Instructor: Mrs. A. Hartry ROOM 238
The goal of this course is to provide all middle school students with an introduction to the principles of computer science, basic keyboarding skills, Internet safety and usage, computer applications and business essentials. Students will explore how personality traits and personal values align with career choices and will develop a career plan. Personal, professional, and ethical standards of behavior for the workplace will be examined and reinforced in the classroom.
Competencies for the co-curricular student organization Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) are integral components of the performance standards. FBLA activities will be incorporated throughout instructional strategies developed for the course.
6th Grade / 7th and 8th GradeWEEKS / UNITS / WEEKS / UNITS
1 / Unit 1- Computer Fundamentals / 1 / Unit 1- Keyboarding and 21st Century Skills
2 / Unit 2- Keyboarding / 2 / Unit 2- Internet and Internet Safety
3 / Unit 3- Word Processing / 3 / Unit 3- Word Processing (MS Word)
4 / Unit 4- Internet Safety / 4 / Unit 4- Spreadsheets (MS Excel)
5 / Unit 5- Desktop Publishing / 5 / Unit 5- Database (MS Access)
6 / Unit 6- Spreadsheets / 6 / Unit 6- Multimedia/Presentation (MS PowerPoint)
7 / Unit 7- Multimedia/Presentation / 7 / Unit 7- Web Page Design
8 / Unit 8- Databases / 8 / Unit 8- Desktop Publishing (MS Publisher)
9 / Unit 9- Career Explorations / 9 / Unit 9- Career Explorations
Note: Performance Students are required to complete Unit Work in addition to completing a multimedia film for competition (PTSA Reflection, Academic One Fair, and the National Media Festival). These students will use both the MacBook and PC Computer.
CTAEMRC-1: Students will enhance reading in all curriculum areas as it relates to technology.
A minimum of four grade-level appropriate articles per semester of technology related articles will be read. As a result, students will be able to respond to a variety of articles in multiple modes of discourse, build vocabulary knowledge, and establish context. These assignments will be given as homework. Students will be expected to read, share readings, and summaries of articles in class and with a parent or guardian.
MultiSeat Networked Computer Microsoft Office Software Microsoft Office Products
MacBook Computer
Accordion Portfolio iMovie
CLASS RULES AND EXPECTATIONS· Respect yourself and others at all times.
· Arrive on time for class daily.
· Raise hand to be recognized before you speak.
· Bring all materials and supplies to class daily.
· Come prepared and ready to learn.
· Participate in class 100%.
· Complete all assignments (homework and class work).
· Use Positive language when speaking.
· Encourage each other. / CONSEQUENCES
· 1ST Offense: Verbal Warning.
· 2nd Offense: Student/Teacher Conference
· 3rd Offense: Mandatory Parent Contact
· 4th Offense: Grade Level Counselor
· 5th Offense: Referred to Administrator
Note: Serious offenses will be referred to the office immediately.
· Verbal praise, including GOOD phone calls home to parents.
· PRIZE, Free passes (exemption from a quiz, homework, etc.).
· Treats of choice (may include tangible or consumable goods).
· Free computer time.
1. Walk quietly in the room.
2. Classroom managers perform duties.
3. Look at the board and read standard, opening, and essential question (s), etc.
4. Immediately begin opening. (Use the three-part lesson everyday: opening, work period, closing).
5. If a thinking map needs to be completed, a manager will distribute it.
6. Wait for teacher directions to move into work period.
7. Constantly remind partner what standard is. Teacher will do so, too.
8. Ten minutes before the class ends, complete exit ticket and clean work area.
9. Exit ticket manager will place exit ticket in appropriate bin, and the portfolio manager will place portfolios in appropriate bin.
10. Sit quietly in desk and wait for sound of bell.
11. Exit classroom and move to next class in an orderly fashion.
8 It is very important that the computers and screens stay in good working condition. Changing the desktop, screen saver, background, etc., causes problems with the software and the speed of the computer. Therefore, your teacher is requesting that you make no changes to any settings on your computer.
8 In order to use the Internet, you must have written permission from your parent(s).
8 Since viruses are very common in large labs, a student without the expressed permission of the teacher will add no additional software. This includes games!
8 Do not eat, chew gum, or drink around the computers in this lab.
8 Cell phones should be not be seen or used while in the lab. If a cell phone is visible or heard, it will be taken and turned in to the office. A parent will need to retrieve it. Note: If an emergency phone callneeds to be made, a land line phone is available in the office.
8 Do not change any settings on the monitor.
8 Refrain from viewing any materials on the Internet that is not appropriate educational material, especially material of any sexual or vulgar nature or anything using foul language.
8 Do not print anything without my teacher’s permission.
Procedures for Computer Lab Continued:
8 GAMES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE PLAYED DURING CLASS TIME (Unless it is an gamepertaining the lesson being studied or playing a game has been reward to you for special purposes). When the Internet is not used for class purposes, you are offtask. If you are off task at any time, you will receive a “0” grade for that day’s work.
8 You not allowed to listen to any music from the Internet any time. Unless it pertains to the presentation unit being studied.
8 Before anyone can leave the room, all papers must be removed from the desk and floor. Each person is responsible for his/her desk and surrounding area. All activities will be stopped approximately five minutes before the bell rings each day so that each student will be able to put all his/her materials away.
8 After all materials have been put away and each computer logged off, everyone is to remain seated until dismissal by the teacher.
The Internet is not a toy, it’s an educational tool. Therefore, proper usage of it will be strictly enforced. Anyone caught misusing the Internet for anything other than teacher designated assignment(s) will be dealt with according to the rules outlined in the disciplinary brochure and the teacher’s rules. In addition, you will lose use of the Internet indefinitely which will cause you to lose grade points. Examples of misuse include playing games, downloading and uploading, personal emailing, going to chat-rooms and other inappropriate sites, and listening to music.
Grading PolicyClasswork / 20%
Projects / 20%
Class Participation / 10%
Homework / 10%
Weekly Assessments/Tests/Quizzes / 15%
Final Exam / 15%
Grading Scale
A / 100-90
B / 89-80
C / 79-70
F / 69 and below
Students are required to keep an organized portfolio. The portfolios will contain examples of work and reflections. The portfolio will be electronic.
Students are expected to complete and return by the next class period. The homework assigned will neverinvolve material that is not accessible to you.
Each student is expected to complete all assignments in the allotted time. Late assignments are penalized, minus (11) points, each day the assignment is late.
If a student is absent for any reason, he/she is responsible for any work missed. Students will have two days to make up work due to an excused absence. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO FIND OUT WHAT MAKEUP WORK IS TO BE DONE. If make-up work has not been submitted to the instructor within the allotted number of days as outlined above, a zero grade will be recorded for each assignment. Due dates will not be altered. Make-up work may be completed during tutorial time on Wednesdays from 3:45 p.m.-4:45 p.m.
Tests will be announced in advance. If you are absent the day before the test, you will be expected to take the test on the announced day. If you are absent on the day of the test, you will be expected to take the make-up test during class or after during the next Wednesday tutorial.
If a student turns in an assignment that receives a failing mark, the student has the opportunity to redo the assignment. The following exclusions apply: multiple-choice test and other assignments as decided at the discretion of the instructor. The student must conference with the teacher within one week after receiving the assignment. After conferencing with the instructor, the assignment will be given back to the student to redo. The assignment must be completed and returned within one week after the conference. Once the redo assignment is completed and corrected, it will be averaged with the original grade. It is the student’s responsibility to take advantage of the redo policy. At the end of 2 weeks, students will no longer have the option to redo assignments.
Extra credit work will be given periodically at the instructor’s discretion. Extra credit will is given only after the regular credit work is completed.
The technology computer lab will be open from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Wednesday for makeup work, extra help, and/or practice.
You are expected to be in your assigned seat when class begins. The classroom door will be closed when instruction begins. If you are tardy, please bring a note from the office.
Detention will be held on Wednesdays during tutorial from 3:45 p.m.-4:45 p.m. You should arrive promptly and have work to complete. Failure to report to detention will result in a referral to an administrator. If you have a conflict with the date(s) assigned, please see the instructor prior to your assigned detention. This time will be used as a positive work period. Rather than used as a punishment, you will use the time for reflection, makeup, and enhancement.
Future Business Leaders of America is a nonprofit education association with a quarter million students preparing for careers in business and technology-related fields. This year will be the first year the BEST Middle School will have a charter club. Meetings will be held every other Thursday at 4:00 p.m. in Room 238. Since this is a national organization the cost to be a member is $15.00. Student will compete and attend different related field trips during the year.
You will be required to email assignments to the following addresses:
6th Grade –
7th Grade –
8th Grade –
You may contact me using one of the following: Ms. A. Hartry at 404-802-4494 or email
Acknowledgment of Receipt: By signing below, the student and parent/guardian acknowledge that they have read and understood the contents in the 2012-2013 Business & Computer Science Syllabus.
*PLEASE REMOVE THIS PAGE, SIGN AND RETURN TO Mrs. Hartry by Friday, August 24, 2012.
Student/Parent Acknowledgement
It is the expectation that the student will come to class prepared each day with homework, notebook, paper, pen/pencil. He will be ready to participate in the learning opportunities provided by the teacher. The student will obey all class rules, B.E.S.T. Academy Middle School and Atlanta Public Schools rules and procedures.
Student Name (Print)______Date______
Student Signature______Date______
Student Email______
Parent Name (Print)______Date______
Parent Signature______Date______
Parent Email______
Parent Contact #______
If there is a medical condition that should be known, please discuss below, and give any explanations.
Note: The instructor reserves the right to change or adjust any section of the course syllabus any time during the school year to more adequately meet the needs, abilities, and interests of the students.