1. image /md/ noun

2. lux•ury /lkri/ noun (pl. -ies)

3. aware•ness /wens; AmE wer-/ noun iden•tity /adentti/ noun (pl. -ies)

4. loy•alty /llti/ noun (pl. -ies)

5. qual•ity /kwlti; AmE kwl-/ noun,

6. com•peti•tor /kmpett(r)/ noun [C]

7. regis•ter /redst(r)/ verb

8. re•nowned /rnand/ adj.

9. through•out /ruat/ prep.

10. choose /tuz/ verb (chose /tz; AmE toz/, chosen /tzn; AmE tozn/)

11. cen•ten•ary /sentinri; AmE -tenri/ (pl. -ies) (BrE)

12. sub•sid•iary /sbsdiri; AmE -dieri/ adj., noun adj.

13. fran•chise /fræntaz/ noun, verb

14. in•furi•ate /nfjriet; AmE -fjr-/ verb

15. com•mu•ni•ca•tion /kmjunken/ noun

16. jour•ney /d3 : ni; AmE d3rni/ noun, verb

17. rail•way /relwe/ (BrE) (AmE rail•road)

18. queue /kju/ noun, verb

19. be•hav•iour /bhevj(r)/ noun

20. crew /kru/ noun, verb

21. can•cel•la•tion /kænslen/

22. (AmE also can•cel•ation) noun

23. sched•ule /edjul; AmE skedul/

24. ques•tion•naire /kwestne(r);

25. draw /dr/ verb, noun

26. verb (drew /dru/ drawn /drn/)

27. com•mer•cial /km3l/

28. en•dorse•ment /ndsmnt/

29. cam•paign /kæmpen/

30. breath /bre/ noun

31. breathe /bri/ verb

32. ad•ver•tise•ment /dv3tsmnt;/

33. advertise / ædvrtaz-/

34. de•sign /dzan/ noun, verb

35. hire /ha(r)/ verb, noun

36. un•employ•ment /nmplmnt/ noun [U]

37. re•cruit /rkrut/ verb, noun

38. em•ploy•ee /mpli/

39. un•fair dis•missal /nfe(r) dsmsl/ noun

40. re•dun•dancy /rdndnsi/ noun (pl. -ies)

41. flexi•bil•ity /fleksblti/

42. min•imum wage /mnmm wed/ noun

43. sal•ary /sælri/ noun (pl. -ies)


45. /w3ld tred gnazen/ AmE rgnz-/

46. Trade barriers /bæri(r)/ noun

47. sub•sidy /sbsdi/ noun (pl. ies)

48. freight /fret/ noun, verb

49. de•regu•la•tion /diregjulen/

50. strategic industry /strtidk ndstri/ noun

51. dump•ing /dmp/ noun

52. ware•house /wehas/ noun

53. in•sur•ance /nrns; -r-; AmE -r-/

54. Research and Development

55. /ris3t n dvelpmnt/

56. break•through /brekru/

57. proto•type /prttap/

58. pa•tent /pætnt; BrE usually petnt/

59. in•nov•ation /nven/

60. innovative /nvetv; BrE also nvtv/

61. bene•fi•cial /benfl/

62. in•geni•ous /ndinis/ adj.

63. de•vise /dvaz/

64. SME (Small or Medium-Sized Enterprise)

65. /midim sazd entpraz;/

66. Shareholder /ehld(r);

67. Firm /f3m; AmE f3rm/

68. Board /bd; AmE brd/

69. Limited company /lmtd kmpni/

70. Liability /lablti/

71. Partnership /ptnp; AmE prtnrp/

72. Mortgage /mgd; AmE mrg-/

73. Bureaucratic /bjrkrætk/

74. Hierarchy /harki; AmE -rrki

75. loan /ln; AmE lon/

76. bor•row•ing /br; AmE bro; br-/ noun

77. prof•it•able /prftbl; AmE prf-/ adj

78. bank•rupt•cy /bækrptsi/ noun

79. cur•rency mar•ket /krnsi; mkt; / noun

80. re•ceipt /rsit/ noun

81. debt /det/ noun

82. owe /; AmE o/ verb

83. fluc•tu•ate /flktuet/ verb

84. im•prove /mpruv/ verb

85. in•crease /nkris/

86. de•cline /dklan/ noun, verb

87. specu•late /spekjulet/ verb

88. hon•esty /nsti; AmE n-/ noun

89. dis•hon•esty /dsnst i/

90. equal /ikwl/ adj., noun, verb

91. op•por•tun•ity /ptjunti;

92. dis•crim•in•ation /dskrmnen/ noun

93. trust•worthy /trstw3i;

94. brib•ery /brabri/ noun

95. mer•ger /m3d(r)/ noun

96. re•locate /rilket/ verb

97. re•dun•dancy /rdndnsi/ noun

98. dis•miss /dsms/ verb

99. bur•eau•cracy /bjrkrsi/ noun

100. op•por•tun•ity /ptjunti/ noun

101. threat /ret/ noun

102. re•sist /rzst/ verb

103. look for•ward to /lk fwd tu: /

104. ra•tion•ale /rænl/ noun

105. rel•ish /rel/ verb, noun

106. re•source al•lo•ca•tion /rss; -zs ælken/

107. al•li•ance /lans/ noun

108. take•over /tekv(r)/

109. mer•ger /m3d(r)/ noun

110. ven•ture /vent(r)/ noun, verb

111. ac•qui•si•tion /ækwzn/ noun

112. im•ple•ment /mplment/

113. com•pete /kmpit/ verb

114. com•pe•ti•tion /kmptn; AmE km-/ noun

115. com•peti•tive /kmpettv/ adj.

116. earn /3n; AmE 3rn/ verb

117. fierce /fs; AmE frs/ adj.

118. tough /tf/ adj.,

119. in•tense /ntens/ adj

120. qual•ity /kwlti; AmE kwl-/

121. con•trol /kntrl/

122. ISO (2000 ; 9000 ; 9001)

123. inter•nation•al /ntnænl; AmE -trn-/

124. stand•ard•iza•tion, -isa•tion

125. /stænddazen; AmE -drd/

126. or•gan•iza•tion (BrE also -isa•tion)

127. ruth•less /ruls/ adj

128. pas•sion•ate /pænt/ adj.

129. cha•ris•mat•ic /kærzmætk/ adj., noun

130. obedi•ent /bidint/

131. chal•lenge /tælnd/ noun

132. thought•ful /tfl/ adj.

133. lu•na•tic /luntk/

134. power•house /pahas/

135. re•li•abil•ity /rlablti/

136. con•sist•ency /knsstnsi/

137. dur•abil•ity /djrblti/

138. moni•tor /mnt(r)/

139. fault /flt/

140. war•ranty /wrnti/

141. organization (organisation)

142. /gnazen; AmE rgnz-/

143. re•li•abil•ity /rlablti/

144. dur•abil•ity /djrblti/

145. moni•tor /mnt(r)/

146. fault /flt/

147. war•ranty /wrnti/