Comprehensive Transportation Plan Rail Data
CTP Name: Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter a date.
County: Click here to enter text. NCDOT Division #: Choose an item.
Rail Div. Contact Name: Click here to enter text. Phone: Click here to enter text. Email: Click here to enter text.
Current number of freight trains operation within study area: Click here to enter text. per Choose an item.
Current number of passenger trains operation within study area: Click here to enter text. per Choose an item.
Proposed closings of Rail Crossings Yes ☐ No ☐
Is area part of the Southeastern High Speed Rail Corridor? Yes ☐ No ☐
Is area part of a future (Amtrak) passenger rail corridor, e.g.: (Salisbury-Asheville, Charlotte-Wilmington, Raleigh/Fayetteville/Wilmington or Raleigh/Goldsboro/Wilmington)? Yes ☐ No ☐
Is area part of a future commuter rail corridor, e.g.: (TTA, Charlotte,
Winston-Salem/Greensboro)? Yes ☐ No ☐
Existing or proposed Rails-to-Trails projects: Existing Trail ☐ Proposed Trail ☐
Railroad Right-of-Way (ROW) width in feet: Click here to enter text.
If “Yes” is the answer to any of the questions above, please provide description and location/mapping, preferable in GIS format.
NC GIS Rail maps on GO!NC portal