Questionnaire for

Diane Nettles’

Comprehensive Literacy Instruction in Today's Classrooms:

The Whole, the Parts, and the Heart

Please complete this questionnaire in its entirety, and return it to Allyn & Bacon in one of the following ways:

  • Email to:

(Save this Word document and attach it in an email message to the above address.)

  • Fax to: ATTN Krista Clark 617-848-7261
  • Mail to: ATTN Krista Clark, Allyn & Bacon, 75 Arlington St., Suite 300, Boston, MA 02116 (Print out your completed questionnaire and mail it in an envelope to above address.)

Instructor Name: Email:


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Book in use (Author / Title / Edition Number):

Enrollment (annual): Semester Course Quarter Course

Decision Date: Individual Committee

Office hours:


  1. Did you feel that the writing style would be engaging to your students? Why or why not?
  1. Did you feel that the writing level is appropriate for your students? Why or why not?


Compared to the book you are currently using, please comment on the effectiveness of the following features of Comprehensive Literacy Instruction, and how important they are to you.

The Home/School Connection:

Modified Instruction for ELL:

The Diverse Reading Classroom:

In-class lessons:

The Personal Reflection at the beginning of the chapter:

On the whole, what is your impression of Comprehensive Literacy Instruction in Today's Classrooms?

What one thing do you think Comprehensive Literacy Instruction in Today's Classrooms

does better than your current text?

Once the full text is available in October, will you consider Comprehensive Literacy Instruction in Today's Classroomsfor adoption?

Thank you very much for your feedback! To thank you for your input, all respondents will receive a complimentary copy of one of these four recent titles from our sister company, Penguin. Please select only one:

1. Lynn Truss, Eats, Shoots & Leaves

This bestseller asks us in its witty, urbane way to become punctuation vigilantes. Correct and return sloppy emails. Climb ladders at dead of night with a pot of paint to remove the redundant apostrophe in "Video's sold here."

2. Karen Joy Fowler, The Jane Austen Book Club

Marriages are tested, affairs begin, and love happens when six Californians join – over a six-month period - to discuss Jane Austen's novels. A sublime comedy of contemporary manners.

3. Patricia Cornwell, Food to Die For

Her popular character, Kay Scarpetta, loves to unwind in the kitchen. Brimming with full-color photographs and criminally good recipes is this cookbook inspired by dozens of food scenes in Kay's kitchen and favorite restaurants.

4. Daniel Johnnes,Top 200 Wines New Edition

You don't have to be a wine expert to get a good deal on a great bottle. Without stuffy, technical terms or talking down to the inexperienced wine buyer, find the basics you need to know before making your next purchase.

Like you, we love good books, and the best thing to do with a good book is to share it… however, we must limit this offer to current instructors of K-8 Reading Methods courses. Thank you for your cooperation.