Poznań, ………………..……….


concerning students preference related to the choice of the division

where diploma will be prepared

for students on penultimate year of studies

Surname, First name…………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………..

Year of studies ……………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………..

Studies: full-time* first-cycle/second-cycle *

number of album…………………………………………………………......

Preferred 1st division -
Reserve 2nd division -
Reserve 3rd division -

(please complete checkbox with symbol for example Z3)

Signature of student ……………………………………………………

Information for students :

Diplomas can be prepared in following divisions of Faculty of Architecture:

1) Institute of Architecture and Physical Planning (IAPP)

a)PZ1 – Division of Work Places and Recreation,

Head: prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Wojciech Bonenberg

b)PZ2 – Division of Engineering in Architecture,

Head: dr hab. inż. arch. Jerzy Suchanek, prof. nadzw.

2) Institute of Architecture, Urban Planning and Heritage Protection (IAUiOD)

a) Z1 – Division of Public Architecture and Housing

Head: dr hab. inż. arch. Ewa Pruszewicz-Sipińska, prof. nadzw.

b) Z2 – Division of History, Theory and Heritage Protection

Head: dr hab. inż. arch. Piotr Marciniak, prof. nadzw.

c) Z3 – Division of Urban Planning

Head: dr hab. inż. arch. Robert Ast

3)  KR - Chair of Drawing, Painting, Sculpture and Visual Arts

Head: prof. dr hab. sztuk plast. Andrzej Maciej Łubowski

A student shall write his diploma thesis under the advice of a professor or a habilitated doctor or a PhD. The Dean, provided the Board of the Faculty of Architecture has prior granted their consent, may authorize an expert professional other than a university teacher employed at Poznan University of Technology to advise the student on the progress of the student's diploma thesis.

Topics of diploma theses are prior elaborated and published on the Bulletin Board located at the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Architecture and on The topics are worked out with all the Faculty students in mind.

A diploma thesis is to be written by the student himself. The author of the diploma thesis is its only and exclusive creator in the meaning of the copyright. For that reason, the student cannot demand his thesis advisor to creatively participate in the writing of his thesis. Such participation would classify the advisor as the co-author of the diploma thesis which would contradict the requirement that the diploma thesis shall be entirely the work of the student himself.

The advisor is to supervise the timely and organized progress of the student's work, to provide the student with advice, recommendations and opinions which shall be deemed as the critical review of the diploma thesis and which, can be accounted for by the author of the diploma thesis but in no way is he under the obligation to do so.

Note: The Dean makes the final decision as regards the diploma examining institute.


* delete as appropriate