Computer & Business

Training Needs Analysis
Course Booking Form

Please complete this form so that we can ensure you are booked on the course that best suits your needs. All information you provide is confidential and will only be used to register you for the course and examination. If you would like to discuss your application or need advice on selecting courses, please contact the CTEC Manager or Training Manager. Thank you.

Section 1 - Contact & Personal Details:

Please complete this section in full

Telephone Number
Mobile Number
E Mail Address
Date of Birth
Medical Card Number
(if applicable)
CTEC Mailing List / CTEC contact course participants by email or text with details of future programmes and offers. We do not share your information with other organisations. If you do not wish us to add your details to our mailing list, please tick this box.

Computer & Business Courses:
Only complete this section if you applying for a place on a Computer or Business Course.

Please list the course/courses you are applying for.
Preferred Course Time(please tick) / Daytime / Evening
Your approximate typing speed is? / No typing skills 0 – 15 WPM
15 – 30 WPM More than 30 WPM
If you have already completed any certified or uncertified courses in computers or a related area, please list them here.
If you have any previous experience in working with computers or in business administration, please list this here.
What do you hope to do once you have completed this course?
Do you have special needs or requirements that would make this course more accessible to you?

Section 3 – Payment Details:

You must provide the correct name and address of the person paying course fees.

If this is a FAS supervisor or other FAS/DSFA personnel, correct name and address are essential as failure to provide these details will make you liable for the course fees.

Are you paying for this course yourself?
(please tick) / Yes(If yes, please return form with a €50 deposit.
Please make cheques payable to CTEC)
If a company or funding agency is paying for your course, please complete the following details in full. / Organisation Name
Organisation Contact Person
Organisation Address
Organisation Phone Number

Section 4 – Course Confirmation

Please sign and date this form to confirm your application.


CTEC will be in contact in due course to confirm the start date and time of your chosen course. Thank you

Community Training & Education Centre, Norse Gate House, St Peter’s Square, Wexford
