(not usually approved for students under 13 years) / Full-time (no exemption required) /
- Ask the student for a copy of the training contract
- Advise parent/student of responsibility to return to education/training should the contract cease
- Student can be taken off the roll
- Advise QSA of cease date via electronic data transfer
Part-time (no exemption required) /
- Ask the student for a copy of the training contract
- Advise parent/student of responsibility to return to education/training should the contract cease
- If student is leaving school, take student from roll and advise QSA of cease date
School-based (no exemption or flexible arrangement required) /
- School to keep appropriate SATs records and provide support as necessary
Employment / Full-time (no exemption required) /
- Works a minimum of 25 hours per week
- If student advises not returning to school because of full-time work, advise QSA of cease date within 30 days of becoming aware
Part-time(combined with part-time education/training/other eligible option)[1] /
- Student/parent/carer are required to complete an application for exemption and provided to the school principal who will forward it on to the EDS for a decision.
- Written notification of the decision regarding the application must be sent to the young person and/or parent/carer and a copy to the school principal.
Programs involving alternative education providers / Flexible Arrangements (may be approved for a student to participate in education and training that differs from their regular educational program at a level equivalent to full-time participation in their educational program. Refer to SMS-PR-031 at
Schools may make flexible arrangements where it is in the interests of a student to involve another educational provider in delivering education or training to them. Flexible arrangements are coordinated and monitored at a school level. A student with a flexible arrangement remains enrolled at the school while an alternative educational provider delivers all orpart of the student’s educational program for the period of the arrangement. During the flexible arrangement the principal retains authority and responsibility for the student’s educational program.
Before a flexible arrangement can be made the following must occur:
- Teacher(s) must provide a written assessment of the student’s educational and other needs, the learning outcomes the arrangement is intended to achieve and the suitability of the provider of the arrangement
- A parent must give written agreement to the arrangements (this may not apply in some circumstances)where the student is a child
- The arrangements have been discussed with the student
Alteration to a student’s educational program / Alteration to a student’s educational program would apply to a student who does not attend the same hours as their peers due to illness, elite sportsperson,
young carers, pregnant and parenting parents, and students employed in the entertainment industry, acute parental illness
- For short-term (less than 2 weeks) situations where student can not attend full-time – no exemption is required. Principal to document and approve alteration
- For longer-term (more than 2 weeks) situations where the student can not attend full-time – partial exemption is required
- Any alterations should be discussed with the student and a parent – if any additional homework or assignments are set by teachers for student to complete at another site, no supervision or coaching of the student can be offered by the school during that time
- Document alteration, outlining requirements including the hours and days of student’s attendance and the educational site(s)
- Written alterations to the student’s educational program are to be kept with the student’s file
Attendance is impossible or should not be required /
- Parent/carer/student applies for full exemption
- Exemption application forwarded to EDS for consideration
- Decision whether to grant exemption made by EDS
- Written notification of the decision regarding the application must be sent to the young person and/or parent/carer and a copy to the school principal.
Relevant documentation for application for exemptionsinclude -Refer to
- application for exemption – ECP-1: Application for exemption from compulsory participation
- not granted – ECP-2: Letter not granting exemption from compulsory participation
- granting full exemption with no conditions – ECP-3: Letter granting full exemption from compulsory participation – no conditions
- granting full exemption with conditions – ECP-4: Letter granting full exemption from compulsory participation – with conditions
- granting full exemption for a lesser period of time – ECP-5: Letter granting full exemption from compulsory participation – lesser period
- granting partial exemption with no conditions – ECP-6: Letter granting partial exemption from compulsory participation – no conditions
- granting partial exemption with conditions – ECP-7: Letter granting partial exemption from compulsory participation – with conditions
- granting partial exemption for a lesser period of time – ECP-8: Letter granting partial exemption from compulsory participation – lesser period
- information brochure for parents/carers/students – ECSP-5: Info for parents/carers/students: Exemptions from compulsory schooling and compulsory participation
[1] In certain circumstances an “Educational Exemption” may be considered for part-time or unpaid employment not combined with education/training.