in public functions, in compliance with articles 9, 12 and 15 of the Scientific Research Career Regulation (herewith designated as ECIC), issued by the Decree-law number 124/99, of 20 April.
The joint order number 373/2000, of 31st of March, of the Minister of State Reform and Public Administration and the Minister for Equality made compulsory the inclusion of the following reference in all civil service recruitment procedure notices:
“In compliance with paragraph h) of article 9 of the Constitution, the Public Administration, as the employer, actively promotes a policy of equality of opportunities between men and women in access to employment and professional development, scrupulously providing for the prevention of any type of discrimination.”
In compliance with articles 15 to 27 of the ECIC and other applicable legislation, the following provisions must be followed:
I – Authorization Order
This recruitment procedure follows the University of Lisbon Rector’s Order number 7360/2015, dated of 24th of June 2015, published in the 2nd Series of “Diário da República” (the Portuguese Official Gazette), number 128, dated of 3rd of July 2015, issued according to the proposal of the Scientific Board of “Instituto“, and after the confirmation of budget provision and after the confirmation that the position, for which this recruitment procedure is open, is foreseen in the Institute’s staff list, in which the functions to be carried out are defined as research activities, that constitute the set of duties of a Research Coordinator in the aforementioned scientific field.
This recruitment procedure also follows the provisions laid down in the “Lei de Orçamento do Estado para 2015” (Portuguese Law for the State Budget for 2015).
II – Approval of this Public Notice
This Public Notice was approved, in accordance with the provisions laid down in article 24, number 1 of the ECIC, by the Jury of this recruitment procedure in the meeting held on 2nd of November 2015, as described in the approved proceedings of the aforementioned meeting.
III – Scientific field, category, career and institution
III.1 - The scientific field related to this recruitment procedure are Nuclear Technologies and Radiological Protection.
III.2 - The Institute’s Scientific Board has not identified any other related scientific fields.
III.3 - This recruitment procedure is open for a position of Research Coordinator at the Institute, to be hired through the celebration of an employment contract in public functions, in the research career category, in compliance with paragraph c), article 4 of the ECIC.
IV - Admission requirements and grounds for exclusion
IV.1 - General requirements — in accordance with article 17 of the General Law of Employment in Public Functions), adopted by Law 35/2014, dated 20 de June.
IV.2 - Special requirements - In compliance with article 12 of the ECIC, and in accordance with the fact that the Institute's Scientific Board has not identified any other related scientific fields, only the following candidates shall be admitted:
IV.2.1 - The Principal Researchers from the scientific field related to this recruitment procedure, either from the same or distinct institution, or those who, although from a different scientific field, have a relevant scientific curriculum on the scientific field related to this recruitment procedure, and that, in any of the aforementioned cases, have a minimum of three years of professional experience in this category and have been approved in the “Habilitation” or “Agregação” public exam;
IV.2.2 - The Principal Coordinators from the scientific field of this recruitment procedure, either from the same or distinct institution, or those who, although from a different scientific field, have a relevant scientific curriculum on the scientific fields related to this recruitment procedure;
IV.2.3 - The candidates that hold a PhD degree in the scientific field of this recruitment procedure, or those who, despite holding a PhD degree in a different field, have relevant scientific curriculum in the that scientific field and that, in any of the aforementioned cases, have a minimum of six years of professional experience after the PhD degree and have been approved in the “Habilitation” or “Agregação” public exam.
V – Remuneration and working conditions.
V.1 - The remuneration corresponds to the position of the “Tabela Remuneratória Única” (the Single Remuneratory Table) which is equivalent to the salary defined for index 258 of the first salary scale for the category of Research Coordinator, as defined in annex I of the ECIC, except if the chosen candidate already holds an employment contract in public functions and receives higher remuneration than the one defined herein.
V.2 - The working conditions are foreseen in the ECIC and in the applicable legislation related to employment contracts in public functions as well as in the regulatory norms of the Institute which apply to the contracted researchers.
VI – Functional content
The functional content of the position is defined in article 5 of the ECIC.
VII – Place of work, type of recruitment procedure, number of available positions and validity of the recruitment procedure.
VII.1 - The place of work of the Research Coordinator to be hired through this recruitment procedure is at the “Departamento de Engenharia e Ciências Nucleares” of “Instituto Superior Técnico”, located in Estrada Nacional 10, Bobadela, notwithstanding the possibility of the work taking place, by decision of the Institute’s competent bodies, in other current Institute’s campuses at Alameda and Taguspark, respectively located in Avenida Rovisco Pais, Lisboa and Taguspark, Oeiras.
VII.2 - In accordance with paragraph a) of article 9 and article 12 of the ECIC, this recruitment procedure is a documental procedure which will consist in the analysis of the candidates’ curriculum vitae and scientific work.
VII.3 - The number of available positions is one.
VII.4 - This recruitment procedure will remain valid until the chosen candidate is hired by the Institute through an employment contract in public functions.
VIII - Composition of the Jury
The Jury, which will be chaired by the University of Lisbon's Rector, Professor Doctor António Cruz Serra, shall be composed of the following Full Professors and Research Coordinator members:
José António de Carvalho Paixão, Full Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra.
Carlos Manuel Bolota Alexandre Correia, Full Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra.
Maria Adelaide de Almeida Pedro de Jesus, Full Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra.
Vítor Brás de Sequeira Amaral, Full Professor, Department of Physics, University of Aveiro.
José Emílio Fernandes Tavares Ribeiro, Research Coordinator, Departament of Physics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa.
Professor Mário João Martins Pimenta, Full Professor, Departament of Physics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa.
Manuel José Duarte Leite de Almeida, Research Coordinator, Departament of Nuclear Sciences and Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa.
IX – Notification regarding the list of admitted and excluded candidates and the final ranking list
The list of admitted and excluded candidates and the final ranking list will be posted at the Department of Human Resources of Instituto Superior Técnico, Alameda Campus, Avenida Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal and all candidates will be notified by registered post.
X – Entity to whose attention the request forms for admission must be submitted
X.1 - The request forms for admission, together with the respective application documents, must be addressed to the President of “Instituto Superior Técnico”, until the 30th working day from the day immediately following the publication of the present notice in “Diário da República” (the Portuguese Official Gazette) and in two daily national newspapers.
X.2 - The request form and the respective application documents can be submitted in person at the Department of Human Resources of Instituto Superior Técnico, Alameda Campus, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal or sent by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt to the following postal address: Instituto Superior Técnico, Department of Human Resources, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal.
X.3- The application process must be accompanied by the following documents:
X.4 - Declaration of honour (annex to this notice);
X.5 - Two copies in CD or DVD format, each containing:
X.5.1 - The candidate’s curriculum vitae in electronic format (PDF), identifying the activities developed which, according to article 5 of the ECIC, constitute the set of duties to be performed by a Research Coordinator, considering the selection criteria defined in this notice and which are considered relevant to the scientific field related to this recruitment procedure;
X.5.2 - Electronic version (PDF) of the scientific papers published in international journals mentioned in the candidate’s curriculum vitae as well as other works that the candidate considers relevant to be evaluated by the Jury.
X.6 - The 10 works which the candidate considers to be the most representative of his/her activity should be highlighted in the curriculum vitae in electronic format (PDF), namely considering the candidate’s contribution to the development and evolution of the scientific field of this recruitment procedure. This selection must be accompanied by a brief and grounded description in which the candidate details his/her contribution.
X.7 - With the exception of the scientific papers, the documents that accompany the application must be written in Portuguese or in English.
X.8 - The instructions and support files for the submission of applications in digital format are available at the Department of Human Resources of Instituto Superior Técnico’s webpage:
X.9 - The candidate ranked first in the final ranking list must submit, to the Department of Human Resources of Instituto Superior Técnico, in compliance with the declaration of honour referred in X.4, the supporting documents that make proof of the fact that he/she fulfils the legal requirements for the celebration of an employment contract of indefinite duration in public functions with “Instituto Superior Técnico”, within ten days from the notification to proceed to this submission.
XI – Ground for exclusion of candidates
XI.1- Until the end of the deadline and at the place and form fixed in this notice, candidates who fail to deliver all required documents, or if they have been delivered but do not give proof that they meet all general and specific requirements laid down in point IV of this notice, shall be immediately excluded.
XI.2 - Notwithstanding their approval and inclusion in the final ranking list of candidates in a position that enables their selection for the position, candidates will be disqualified if, when required, fail to submit the supporting documents that make proof of the fact that they fulfil the legal requirements for the celebration of an employment contract of indefinite duration in public functions with the Institute, or unjustifiably fail to meet the fixed deadline for their submission, or when submitted, the documents proved to be inadequate, false or invalid.
XI.3 - Following the disqualification of a candidate, determined by order of the University of Lisbon Rector’s, justified by what is defined in the previous paragraph, the candidate, who is ranked immediately after the disqualified candidate in the final ranking list, will be required to submit the supporting document that makes proof of the fact that he/she fulfils the legal requirements for the celebration of an employment contract of indefinite duration in public functions with the Institute.
XI.4 - The hearing of the candidates who are disqualified, according to the provisions laid down in the aforementioned paragraphs, will be held and the candidates will be granted a period of ten days to refute the grounds for their disqualification.
XII – Rules for the functioning of the Jury
XII.1 - The Jury will abide by the rules laid down in the ECIC.
XII.2 - At the first meeting on the 2nd of November 2015, the Jury approved the criteria for the candidates’ absolute merit approval and ranking and the process to be followed for the justified nominal voting, according to the foregoing.
XII.3 - The criteria mentioned in the previous paragraph follow the foregoing principles approved at the meeting of Full Professors of the Institute’s Scientific Board, held on the 14th of December 2012:
XII.3.1 - The candidates shall be excluded in absolute merit if they fail to prove to have, at least, 40 (forty) publications in the scientific area of this recruitment procedure listed in the ISI Web of Knowledge list, during the last 10 (ten) years.
XII.3.2 - Once the candidates approved through absolute merit, following the procedures established in paragraph 3, article 16 of the ECIC, the Jury ranks the candidates considering the following parameters and weights:
XII.3.2.1 – Quality of scientific and technical work of the candidates, which is weighted by a factor of 40%, including:
i) Scientific publications;
ii) Scientific projects;
iii) Creation and reinforcement of laboratory resources;
iv) Management of technological and scientific infrastructure;
v) Recognition by the scientific community.
XII.3.2.2 – Provision of services to the community and technology transfer, which is weighted by a factor of 20%, including:
i) Industrial and intelectual property;
ii) Legislation and technical norms;
iii) Provision of services and integrated consultancy integrated in the institutional mission;
iv) Design and project of engineering achievements;
v) Provision of services to the scientific community and to the society.
XII.3.2.3 – Professional training and contributions in scientific-oriented activities, which is weighted by a factor of 20%, including:
i) Professional training activities, namely those that fall into the framework of the institutional mission;
ii) Science-oriented activities, at MSc, PhD and Post-Doc level.
XII.3.2.4 – Participation in management bodies, which is weighted by a factor of 20%, including:
i) Positions in the university and faculty/institute bodies;
ii) Positions in temporary assignments;
iii) Participation in national and international bodies, namely under the institutional mission.
XII.4 - The voting process used for the decision regarding the final ranking of the candidates shall be as follows:
XII.4.1 - During the meeting and before the poll takes place, each member of the Jury shall submit a written document, which will be attached to the proceedings of the meeting, containing the ranking of the candidates with the grounds for their ranking, in respect to the approved parameters and criteria.
XII.4.2 - In the several polls, each member of the Jury must follow the ranking presented in the written document, abstentions not being allowed.
XII.4.2.1 - The purpose of the first poll is to determine which candidate is ranked first.
XII.4.2.2 - In case a candidate wins more than half of the votes, this candidate shall be positioned first. If this does not occur, the poll is repeated after the candidate ranked last in the first poll is removed.
XII.4.2.3 - In case there is a tie between two or more candidates positioned last in the rank and there is at least one candidate who was not positioned last, a new poll takes place regarding only the candidates that were positioned last as a tiebreaker. If in this more restricted poll the tie still persists, the President of the Jury shall decide which candidate is to be excluded.
XII.4.2.4 - In case there is a tie between all candidates in the first poll, the poll is repeated, following a period of deliberation between the members of the Jury. In case the tie persists, the President of the Jury shall decide which candidate is to be excluded.
XII.4.2.5 - The process repeats until a candidate obtains more than half of the votes for the first position. Following the identification of the first candidate and its removal from the list, the process is repeated for the second position and so on until the final ranking list is obtained.
Declaration of honour
I, (name), candidate for the position of Research Coordinator that is available from the staff list of “Instituto Superior Técnico”, hereby declare on my word of honour that I fulfil all the requirements for admission to this recruitment procedure as defined in the applicable Law, especially Chapter IV of the Scientific Research Career Statutes, in the applicable regulations, and in this notice.
I also declare that all statements herein were made with the knowledge that wilful false statements will result in my exclusion from this recruitment procedure, notwithstanding the communication of such statements to the competent authorities for criminal procedures.
I further declare that I understand that, in case I am positioned in an eligible position within the final ranking list of the candidates, I must comply with the deadline of 10 working days as of the date of notification of the final ranking list to provide “Instituto Superior Técnico” with the supporting documents that make proof of the fact that I fulfil the admission requirements defined for this recruitment procedure.
I further declare that I understand that the failure to provide the supporting documents referred to in the previous paragraph, for reasons within my control, will result in my exclusion from this recruitment procedure.
… (place), … (date), … (signature)
The President, Professor Doctor Arlindo Manuel Limede de Oliveira