Concentric Circles Questions – for Retreat at Hacienda – Spring 2005

Round #1: With whole group: 16 people on outside & 16 on inside (Total of 32 people)

  • On inside: 9 SWK Students & 7 SEJLA Students (16)
  • On outside: Other 7 SEJLA Students & All 9 Staff (16)

16 questions:

  1. What kind of music do you like? Do you sing or play any instruments?
  2. What kind of physical activities or sports do you enjoy?
  3. What kind of books or articles do you like to read?
  4. What do you remember about kindergarten?
  5. What do you remember about your senior year of high school?
  6. What do you remember most about your first year of college?
  7. Who was one of the best teachers you ever had (at any time in your life)? Why?
  8. What is one of the most interesting courses you ever took?
  9. What are you studying & why did you choose that? (If you’re NOT taking any classes of any kind currently, what do you teach on your job, & why?)
  10. What do you hope to do when you graduate? (If you’ve already graduated, what are some of your future hopes or plans?)
  11. Describe one volunteer setting you worked in that was important to you.
  12. Have you ever had an internship or done service-learning? What did you do, & how was the experience?
  13. Describe one paid job that you had that you particularly liked.
  14. Describe one paid job that you had that you particularly DISLIKED.
  15. If you could have any job you wanted, what job would that be?
  16. Describe one of the first intercultural experiences you ever had.

Round #2: Split into 2 sets of concentric circles!

The inside circle from Round 1 makes its own circle with 7 students & Hillary on outside, with the rest of staff on inside:

The inside circle from Round 2 makes its own circle with 8 on outside & 8 inside

8 questions:

  1. What do you like to do to relax?
  2. What do you like to do to have fun?
  3. Are you involved in any campus or community groups? If so, what?
  4. What do you feel passionately about?
  5. Do members of your family share your passion for the things you feel strongly about?
  6. Was your family religious or non-religious while you were growing up? What was that like?
  7. What did your family normally do for vacations while you were growing up?
  8. If you could go anywhere on spring break, where would you go?

Round #3: Groups of 8 in outer & inner circles become small groups for another activity:

  • Write down the names of all members of your group (yourself & the 7 people you haven’t talked to yet.)

Total = 32 people

9 Staff

  1. Barbara
  2. Judy
  3. Ann
  4. Antonio
  5. Marisela
  6. Giselle
  7. Stephanie
  8. Kaila
  9. Hillary

SWK: 9 Students

SEJLA: 14 students