Present: Mr A Round (AR) (Chairman), Mrs D Daw, (vice Chair)

Mr J Beavan (JB), Mr A Slater (AS), Mr R Rose (RR), Mrs D Pullen (DP), Mr A French (AF), Mr P Burridge (PB), Mr J Davies (JD), Mr J Spreckley (JS), Mr R Shutt (RS), Mr B Harris (BH), Mr J Dover (JDover). (Parish Councillors)

In Attendance

Mr B Matthews (BM) - District councillor

Mrs J Everall (clk) - Parish clerk

6 members of the public.

Item 1 Apologies/Disclosure of Interests

A Apologies – (Parish Councillors) Mr J Daw (JDaw)

B Disclosures of interest –JS, (item 11 and 12 neighbourhood planning). RS and DD (item 12 social club) J Dover (Item 5 Roman Park, Glebe close) P Burridge (item 13 Raw Striker appeal)

Item 2 Visiting Speakers

a.CSO Dean Wall – monthly report:

·  At 4.29pm on 2nd February there was a Breach of Restraining Order at Credenhill. The male offender had been in a relationship with the victim but due to previous issues in the relationship a Restraining Order was imposed. On the above date the male sent half a dozen abusive and offensive text messages which were in contravention to the Order. The male has since been arrested and CHARGED on 4th February.

·  An Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm occurred at 12.30pm 7th February at Credenhill. Between these times a female visited another female and an argument ensued on the doorstep over items mentioned on the social network site Face book. As a result there was some pushing, shoving and scratching accompanied by threats. As a result the offender was issued with a CAUTION on 17th February.

·  An offence of Theft occurred between 2pm 5th and 4pm 15th February at Credenhill. Persons unknown have entered the garden of a property and have removed a hoselock from its brackets and 3 x ceramic brown coloured plant pots.

·  A Theft of Motor Vehicle occurred between 6pm and 9pm 16th February at Credenhill. Persons unknown stole the victims Lexmoto Motorcycle from the driveway of the ex girlfriends address.

B District Councillor Bob Matthews arrived at 9pm due to a meeting in another parish:

·  Enforcement is ongoing regarding the lack of landscaping at Magna Farm as agreed in the planning application. BM suggested the PC invite Mr. Ashcroft to attend the next meeting. Clk note send invite Letter sent 26/3/13.

·  Reported to the PC that HC have given notice to return to the FAS site on the 8th April to commence work. NO information has been received by the PC regarding this matter. Further discussion in item 13 reports. FAS.

·  Discussed a local resident their concerns with a lake changing colour. He suggested they contact environmental agency direct.

Item 3 Public Questions – 6 in attendance.

Residents asked the PC for advice on how to proceed now that Raw Striker has submitted an appeal. AS confirmed that householders can send in any additional information. BH asked the PC permission to contact a fire officer for a safety report. The PC agreed that BH could continue however, JS cautioned against this action and referred to the planning policies.

PC received photographs of a microphone attached to a property near Mill Farm. JS explained this device would be used for background acoustics. Clk Note: Send letter with objections to planning inspectorate. Sent 9/4/13.

Item 4 Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Following a proposal by DP seconded J Davies by it was resolved that the minutes for the meeting on 20th February 2013 are accepted as a true record of the proceedings.

Item 5 Business arising from Previous Minutes (Clk to lead)

a.  BT Telegraph poles – Waterside. The clk contacted BT and an engineer visited the site and reported back that although the poles in this area are leaning there is no present concern.

b.  Changing rooms cupboard.- the clk asked the PC to purchase a lockable cupboard for cleaning materials at the changing rooms Following a proposal by DP seconded by DD it was resolved a suitable locker at £80 plus vat be purchased from Parish funds. Clk note: Arrange payment/ delivery. Done. JB also asked the Clk to review the risk assessment of the cleaning materials and amend document. Clk note: to complete.

c.  Herefordshire housing. – Fence Station Road. The clk reported that only 2 properties along Station Road belong to Hereford housing and just one needed some repair work and with the damaged fence near the steps. Clk note: make arrangements. Done 27/3/13.

d.  Lengthsman scheme. – The PC are unable to obtain both the grant for grass cutting and the lengthsman scheme. The PC discussed the small amount of km that would be covered by this scheme and decided not to pursue this year.

e.  Parish clean up advert. - Clk has prepared the poster for the CCN. Clk note: send info to Glenda. Done 21/3/12 RR asked Clk to contact HC and request a pavement sweep. Clk note: Request sent 27/3/13

f.  Post office. Clk has sent letter to One stop and is now waiting for a response. Clk also contacted PO to make further inquiries regarding the host scheme. More information to follow.

g.  Glebe close annual letter – PC asked the clk to update the letter regarding fly tipping and circulate to members. Clk note: add to agenda.

h.  Graffiti. – Clk reported this is on HC work list and will be removed in due course. Clk note; Chase up.

i.  Football contracts – the clk has amended the football contract and prepared a letter to each time advising them of the fee increase and the need to employ a cleaner. AR to forward the documents to each team.

j.  Contractors insurance – The clk confirmed that 4seasons and Mr Tyler both poses liability insurance and will forward copies to the clk. Mr Powell agreed to make arrangements to provide his own insurance. Clk note: chase up.

k.  Street light A480 junction. – JS confirmed an inspection of the street light has been completed and work will be undertaken within 3 months.

l.  Magna Castra enforcement – discussed under item 3 visiting speakers.

m.  Roman park – fly tipping. Clk confirmed a letter had been delivered asking the local resident to clear weeds throw onto the park. A discussion took place concerning the names of the residents being published in the CCN some members disagreed with this action and suggested the PC give a set date for the offenders to remove their waste before contractors were involved and the bill would be sent onto the resident. No conclusion was made.

Item 6 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: MARCH aste before contractors were involved and the bill would be sent onto the resident. No conclusion was made. action and suggeste2013
Payments MARCH 2013
Supplier / Total / account balance / Date
Pip printing MARCH CCN chq. / 308.8
Maxwell amenity ltd - boot wipe (43.73 vat) / 262.38
C Powell - Litter. 26 hrs Jan/ 9.5 Feb. I hr misc. Receipts for cleaning/bags - £70.75. ( changing rooms) / 362.75
J Everall- 45.5 hours + £5 phone/ broadband allowance. 1st - 28th Feb. Chq / 460
Mr. D. Tyler - Hedge cutting Roman Park. / 190
Welsh water – RP. Direct Debit / 59 / 399.13 / 28.7.12
British gas - RP electric direct debit / 30 / 121.71 / 12.3.13
British gas - preschool gas direct debit / 80 / 263.31 / 11.1.13
British gas - car park lights / 20 / 75.38 / 6.2.13
British gas - preschool electric direct debit / 100 / 302.39 / 12.3.13
Total for month / 1872.93
Receipts (During February 2013)
Credit From / amount
football fees / 75
CCN advert / 65
Total receipts for Month / 140
Debtors / amount
imagination station - rent Feb / 1242
social club - street lights / 34.78
community hall - street lights / 34.78
Amey - water bill refund / 630.37
total outstanding payments / 1941.93
Petty Cash payments February 2013
Paid to / Purchase / total
Total / 0
Current bank balance 28/2/13 - £13,407.38

Following a proposal by RR seconded by DD it was resolved that the above payments are paid from the parish funds.

The PC queried the late payment from Imagination station. The clk has been notified the account will be cleared early April. Following a proposal by RR seconded by JB it was resolved the clk’s phone/ broadband allowance be increased to £7 per month.

RR asked the clk to send a reminder to the social club and hall regarding the outstanding electric bills. Clk note: action. Done 9/4/13

Item 7 Preschool rent review. (JB to lead) During a financial meeting held on the 5/2/13 the working group proposed to increase the hourly rent by the rate of inflation on the 1st April. Following a proposal by RR seconded by DD it was resolved to make the increase as recommended on the 1st April. Clk note: send letter. Done 9/4/13

Item 8 Quotes for fence at Roman Park. (clk to lead) The clk read out the details of 2 quotes received. A discussion over the exact location of the fence ensued. The PC are concerned that some properties have encroached upon the 3 feet of PC land. Finally RR suggested all members of the PC should walk the perimeter fence and discuss next month. Clk note: inform 2 companies of delay and add to agenda. Done 26/3/13

Item 9 Quote – Grass cutting (clk to lead) following a proposal by DD seconded by RR it was resolved to accept a quote from MR. Weston for £325 per calendar month for grass cutting services. Clk note: forward keys and contract.

Item 10 Quote for chipped bark at changing rooms. (clk to lead) the PC decided to visit the site and add to agenda next month. Clk note: add to agenda. Done.

Item 11 Neighbourhood planning (clk to lead) The clk asked for comments on the prepared neighbourhood planning information for the CCN. Js asked the clk to make a small amendment and forward to the editor. Clk note action. Done 28/3/13

Item12 -Business arising from correspondence received since last meeting. (Clk to lead):

HBOS shares. The clk and chairman are progressing with this matter.

Credenhill social club. – The clk read out a letter received from the chairman of the social club regarding the ongoing disruption of the FAS work. BM suggested the PC contact Richard Ball with the concerns as soon as possible. Clk note prepare letter and inform hall, club and preschool of PC actions. Done 26/3/13

Neighbourhood planning in Herefordshire – Event. An event is to be held on the 25/4/13. 3 places are available to councillors. Clk note: inform James Latham. Done 26/3/13

Mr Richardson. Expressed his concerns over the recent speeding consultation. The clk recommended his comments be included next month once more parishioners have viewed the report. Mr. Richardson requested bin bags for him to use for litter collection around the parish (not areas covered by Mr Powell) the PC wish to thank him for his support with this issue. Clk note Email Mr. Richardson Done 26/3/13

Preschool – hot water fault. The preschool have faults with an external door and hot water supply. Clk note: contact locksmith and Mr Havard. Done 22/3/13

Slcc membership 2013 the membership is due for renewal. Following a proposal by DP seconded by DD it was resolved to pay £100 for the membership for 2013. Clk note: send payment. Done 26/3/13

Core strategy consultation – The clk has received CD copies of the core strategy for the PC use. The closing date for comments is 22/4/13.

Item 9 - Reports (updates) concerning the working groups within the Parish council

A .Finance - (D Daw/ J Beavan/ A Slater/ R Rose) none

b. Roman Park – (A Slater/D Daw) - None

c. Footpaths - (J Daw/R Shutt) none

d. Planning - (A Slater/J Daw) discussed under item 3.

e. Flood Alleviation Scheme - (J Spreckley/ J Beavan/ J Daw/ R Rose) - RR reported on the increase of water usage during the works of approximately £100. The Clk will forward the bill in due course. JS commented on the unacceptable work and suggested the forthcoming event organised by Mr. Pickles be blocked. Clk to contact Andrew Lyke and confirm the possible start date also write to hall, club and preschool with an update. Done 26/3/13

e.Website/CCN - (J Daw) None.

f.Community Hall - (J Davies/ A French) AF reported the halls concerns with the FAS site. Clk to obtain lock for bin. Request sent 9/4/13

g.Schools - (J Davies) None.

h.Shops/Businesses - (D Pullen) DP reported the hedge cutting work has now been completed.

Item 10 - Agenda items for next meeting

Quotes for fence at Roman Park.

Quote for bark at changing rooms

Neighbourhood planning


Item 11 - Any other business

DD asked the PC for permission to hold a fund raising event on Roman Park in September. The Pc granted permission.

Item 12 - Date of Next Meeting (17 April 2013 at 7.30pm)

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.05pm

Original signed

A ROUND Distribution: All Councillors, Cllr Matthews, Clk (for Minute folder), Parish Website