The Compulsory Professional Development (CPD) program for all licensed real estate and business broking agents was introduced on 1 January 2007. From 1 January 2009 allsales representatives and property managers were included. The broad aims of the CPD program are to:
•increase levels of consumer protection and public confidence; and
•promote professionalism across the real estate and business broking industries.
The purpose of the CPD program is to assist participants to update their knowledge and skills in the areas of industry developments, legislative changes and work practices related to those broad aims. While elective CPD activities may cover a wide range of material, it is expected that each activity will include some core concepts contributing to consumer protection, public confidence and/or professionalism.
Further information about the CPD program is available in A guide to the compulsory professional development program for the real estate and business broking industries in Western Australia
Elective activities must be approved by the Commissioner for Consumer Protection. Trainers are invited to submit professional development activities, which meet the aims and purpose of the CPD program,for approval aselective activities. Training providers seeking approval for activities are requested to complete and submit the followingApplication for Approval of CPD Elective Activity form, together with supporting training materialfor assessment. When an activity is approved, it will be listedon the Department of Commerce website. Agents and sales representatives canthen choose the elective activities from the list that meet their training needs and provide the elective CPD points required underthe program.
Approvals are only granted until 31 December ofeach year. Training providers must seek approval forelective activities to be offered duringeach subsequent year.
To be considered for approval, activities must be relevant to atleast one of the following subjectareas listed in the Regulations:
- Agency agreements
- Auctions
- Business broking
- Business management practices
- Buyers’ agents
- Communication
- Conflict of interest and disclosure
- Customer service skills
- Disciplinary proceedings
- Law of contracts
- Managing agency risk
- Legislation regulating the carrying on of business as agent in Western Australia
- Property management
- Sale and lease of commercial property
- Sale process
- Strata management
- Trust accounting
- Understanding real estate documents
Training providers must issue participants with evidence of attendance on completion of a CPD activity and, if relevant, with evidencethat any assessment was undertaken and passed. For compliance purposes the following information must be listed on the evidence of attendance document:
- activityapproval number;
- name of training provider and registered training number if applicable;
- activitytitle;
- attendance date;
- number of CPD points for which the activity is approved;
- full name of the participant; and
- the licence or registration number of the participant.
Training providers must notify Consumer Protectionwith attendance detailsby lodging the information via theon-line electronic lodgement facilitywithin 14 days of the approved CPD course being conducted. Attendees who arrive more than half an hour late are not entitled to a certificate or CPD points.
If asubmitted activity is not approved as a CPD elective, training providers may request a review of the decision. This request should be made in writing within 14 days after notice of the decision is sent.
Elective activities need to be approved in advance of delivery. Please ensure your application for approval is submitted at least one month before the activity is scheduled to be held to allow sufficient time for processing.
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Trainers are requested to attach a completed copy of this form when submitting training material for assessment.
Please complete ALL sections
DETAILS OF TRAINERName, business address, phone number (including mobile), email address and website (if applicable)
If an organisation, please provide details of contact person.
Are you a Registered Training Organisation?
What is your registration number?
Title of activity being offered
Qualification Code or Unit of Competency Code
Date/s activity is to be offered
If the activityis to be offered on an ongoing basis i.e. more than once please state that it is ongoing for the calendar year
Duration of activity in hours (not including breaks or networking)
Relevant learning category
Refer to A guide to the compulsory professional development program for the real estate and business broking industries in Western Australia
Relevant Professional Development Subject/s
Refer to subjectslisted on page one or to the Real Estate and Business Agents (General) Regulations 1979, r. 4AA, Schedule 1A, Division 2.
List topic number only, not title(unless there is room to list both).
Activity description
Brief statement about content
Mode of delivery
Lectures, on-line learning, correspondence courses etc.
Learning outcomes/objectives and key competencies
Provide dot points summary, attaching any additional supporting material
Assessment of participants
Method and context of assessment
Form of documentation to be provided to participants as evidence of participation
Certificates, statements of attainment, record of attendance.
How will the learning outcomes of the activity:
increase levels of consumer protection?
increase public confidence in the industry?
promote professionalism in the industry?
Application for Approval of CPD Elective ActivityPage 1
All training providers will be required to notify Consumer Protection of attendance by logging attendees of their approved activity into Consumer Protection’s on-line logging systemwithin fourteen days of the approved course being conducted. All training providers of approved activities will be provided with a unique Username and Password and an electronic copy of the CPD Online System User Guide.
I/We (please print) ______(name/s of authorised officer/s)
of ______(name of organisation) hereby agree to abide by the terms and conditions set out herein.
Signature/s ______Date:______
ADMINISTRATION USE ONLYDate proposed activity assessed
Approval recommended?
Project OfficerName ......
Signature ……………………………………….
Manager Name......
Signature ……………………………………….
Date / Reasons for recommendation:
Activity approved by or on behalf of Commissioner?
Date...... / Reasons if activity not approved:
Date trainer notified of assessment outcome
Date approved activity listed on Consumer Protection’s website
Application for Approval of CPD Elective ActivityPage 1