- LetterRoundupCenter
(The Mailbox, August/September 2009)
* Concepts of Print
- Pocket Chart Ordering Center
* Ordering
Print out months, days, letters, and number words using a large font. Cut out, glue onto sentence strips, and laminate. Students use a pocket chart to order the pieces of a selected theme.
- Thematic Stamping or Magnetic LetterCenter
(Stamping and Making Words by K-Crew,
* Letter matching and word making
Students will use magnetic letters to match letters in thematic words. A picture is on the paper for visual support. Later on in the year students can use letter stamps to spell the words.
4. BeginningSoundsCenter
* Matching letters with the beginning sounds
Students will get a picture mat with 26 pictures representing the letters of the alphabet. They will match magnetic letters with the beginning sounds of the pictures.
5. Sorting MatCenter
(Sorting Mats, by K-Crew, )
* Sorting and letter discrimination
Students will get a sorting mat with a pre-determined letter sort (ex. Aa and not Aa or Tall Letters and Short Letters)
6. Frogs on LogsCenter
(The Mailbox, October/November 2009)
* Rhyming
7. PumpkinPatchCenter
(The Mailbox, October/November 2009)
8. LetterMatchCenter
(The Mailbox, October/November 2009)
* Letter Matching
Students will match letters (letter to letter, upper to upper, etc.).
9. Beaver’s LodgeCenter
(The Mailbox, August/September 2009)
* Rhyming
10. That’s My Name Center
(The Mailbox, Aug./Sept. 2010)
* Writing and stamping names
11. Muffins for Monkeys
(The Mailbox, Aug./Sept. 2008)
*Beginning sounds
12. Order Up! Center
(The Mailbox, EnvelopeCenters: Language Arts)
* Matching beginning sounds to the letter d and s
13. Kitty’s ChoiceCenter
(The Mailbox, EnvelopeCenters: Language Arts)
* Matching Color Words
14. Candy Galore Center
(The Mailbox, EnvelopeCenters: Language Arts)
* Matching beginning sounds to the letters n and p
15. TrailBuddiesCenter
(The Mailbox, EnvelopeCenters: Language Arts)
* Identifying beginning sounds /b/ and /r/
16. Mail Call! Center
(The Mailbox, EnvelopeCenters: Language Arts)
* Matching beginning sounds to the letters c and h
17. Wobbling TowersCenter
(The Mailbox, EnvelopeCenters: Language Arts)
*Identifying beginning sounds /t/ and /w/
18. Make a WordCenter
(Literacy Centers-Take It to Your Seat, Evan-Moor Corp.)
* Initial and Final Consonants
19. Make a StoryCenter
(Literacy Centers-Take It to Your Seat, Evan-Moor Corp.)
*Beginning Rebus Writing
20. BookMakingCenter
*Writing personal books based on academic and monthly themes
(ex. colors, alphabet, word families, numbers, seasons)