Monroe Township High School

Computers In Business 1

Course Syllabus

Mr. Ralph Zamrzycki

Phone # 732-521-2882 X1652


Course Description:

This course provides the fundamentals and enrichment of word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and the Internet. These computer tools are necessary in today's business world for use in college, employment and personal use. Introduction to business skills, tools and materials are designed to provide hands-on practice with the latest computer equipment and technology. Class activities include drawing, creative document design, creating a budget, charting and graphing, and presentations. Class discussions and speakers will discuss topics on careers in business and technology.

Texts/Supplementary Instructional Materials:

Computer Projects BASICS Text

Internet Office Projects 2E Text

Suggested Materials Supplied by Student:

Flash Drive

Binder – Section devoted to CIB I

Course Standards/Benchmarks:

  1. The student will be able to identify applications associated with Microsoft Office 2007.
  2. The student will learn to utilize drawing tools and techniques in designing objects.
  3. The student will be able to utilize the Internet to research information pertaining to workplace readiness topics such as Insurance Offices.
  4. The student will be able to understand the basic concepts of word processing.
  5. The student will be able to understand the editing concepts of word processing and reinforce word processing skills.
  6. The student will be able to utilize the Internet to research information pertaining to workplace readiness topics such as Educational Offices.
  7. The student will be able to format documents to strengthen word processing skills.
  8. The student will be able to use Auto Features in Word along with applying those skills to various types of word processing documents.
  9. The student will be able to perform advanced word processing operations utilizing tables to reinforce skills.
  10. The student will be able to create professional-looking documents using Desktop Publishing along with applying advanced techniques.
  11. The student will be able to utilize the Internet to research information pertaining to workplace readiness topics such as Radio Stations.
  12. The student will be able to create and format a worksheet in Excel.
  13. The student will be able to use organizational techniques in Excel worksheet.
  14. The student will be able to utilize the Internet to research information pertaining to workplace readiness topics such as Financial Investment Offices.
  15. The student will be able to create worksheet formulas in Excel.
  16. The student will be able to use function formulas.
  17. The student will be able to utilize the Internet to research information pertaining to workplace readiness topics such as Human Resource Offices.
  18. The student will be able to use the spreadsheet skills to analyze and communicate information.
  19. The student will be able to utilize the Internet to research information pertaining to workplace readiness topics such as Fleet Department Offices.
  20. The student will be able to utilize the Internet to research information pertaining to workplace readiness topics such as Travel Offices.
  21. The student will be able to utilize the Internet to research information pertaining to workplace readiness topics such as Purchasing Offices.
  22. The student will be able to utilize the Internet effectively and efficiently to research and retrieve information pertaining to workplace readiness topics such as Moving and Living Independently.
  23. The student will be able to create and utilize techniques to enhance PowerPoint presentations.
  24. The student will be able to utilize the Internet to research information pertaining to workplace readiness topics such as career decisions and job searches.
  25. The student will be able to create a professional resume.

Class Expectations and Requirements:

  1. You are expected to be in class on time.
  2. You are responsible for bringing materials to class – folders, books, etc.
  3. Keep a folder of all completed work in the order it was assigned and bring the folder to class with you daily.
  4. All class work assignments will have specific due dates. Work submitted late will be reduced one letter grade each day. Keep all work in your folder until it is requested.
  5. Upon returning from an absence, it is imperative that you check with the teacher for lessons that have been covered. It is your responsibility to make up all class work and tests missed. If you are absent on a day an assignment is due, you must hand in the assignment the day you return to school. If you are absent when a test is given, you will be given one week in which to make it up. If you do not abide by these time frames, your grade for that particular assignment or test will be a “0”.
  6. If a cover sheet is given for an assignment, please make sure that assignment is properly labeled and the cover sheet stapled to the front.
  7. You are responsible for the station/laptop for which you are assigned. If you should notice any damage at all to the computers/desks, etc., please bring it to your teacher’s attention immediately.
  8. Gaming, MySpace, Facebook, and inappropriate sites are strictly prohibited. Students who do not abide by these rules will be written up & or have their computer privileges suspended. Computer assignments will have to be done outside of class.
  9. Student’s work will be saved on individual folders on the network. However, you may bring in a recording device to use as a backup.
  10. Absolutely no food/drinks, cell phones, or mp3/ipods are allowed in the classroom.

An Honest Grade for Honest Work:

Fraud is easily detected (just ask the CEOs of Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, or Global Crossing!). Copying or sharing other’s work is not the path to success. Students are expected to submit their original work. Those who attempt to deceive will receive a “0” which will be entered as a grade for the entire assignment sheet and appropriate actions will be taken.

Grading Policy:


Work (Class/Home)60%

Classroom cooperation/


Parent/Teacher Contact:

Parents are encouraged to check Parent Connect on a regular basis to view their child’s progress. Student’s grades are posted regularly which will provide a good indication of their progress in the course at any given time during the marking period. If you have any questions about your child’s progress, don’t hesitate to contact me at the above phone number or email address. Email messages will receive a quicker response.

------Please detach this section------------------------

I ______have read the above course requirements and expectations and understand the above syllabus.

Student Signature: ______Date:______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______

Parent/Guardian Name (Printed): ______

Parent/Guardian email address:______

Parent/Guardian Home Phone Number:______

Parent/Guardian Alternative Phone Number: ______

(Work or Cell)

Best Time to Reach You via Phone: ______