LHS Biology

Mr. Zahm

Computer Use Contract

Again, “common sense” – thinking – is the best rule. Think about what you are doing when using a computer. And follow the expectations below.

1.  Unfortunately, at this time, students may not use their own personal computers or other devices to connect to the district’s network or Internet services.

(When appropriate, you will be allowed to use your own devices if you have your own data plan. WARNING: IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KNOW HOW MUCH DATA YOUR DEVICE’S PLAN ALLOWS AND TO PAY FOR THAT TIME. Mr. Zahm, other teachers, other students, and the school are not responsible for your device’s data expenses/bill!)

2.  TO BEGIN using a district device: Always sign a computer out (and in) on the classroom computer “sign out” sheet, using its ID #.

3.  Always use computers appropriately, only as directed by your instructor, and only for purposes directly related to your assignment. Stay off of your personal sites and those of other students. Sights such as Facebook and entertainment sights and applications not designed for educational use in our class are not to be used.

4.  Users should understand that there is a distinct lack of confidentiality on the Internet.

5.  Avoid making copyright violations – use the computer and the internet LEGALLY!

  1. Document your sources and avoid using material without written permission of the author.

6.  Students have the responsibility to respect and protect the rights of every user in the district and on the Internet.

7.  Users are not permitted to store inappropriate materials on the network.

8.  Accessing, uploading, downloading or distributing pornographic inappropriate material is not allowed.

9.  Unauthorized or illegal downloading, installation, distribution, reproduction or use of copyrighted materials from the Internet is not allowed.

10.  Disabling or circumventing system security (e.g., virus protection, anti-spam software) is not allowed.

11.  Students may not install or use unauthorized games, applications, files or other electronic media.

12.  Carry computer with two hands at all times.

13.  Use computer on a fixed, flat surface only, such as a desk or lab table.

14.  Print only with permission of the instructor.

15.  SAVE ALL DOCUMENTS TO THE DISTRICT SERVER. (Ask how, if you don’t know.) You may use your own personal storage device (memory stick). Do not rely on documents saved directly on the computer!


  1. Allow time to save your work to the server.
  2. Return the computer to its correct port and plug it back in.
  3. Record that you returned it.

Print Student Name: ______

Student Signature: ______

Date: ______