Pond Hill School 2016 - 2017: Student
●  Goal Statement
(Including sub-goals) / To increase interpersonal relationships and facilitate mutual respect among staff and students.
●  Adult staff members will guide students in exploring various interpersonal and intrapersonal relationship topics.
●  Definition of the Need / During unstructured times such as; recess, lunch, dismissal and bus rides, students are demonstrating bullying/harassing behaviors toward one another and adults. There is a need for self-regulating behaviors to improve positive decision making towards themselves and others.
●  Measures of Current Status
●  Measures of Future Success / ●  The number of formal/informal office referrals indicates a need to address student interactions during unstructured time. Parents and students report bullying/harassing behaviors.
●  The number of formal/informal office referrals will continue to decrease. The number of bullying/harassing behaviors reported will continue to decrease.
●  Follow up student survey
●  Rationale
(How it should work and why) / This program will increase student awareness of appropriate peer/human interactions by explicitly teaching children techniques for doing so. This initiative will be infused across the curriculum.
Tasks / Who / When
Interpersonal/Intrapersonal Activities will be Organized and Presented to/by Staff / Committee / Ongoing throughout school year
●  Monthly Student Town Meeting
●  Brain Gym
●  Student/Teacher Lead initiatives for example:
o  Responsive Classroom
o  Safety Patrols- Help collect data from bus drivers
o  Student Council
o  School Spirit Days
o  Implementation of Second Step Curriculum
/ School Climate Committee/ All staff / daily morning announcements, throughout the day
Daily Morning Meeting
Create Assessments/Survey / ●  District created survey / District Climate Committee / April 2017
Collect and Analyze Data / ●  data from student survey will be compiled and analyzed
●  review bus referral forms
●  Team analyzes data ( bus conduct reports, driver data, surveys and principal’s notes as applicable)
●  Morning Arrival Team collects and records data from drivers / School Climate Committee / June 2017

Comprehensive School Climate Inventory Companion Worksheet Series. Created by the National School Climate Center (NSCC).