Bolton SICT
Computing CPD Overview / Bolton SICT
Smithills Dean Road
Bolton BL1 6JT
01204 332034

Computing CPD Overview –Autumn 2017- Spring 2018

Please use the Bolton SICT Gateway to book your places. If you do have any problems booking, do not hesitate to contact me either via email or at the office on 33 2034.

Developing your School Digital leaders
/ As computing confidence grows in schools, how can you offer challenges to your more-able pupils?
Why not develop up to 3 of your Year 5 or Year 6 children to become Digital Leaders for your school?
The aim of these workshops are to develop and embed further in depth skills and knowledge using such programs as scratch2, blogging and animation, which they in turn will be able to share their knowledge alongside the class teacher.
Children will need to be accompanied by a Teacher who will take responsibility for the Digital Leaders in school to ensure that they are deployed effectively and have a clear understanding of what their roles and responsibilities are within school.
Your new Digital Leaders will be presented with a certificate after they have completed the course.
If you wish to attend any of these workshops, your 3 children will need to be accompanied by a teacher; they may also wish to drive the children to the course (insurance allowing) to reduce the cost of transporting the children.
CPD Event / Date / Cost / Training Overview

Developing Digital Leaders
– E-Safety Champions
Workshops / Monday
18th September
1.00pm till
3.00pm / £95.00
Trade in
½ Day Support
(schools to send 1 staff + 3 pupils) / This course trains your school digital leaders to become “E-Safety Champions”, effective peer support for your children in school. These children will be shown how to identify possible e-safety issues arising around school.
They will be encouraged to understand that they are a very important set of “eyes and ears” as sometimes their friends will not share things with their teachers but discuss things that are worrying them with their friends.
Your new “E-Safety Champion”; will take part in various dramatic scenarios which will help them to know how to support their peers.
Your E-Safety Champion will work closely with your Safeguarding lead (or any other designated members of staff) to identify possible issues and support vulnerable children within your school.
Ideally, your safeguarding lead (or identified member of staff) will accompany the children on this workshop.
Hands on
New to Purplemash?
Are you getting the most from your Purple Mash?
What’s new? / Wednesday
27th September
Start 9.30 am till 3.30pm
Full day
Lunch will be provide / Free CPD
Available to all schools that subscribe to
Schools can send two delegates
ideally one from each key stage / Are you ready for this year’s Hands On Purplemash Event?
The day will be focusing on what’s new in Purplemash.
Using Mash to support digital literacy, digital media and of course coding.
It promises to be a day packed full new ideas
Great opportunity for your NQTs, new staff in your school to look at how this resource can enhance teaching and learning. Schools can send two delegates ideally one from each key stage
Free CPD to schools that subscribe to Purplemash

Developing Digital Leaders
– Stop Frame Animation
Workshops / Thursday
28th September
1.00pm till
3.00pm / £95.00
Trade in
½ Day Support
(schools to send 1 staff + 3 pupils) / Lights, Camera Action!
Your Digital leaders will sample the world of Stop Frame animation and how it can have a positive impact in school in a host of curriculum areas from English, Maths and Science through to the foundation subjects.
Using the skills your digital leaders have developed by attending the workshop they will be able to share their knowledge alongside the class teacher.
Your children will take part in animating their own scene and providing a voice over for it.
Lots of Fun!

Computing for NQTs
9.30am till 3.30pm
Lunch is provided / We are running this course three times:
10th October
7th December
7th February / £125.00
Trade in
One Full Day
(schools can send
2 delegates) / This CPD will give your NQTs the opportunity to focus on how they approach their computing lessons.
The day will focus on:
·  BoltonSICT computing long term and iCan Statements
·  iCan statement assessment
·  Online Safety Update
·  Hands on activities that NQTs can use to cover key elements of the Computer Science aspect of the curriculum – using Purplemash, Scratch & iPads.

Developing your
Digital Leaders
- Blogging
Workshops / Struggling to keep your school blog up to date?
Why not develop digital leaders / Writing for the whole wide world!
Your digital leader’s blog accounts will be upgrade to enable them to support blog moderation and content.
They would be shown how to develop and maintain their own site areas such as school council, eco
Using the skills your digital leaders have developed by attending the workshop, they will be able to share their knowledge alongside the class teacher.
16th October
1.00pm till
3.00pm / £95.00
Trade in
½ Day Support
(schools to send 1 staff + 3 pupils)

New to the Role of
Computing Subject Leader? / Tuesday
31st October
Start 9.30 am till 3.30pm
Full day
Lunch will be provide / £125.00
Trade in
One Full Day
(schools can send
2 delegates) / Do you have a new computing lead in your school?
This day will focus on:
·  Computing Curriculum
·  Long term overview and learning objectives
·  Online Safety
·  Assessment
·  Hands on resources
·  Time to action and share experiences across schools

Hands On Workshop
Take away your free goody bag and materials to support your teaching / Wednesday
8th November / 10.30am
till 11.45pm / 12.00pm
till 1.15pm / 1.30pm
till 2.45pm / 3.00pm
till 4.15pm / 4.15pm
till 5.30pm
9th November / 8.30am
till 9.45am / 10.00am
till 11.15am / 11.30am
till 12.45pm / 1.00pm
till 2.15pm / 2.30pm
till 3.45pm
How to access:
Username: bolton365
To book your school places – unlimited staff can attend
Use this link to book your place on a workshop is below:
Phone: 01204 33 33024 /

Computing for NQTs / Thursday
7th December
Start 9.30 am till 3.30pm
Full day / £125.00
Trade in
One Full Day
(schools can send
2 delegates) / This CPD will give your NQTs the opportunity to focus on how they approach their computing lessons.
The day will focus on:
·  BoltonSICT computing long term and iCan Statements
·  iCan statement assessment
·  Online Safety Update
·  Hands on activities that NQTs can use to cover key elements of the Computer Science aspect of the curriculum – using Purplemash, Scratch & iPads.

In partnership with BoltonSICT
Using iPads to support
SEN Learning - Literacy / Thursday
18th January
1.00pm till
3.30pm / £50.00
Please note the training is held at SICT - Smithills / This session will focus on how staff can use an ipad to support children with additional needs.
There will be quick wins and tips.
Using apps schools already use but with an SEN focus
There will be some specific maths apps to use to develop basic maths skills in SEN children
This is focused CPD for TAs that work with children with additional needs, giving children the opportunity to produce their own work and develop their self-esteem

Developing Digital Leaders
– Scratch2
Workshops / Monday 22nd January
1.00pm till
3.00pm / £95.00
Trade in
½ Day Support
(schools to send 1 staff + 3 pupils) / Scratch2 leaders!
Your digital leaders will look at possible ideas of programming linked to their learning and start to develop their own interactive stories, games, and animations.
Your digital leader will also use Code Club resources, which could support the running of a school club.
Share your creations with others in the online community.
Using the skills your digital leaders have developed by attending the workshop they will be able to share their knowledge alongside the class teacher.

Online Safety Training
- CEOP Certified / Wednesday
31st January / £95.00
Trade in
Half Day
(schools can send
2 delegates) / Ofsted guidance includes these expectations:
Allteachingand non-teaching staff should be aware and able to recognise online safety issues with high-quality leadership and management to make online safety a priority
High priority given to training and continuation training to all staff, including the contribution of the wider school community.
At least one member of staff to receive accredited training (eg CEOP)
AM Session
9.30 till12.00pm
PM session
1pm till 3.30pm

Computing for NQTs / Wednesday
7th February
Start 9.30 am till 3.30pm
Full day / £125.00
Trade in
One Full Day
(schools can send
2 delegates) / This CPD will give your NQTs the opportunity to focus on how they approach their computing lessons.
The day will focus on:
·  BoltonSICT computing long term and iCan Statements
·  iCan statement assessment
·  Online Safety Update
·  Hands on activities that NQTs can use to cover key elements of the Computer Science aspect of the curriculum – using Purplemash, Scratch & iPads.

In partnership with BoltonSICT
Using iPads to support
SEN Learning - Maths / Thursday 8th February
1.00pm till
3.30pm / £50.00
Please note the training is held at SICT - Smithills / This session will focus on how staff can use an ipad to support children with additional needs.
There will be quick wins and tips.
Using apps schools already use but with an SEN focus
There will be some specific maths apps to use to develop basic maths skills in SEN children
This is focused CPD for TAs that work with children with additional needs, giving children the opportunity to produce their own work and develop their self-esteem