Call for Papers on ICCMIT2018
Computer Sciences Application in the Fields of Mathematics and Algebra
Organized by:
Prof. HindaHamraoui
département de mathématiques faculté des sciences, Université Hassan II casablanca-MOROCCO
Objectives and Motivation
Computer sciences are generally based on mathematics and especially algebra. It is well known that the algebra is the study of structures and also invariants allowing to classify those structures up to isomorphism. How can the développements of algebraic tools contribute to progress computer sciences? how can pure algebra researches do advance computer sciences researches? Do the developments of computer sciences bring progress in Algebra researches?. Math is one of the foundations of computer sciences. It’salso one of the more crucial elements in computer sciences. So how ismathematicsreallyapplied in computer science? Despiteadvancedmathematics not appliedfrequently, basic mathematics, mostimportantlyalgebra, is the main ingredient for a successful computer scientist.
Many of the functions and operators in all programinglanguagesrequiresomeknowledge in mathematics. For example, theseoperatorsincludearithmetic, comparison, logical, assignment and conditionaloperators. All of the aforementionedtasksneedmathematics for them to beused and properlyapplied, specially the arithmetic and conditionaloperators. Computer sciences heavilyrely on algorithms, which the latter in turnheavily relies on mathematics. ‘Theoretical computer science’ stronglyinvolvesdiscretemathematics. Discretemathematicsisbasically the study of mathematical structures that are discreteratherthancontinuous, and sothis ‘theoretical’ branch of computer sciences involves a lot of mathematics, in the form of graphs, algorithms, computationalgeometry, quantum computation, algebra, computationalnumbertheory. In fact, the use of mathematics in computer sciences depends on the latter’sdepartment. A beginner in programmingmay not needmathematics, but as the programmer advancesthrough the level of difficulty, he / shewill have to use more advancedmathematics.
Scope and Interests
The session is able to receive articles in the followingtopics and similar-
Graph Theory
Computational Group Theory
Cryptology, CodingTheory
Paper Submission
All instructions and templates for submissioncanbefound in the ICCMIT2018 website:
The acceptedpaperswillbepublished in ISI/SCOPUS journals. Also, the best articles willbeinvited to bepublishedagainafter expansion as book chapter in IGI Book.
Important Dates
Paper abstract submission: February 15, 2018
Notification of acceptance: February 22, 2018
Final paper submission and authors camera ready: March 7, 2018
Conférence Dates: April 2-4, 2018